Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I see this every now and then These rainbow Spots, This one is getting bigger and bigger every time i see it. Also it is getting more clearer then before. I wonder if these Rainbow Spots have something to do with the New Earth Sky coming in or the old Holographic sky of the holographic world is lifting and more and more are seeing these colors in the skys. I've heard about the beams of lights in the skys as well.

I've read in some article that these might be a portal for ufo's but i don't believe so. It has to do something with this Holo deck we are all on that is changing and unveiling This is what i think it is.
Know one seems to know about these Rainbow spots. If they are just rainbows then why are they shaped differently than a normal rainbow and where are the rain clouds?

If anyone seen these before or ever heard of them let me know.

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If you are talking about the small rainbow-like spot in the middle of your picture:

What you are seeing is the setting sun reflecting off cloud vapor. The light refracts through the water in the medium level cloud you have captured on camera, and therefore all light perceived through this cloud 'filter' will reach your eye refracted and appear as a rainbow.

It's quite beautiful, and it's a shame that people are only now starting to discover the beauty of our skies, but I can assure you it is neither new nor unusual.

But please keep looking. Our skies can be so very beautiful, and a source of inspiration.
wow cool. i did actually see a video about this recently, there happening all over. search rainbow cloud on youtube.
I dont think anyone know for sure what these are yet. i kinda think it could be related to chemtrails and HAARP. I saw a video of these appearing 30mins before the china earth quake last year...
Ullan Thank you, It might be what your talking about, but what's unusual about it is that It's in the same spot as all the other times i've seen it and It's grown bigger, you can't tell since you weren't there but it s much more brighter, bigger and clearer than what the picture shows.

I can say that the sky was just incredible today
If it is in the same spot as all the other times, then it cannot be the sun's reflection on a conveniently positioned cloud ;)

By all means, keep your eyes on the sky and this phenomenon, you may consider me to be intrigued now.

Aaron said:
Ullan Thank you, It might be what your talking about, but what's unusual about it is that It's in the same spot as all the other times i've seen it and It's grown bigger, you can't tell since you weren't there but it s much more brighter, bigger and clearer than what the picture shows.

I can say that the sky was just incredible today
This looks like a sun dog, which is refracted sunlight passing through a thin cloud. It sometimes indicates a change in the weather. That is my opinion, but, sundogs are still beautiful rainbows!
Love, peace and light,
Thank you Marie, It was much more beautiful in person. The sky here is just been incredible last summer and this year now. I believe the Sun is getting more Brighter that's why we are seeing alot of unusual things in the sky other than ufo's.
I have more pics of these but i would have to dig them up on my desktop. So i'll post more photos when i can.

Marie said:
This looks like a sun dog, which is refracted sunlight passing through a thin cloud. It sometimes indicates a change in the weather. That is my opinion, but, sundogs are still beautiful rainbows!
Love, peace and light,

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