Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Chalice of Love By Sonja Myriel ... And ... Your Angelic Star Gateways by Natalie Glasson ... And ... Help Mother Mary Heal The Heart Chakra of Mother Earth


Chalice of Love By Sonja Myriel

After our initiation into Divine Wisdom and Intelligence, we are preparing for a quantum leap through the POWER of the HEART this moon, which will culminate in the EASTER CELEBRATIONS world wide, commemorizing Jesus Christ's RESURRECTION.

The HEART is the KEY force of this victory, so take some time every day to FEEL and ACKNOWLEDGE this power which is the key tool for our quantum leap into the 5th dimension where duality is overcome by the realization of all life's underlying UNITY! May humanity awaken to CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS! May WE, one by one, awaken to the true POWER of LOVE!

Together we are the CHRIST Love and Light RETURNING to Earth, conquering darkness with a smile of FORGIVENESS and UNDERSTANDING, setting free those who we forgive to face DIVINE JUSTICE and LOVE and freeing our DIVINE SELF to experience DIVINE FREEDOM and unthinkable new possibilities which result from LETTING GO.

Come with me. Explore the POWER of LOVE!

We are about to open new doorways to the higher dimensions through the LOVE which we have been training to FEEL as a pulsating, tangible SOURCE of POWER this moon. Can you tune in to your powerful HEART now any time you wish? Well done, well done!

Then it's time to UNITE our efforts to fill the CUP of LOVE and form the CHALICE of LOVE together as ONE at the exact time of the Full Moon on April 19, UTC 11:12 am, by extending our connection time to one hour and a half in which we first invoke the Violet Light as usual. In the next step we all TUNE in to our HEART's POWER and fill up to the very brim each and every cell of our bodies with the LOVE LIGHT of our Father Mother God!

When we ARE the LOVE of the ONE, we open up our HEART CONNECTION to Mother Earth and we send her our LOVE and COMPASSION, which opens the doors to the Halls of Amenti where we can rewrite our history, present and future ... but before we enter there, we UNIFY in LOVE! ... we BATHE in the highest frequencies of LOVE ever evoked on this Planet, as it will be the first time that we INTEND our HEARTS' POWER to UNITE, forming an invincible force-field of love where ALL strive for the better version of themselves ... and, finally!, succeed!

Let us create a FORCEFIELD of LOVE bathed in the Violet Light of the New Era of Transfiguring Divine Intervention! Let us FILL the CUP of LOVE which has stood EMPTY and nearly forgotten by all of humanity .... until this day!

And from this Easter Full Moon onwards, let us UNITE on every FULL AND NEW MOON to render the same service to Mother Earth and Humanity, INVOKING the FLAME and LIGHT of LOVE to FILL the CUP of LOVE, to set into motion the Divine Chalice of Love which shall provide us all with WHATEVER IT IS that we need in order to prosper and BREAK FREE from the pain inflicted on humanity through its ALIENTATION from SELF, from SOURCE, from the LOVE and NOURISHMENT of the Goddess!

In our HEART we meet each day during connection times. Now it's time to BALANCE BODY, SOUL and MIND, our upper and lower chakras, through the forcefield of the HEART. It is quintessential to enter this field of UNIFICATION now to continue and be able to finish our lightbody integration. Let us LEAP together at the Easter Full Moon, dear lightgrid family, let us leap into the quantum field of LOVE's POTENTIAL!

May LOVE and LIGHT and POWER shower all life on this planet to be REBORN in the LIGHT of LOVE!

The exact time of the full moon is:

April 19, 2019 @ 3:13 AM PST
March 19, 2019 @ 11:13 AM GMT
(Add one hour if your area has daylight savings time)

May we PROSPER and BREAK FREE from the bonds of SLAVERY!

Once and for ALL ...

See you in the ETHERS, beloved friends and family -

Together we FLY,


You KNOW what to do.

LOVE is the CURRENCY which will FREE us ALL.

The times of the Full and the New Moon are our Meeting point in TIME,

The Intention of EMPOWERING LOVE on this planet is our meeting point in terms of DIMENSIONS.

OUR GUIDES are with us.

Listen ... fulFILL the PLAN!

And, magically orchestrated,

we shall ALL BREAK FREE from the frequency of separation and the ILLUSION of FEAR

... as ONE ...

one day of these!

We OFFER the FREQUENCY of the LOVE of our HEART to the PLANET and its PEOPLE in the KNOWING that we are ETERNALLY SUTAINED by our Father-Mother God!


The more that we give the more we receive ...

So it was, so it IS and so it will always BE!

Let us implement what we have LEARNT now in our daily lives -


It helps enormously that when we start writing down what we learn in our dreams, meditations and visions, we realize that OUR story does not sound so very different from stories of OHTER people who we know, admire or have come to learn from.

Write down your dreams - and ACT on them!

And I, for NOW, I AM dreaming BIG!

I AM DREAMING the WORLD FREE through the LOVE that WE ARE!

So BE it - and so it IS!

Sonja Myriel

Video - "Living on Light Transmission: Expanding Your Capacity for Absorbing Prana" By Steve Nobel

Your Angelic Star Gateways by Archangel Michael

Via Natalie Glasson

I, Archangel Michael extend to you now greetings & Love. I wish to make you aware of the angelic energies present within your being especially within your auric field, known as your Angelic Body. Your Angelic Body holds sacred vibrations of the Angelic Kingdom and allows you to connect and bring forth the qualities of the Angels into your being, reality and spiritual growth.

Angelic Star Gateways exist within your Angelic body which is a level and dimension of your auric field. Angelic Star Gateways can lie dormant until activated.

It is not appropriate to activate all Angelic Star Gateways within your Angelic body unless guided to, although through the activation of some of your Angelic Star Gateways you can create a larger Angelic Star Gateway akin to a portal or opening within your being which activates all your Angelic Star Gateways and aligns you to the dimensions of the Angelic Kingdom.

Through the activation of some of the smaller Angelic Star Gateways you can access numerous angelic qualities, guidance, healing and much wisdom which you can bring into embodiment and expression throughout your entire being and reality. In order to activate an Angelic Star Gateway there is first a need to connect with your Angelic body, becoming familiar with its energy vibration and influence upon your being.

Angelic Star Gateways hold the pure and selfless loving vibration of the Angelic Kingdom, only high vibrational light can be accessed through your Angelic Star Gateways within your auric field and from the dimensions of the Angelic Kingdom.

These gateways can also act as a short cut or a focused connection to the Angelic Dimensions so you may access the Angelic Dimensions and bathe in their light with greater ease. Angelic Star Gateways can accelerate integration of the higher dimensions of the Creator’s Universe with your embodiment upon the Earth.

Accessing and Experiencing Your Angelic Star Gateways

I, Archangel Michael, invite you to connect with your soul, allowing your attention and awareness to rest within the presence and light of your soul. It doesn’t matter if you do not know where your soul resides within your being or body, your intention will allow for a connection to be made.

Ask your soul to bring your awareness to your Angelic Body which exists within the dimensions of your auric field. Every person has an Angelic Body, it doesn’t mean that you are an Angel, it is simply a manifestation of your connection with the Angelic kingdom and all that is the Creator. Ask your soul to activate your Angelic Body so you may experience and accept its presence within your being.

I, Archangel Michael and the Angelic Kingdom, will send light into your entire being, focusing specifically into your Angelic Body which is akin to a light body filled with angelic frequencies and vibrations.

Allow yourself to focus upon receiving our angelic light and expanding the light and presence of your Angelic Body.  When you feel ready simply say out loud, ‘I am aligned with my Angelic body. My Angelic body pours its light vibrations into my entire being now, I connect with and comprehend my Angelic body easily.’

The more light we anchor into your Angelic body and the more you focus upon your Angelic body emanating and activating, you will become aware of your Angelic Star Gateways.

Video - "Your Angelic Star Gateways By AA Michael" -

You may see, sense or acknowledge an Angelic Star Gateway opening akin to a portal. Simply observe the gateway being present with it for as long as feels appropriate. When you feel ready you can allow yourself to move through the Angelic Star Gateway.

You may or may not be then made aware of a larger Angelic Star Gateway which is the main gateway that aligns you to and supports you in connecting with the Angelic Dimensions. When you feel ready allow yourself to move through the heart of this larger Angelic Star Gateway and you will enter into the heart Angelic Dimensions.

If you do not become aware of a larger Angelic Star Gateway, simply know the smaller Angelic Gateway will take you to a dimension of the Angelic Kingdom where the appropriate angelic qualities are available to you. The larger Angelic Star Gateway will direct you to the core and heart of the Angelic Kingdom and Dimension.

The Angelic Dimensions are represented by the Archangels, as each Archangel holds the space of an Angelic Dimension and the angels fill the dimensions. There are 352 levels or dimensions of the Angelic Kingdom.

The Angelic Dimensions run alongside the Mahatma energies and dimensions as well as the dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. There are more than 352 Archangel in existence within the Universe of the Creator, so some Angelic Dimensions are overseen by many Archangels.

Exploring and Working with your Angelic Star Gateways

After taking time to explore and connect with your Angelic body and maybe one or two Angelic Star Gateways. You may wish to sit in meditation or quiet time and call forth my energies, Archangel Michael, as well as your community of Angelic beings and your soul to be present with you.

As you connect with all who are present with you, ask the below questions out loud one by one, waiting to receive any guidance or inspiration after each. If information or an awareness flows, then you may wish to document it. If you do not receive any insights, know the questions have been asked and the answers will dawn within your awareness with divine timing.  

How many Angelic Star Gateways require to be activated to support my spiritual evolution, as well as embodiment and expression of the Angelic Kingdom and Dimensions?

Will activating the required amount of Angelic Star Gateways activate all my Angelic Star Gateways and the larger Angelic Star Gateway?

What benefits such as enlightenment, light templates, angelic qualities and so forth, will I gain from connecting with my Angelic body and Angelic Star Gateways?

Which Archangel/s or Angel Guide/s are overseeing the activation of my Angelic Star Gateways and supporting my connection with the Angelic Dimensions?

How many times a week is it advisable for me to connect with my Angelic Star Gateways? And for how many weeks until I embody the Angelic Dimensions and allow myself to be an expression of the sacred angelic qualities?

How will connecting with my Angelic Star Gateways support my spiritual growth and the healing of my entire being?

Take time to contemplate these questions and any others that you may have. Exploring your Angelic body and Angelic Star Gateways will boost your light quotient, awaken and deepen your connection with the Angelic Kingdom as well as your awareness of self as a divine sacred being of light.

The more Angelic frequencies you anchor into your physical being, the more the Angelic energies will be present upon and within the Earth, supporting the ascension of all and Mother Earth.

I am present to support you eternally,

Archangel Michael

More Archangel Michael -

Free audio download of Natalie's message -

Video - "Full Moon Angel Card Reading For The Week of April 14-20" -

Help Mother Mary Heal The Heart Chakra of Mother Earth By Natalie Glasson

It is with love that I bless the land you walk upon, blessings your sacred form and expression of life in support for your enactment of the Creator on the Earth. I am Mother Earth and I share with you now through the consciousness of my heart chakra. I am connecting with you from my heart chakra directly to your heart chakra to share and convey in a loving and truthful way born from pure unconditional love for and from the Creator.

I first wish to express my deepest of love and gratitude to each light worker upon the Earth for opening your hearts to the Creator, yourself and the Earth in a more profound way in the past few months. I am here to mirror your beauty. Upon the 8th OF March 2013, the Goddess vibration was anchored into the new era and phase of ascension on the Earth.

The Goddess vibration has been and will continue to be anchored into all aspects of the Earth and its chakra places but it was upon this day that the light beings of the inner planes and some guided light beings of the Earth connected as one gathering to assist with the anchoring of a new Goddess vibration into the heart chakra of my being.

At this time on the Earth there is a most beautiful process of renewal and regeneration occurring. Imagine your own heart chakra being surrounded by 22,200 Goddess vibrations, beings and qualities and thousands of Golden Angels, you can recognize the beauty of this experience so allow yourself to experience the bliss.

In your own sacred space and time you can call forth these sacred beings to encircle you, aligning your own heart to the Goddess vibration for further heart chakra awakening, healing and shifting. As I have you also have the divine right to experience such beautiful regeneration. It was then that the consciousness of many sacred souls who are keepers and guardians of the Goddess vibration and consciousness transmitted their truth and all that was needed into the Tor and my heart chakra for further awakening and realization of the Goddess vibration.

The soul who incarnated as Mother Mary on the Earth became almost fully present on the Earth, her energy was transmitted so profoundly into the Earth, the Tor and the heart chakra of my being that she became as anchored and present as she can be without a physical body. Not for such a long time have I felt the caressing and comforting energy of Mother Mary so closely connected with my being. I honor and love the gentle vibration that each of you share with my vibration as souls on the Earth. I have worked and connected so closely with Mother Mary as she has been in service on the inner planes healing and safe guarding my energy.

To feel her vibration so close to my physical form, was divinely beautiful for me. As Mother Earth I am working with many Masters and light beings and in many ways like you, I have a longing to be as one with the Creator, this is our driving force that supports our devotion to our mission and constant need to discover and express our truth.

Mother Mary became as manifested as possible within the body of Torhannah, a previous aspect of herself still existing within the foundations of the Tor but she also manifested within the center of my heart, ready and willing to be received as an aspect of the Creator's love by all. With your permission, Mother Mary now reawakens and activates the DNA of all to the vibration of unconditional love.

The awakening of unconditional love within the DNA of humanity will occur many times in many different forms across the world as you now consciously rejuvenate your entire being to manifest as your sacred divine self and prepare your physical body for the greater acceptance of your Creator self in a fully manifested state of existence on the Earth.

In these times of integration, oneness and merging of energies it is always important to remember that you may leave behind unneeded aspects of yourself in order to receive and realize new aspects of yourself, this is the process of regeneration and it is what is occurring in this phase of ascension on the Earth. You may in meditation, call upon my energies to channel into your being the energies of the 8th March 2013 in order to further awaken your being. It is with love and gratitude that I share my communication

To read a complete description & transmission of Mother Mary's message, please visit

To see Part 1 of this video, please visit:

Video is channeled by Natalie Glasson 

Transcription By Steven Hutchinson

Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, Peace, Joy, & Abundance to All of You,


Video - "Help Mother Mary Heal The Heart Chakra of Mother Earth - Part 2 - By Natalie Glasson -

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