Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I would prefer to make the choice to listen to something as I open the main page as opposed to having all manner of things begin to blare at me and then going through the motions of turning it all off. I ask that autoplay be turned off on these items... please!

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exactly Dana, what was bothering me from the past 2 hrs ..
I third this suggestion, it is rather annoying. I tend to open my browser and open 4 or 5 things at once and then get to them one by one. I keep hearing sound and then I have to work out where it is coming from, most annoying!
me to ,me to please !!!
i thought my spirit guides suddenly had an audible voice
then i realised it was just SoE....
I think choice is always a good thing!
the tv is pretty annoying I have to say!
I agree with Dana and you all......
No autoplay on the main page...please...!!!!
every time i get on soe, it scare the shit out me
Thanks Brad :) appreciate it...

Brad Johnson said:
soe tv now has autoplay turned off.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

thanks, it's much better now ...

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