Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements By Anrita Melchizedek ... And ... My Light Conception For Peace On Earth By Steven Hutchinson

Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements By Anrita Melchizedek
Welcome sweet ones, we are delighted to offer you these beautiful Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements, an invitation from the Golden Dolphins and Whales on Sirius B, who carry the energetic signature of Divine Unconditional Love which they emit through their energy field and sonic vibrations as they anchor and activate their Light frequency through the crystalline grids, through the oceans of Mother Earth and within and around the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.
These beautiful Beings stepped down their vibration prior to the duality experiment on this earth plane to embed the key codes of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness, along with many of the Master Beings of Light from On High. And now, in this Golden Age of Light, as you collectively merge timelines ~ from the karmic timelines into the Christed timelines through the integration of your Beloved I Am Presence and multi-dimensional selves in coming Home, in coming fully back into your bodies, you are being offered an opportunity to recode these crystalline frequencies, the Omm Wave Resonance of Divine Unconditional Love, more deeply upon this sacred earth for yourselves and for all humanity, through linking to the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods.
The Dolphins and Whales are Master Healers and Teachers and Keepers of Light upon this sacred earth. They are highly evolved omni-dimensional Beings assisting you to come into a deeper level of remembrance of the One Unified Heart of All Creation and with this, the Knowing of your own Divinity. The Angelic Golden Dolphins and Whales work closely too with many of the Christed Extra-Terrestrial Councils, and in particular, the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light; and it is with these Star Councils Overlighting sweet ones, you will experience three Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale attunements, ending in a Sirian Stargate of the Heart activation.
So just get yourselves comfortably relaxed now as you move into this transmission of Light. Wherever you are in your sacred space now, start to breathe deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breath out, and just      having a sense of how your body feels in this moment ~ of how you feel ~ just bringing your energy in, focusing on the heart chakra now, as you experience this beautiful Diamond, Golden and White Flame of Divine Love activate within the heart chakra. And you take this beautiful Diamond, Golden and White Flame of Divine Love into each one of the chakras now, spinning the chakras in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction respectively, to find balance in this Now, to let go of what was and what is to come, to simply Be in this Now, to receive these beautiful gifts and to connect to one another in Divine Love and Unity Consciousness.
And as you feel this connection now to one another, as the Light workers and star seeded ones, you connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, having a sense of this connection to the star seeded ones and the Lightworkers, to your soul and star family and friends of the Light. And you have sense, too, of all those listening with you at this time, in this Now, and all those connecting through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light into this Unified Cosmic Heart of Divine Love.
And now, sweet ones, you have a sense of the Dolphins and the Whales, these beautiful Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods, as they start to connect into the crystalline matrix, into the crystalline grids around Mother Earth and through her oceans, and to the nodule points that hold particular resonance of the crystalline vibration of Divine Love ~ this Omm Wave Resonance of Divine Unconditional Love. And as you connect deeper into the Unity Grid, and now into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, you just feel her Love as she sends you her Love back up your grounding cord into your body and energy field. And as your energy field expands even further now, sweet ones, you deepen into the I AM Avatar Blueprint, to your Light Bodies, merging now with your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
Wonderful sweet ones. You now come into a deeper sense of your own radiance, your own magnificence, your own Divinity, as these precious sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as these Masters Beings of Light. For you are here, on this earth plane, to be of service to Mother Earth and all her life. You have down stepped your vibration, you have moved onto this plane of polarity and duality for the experience of it, so that you can create the Pathways of Divine Love for yourselves and others; through these unique experiences, and through clearing the collective karmic of humanity, while moving through the full range of human emotions. Good sweet ones. And now there is the knowing of your magnificence and Light as you return home, fully present in your body, in your Temple of Light.
You now call in now the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, the Mighty Elohim, the Archangels and their Divine Feminine counterparts, the Ray Masters, the Ascended Masters, Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence. As you link deeper now with the etheric Dolphins and Whales you have a sense too of Nature Spirit Intelligence, sweet ones. Connecting to the gnomes and the goblins and the fairies and the elves and the salamanders, the undines and nymphs. And now, calling in your Master Guides and your Guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge.
Wonderful sweet ones. From this center of ever-present Love, you connect into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, feeling yourselves as Divine Love, ever expanding in this infinite energy, in these swirlings of Divine Love. Good sweet ones. As you connect to this Ocean of Divine Love and now, in to the energy of Mother Earth, you bring a focus now sweet ones, to this first attunement, the Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Multi-dimensional Merging Attunement.
This attunement activates the occipital lobe found at the base and back of the head. The occipital lobe regulates the flow of information from the higher dimensions and your multi-dimensional Selves. So you start to experience a greater sense of your multi-dimensionality and the many parallel realities in which you simultaneously exist as you draw to you the future timelines of Unity Consciousness. For it is through the infinite and eternal Now, sweet ones, that you experience the merging of your multi-dimensional Selves. You are comfortably relaxed within your sacred space as you now experience this attunement and invocation.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Multi-dimensional
Merging Attunement
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
and the many Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
the Highest Light that I Am,
within the Cosmic Heart of God.
I now find myself in a multi-dimensional Chamber of Light,
brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light,
the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light,
and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.
I now call upon the Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods
to assist in activating the occipital lobe found at the base and back of the head,
also known as my Ascension Chakra and the Mouth of God,
so I may connect through my Beloved I Am Presence
and the Christed Timelines,
to all dimensions of Light,
on which all aspects of my Consciousness exists,
as these multi-dimensional Master Beings of Light.
As I now experience the energy of the
Golden Dolphins and Whales,
their sonic vibrations and crystalline matrices of Light,
the occipital lobe expands,
and a Stargate Portal of Light activates,
taking me into the Christed Timelines.
I now merge with my multi-dimensional Selves from
sister dimensions, different planets and stars,
physical and non-physical universes,
merging into the infinite eternal Now moment,
in Conscious Awareness of All That I Am,
within the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
I now draw to me my future timelines,
to experience being fully integrated and home in this Now,
within my physical body,
and upon this sacred earth.
I now experience my full magnificence and Light,
as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
looking through my Master Eyes
 at all of Life around me.
Integrated, centered, aligned, connected and in full
appreciation of my multi-dimensionality,
infinite Beingness and unlimited Potentiality,
grounded and centered within my Temple of Light.
I Am All That I Am
I now experience the Omm-Wave Resonance of
Divine Unconditional Love
for myself and for all Humanity
through linking to the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods.
Wonderful, sweet ones. You have a sense of this deep unconditional love as you link into the Unity Grid of Divine Love; to the Light Workers and the star seeded ones, to all the Beings of Light from on High, and to the etheric Golden Dolphins and Whales. And with these etheric Pods you experience this Omm-Wave Resonance, anchoring it throughout the hearts and minds of all humanity.
֍◊֎◊֍ Ommmmmmmmmmmmm Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm ֍◊֎◊֎
Good sweet ones. And now you experience the Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Illumination Attunement. This attunement links to the pineal gland to activate the third eye and vision center through insight, understanding, compassion, wisdom and illumination; giving you greater clarity as to where you are in this Now, and what you are still integrating or choosing in your unique experiences.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Illumination Attunement
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
and the many Beings of Light from On High
 that I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
experiencing my Self in my full magnificence and Light.
I now find myself in an Illuminations Chamber of Light,
brought in by the Pleiadians Emissaries of the Light,
the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light,
and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.
I now bring my focus to a Portal of Light found just above
my crown chakra,
connecting me to the Sun and Solar Core,
and the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta,
our Solar Logii and God Parents for this Solar System.
Initially now, as I focus on the Sun above the crown chakra,
I experience myself wrapped in these beautiful
Copper-gold and Pink-gold Flames of Solar Service,
lifting me into the Solar Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love,
the New Earth templates, and now,
the Sacred Cosmic Fire of Illumination.
I now call upon the Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods
to assist in activating the pineal gland and third eye,
to remove the Veils of Illusion,
to allow me the knowing that I am completely Divine,
and having walked the karmic timelines,
and experienced pre-birth agreements,
was so that I could assist in clearing the collective karma for humanity,
as well as my family, ancestrally and at a cellular level.
Coming into my body now, with greater clarity of where I Am in this Now,
and what I am still choosing to work with,
to integrate or to re-experience,
in the knowing of myself as Divine,
requires only surrender to All That Is.
And now, as the pineal gland and third eye activate
 to the maximum Cosmic Law can allow
in receiving the Light rays of Creation,
and the sonic vibrations and crystalline frequencies of
the Golden Dolphins and Whales,
I see clearly now in insight, understanding,
compassion, and wisdom.
All Pathways before me are Pathways of Divine Love,
The karmic timelines and the Christed Timelines
merge in this Now,
as I lift my Mind into the Mind of God.
I co-create my Heaven on Earth as part of the
I Am Avatar Race,
in harmony and peace,
with Mother Earth and all her Life.
I forgive and Love,
as I experience my full range of emotions,
supported by Life, in full trust and surrender,
acceptance and knowing,
I Am All That I Am.
I now experience the Omm-Wave Resonance of Divine Unconditional Love
for myself and for all Humanity,
through linking to the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods,
and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
֍◊֎◊֍ Ommmmmmmmmmmmm Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm ֍◊֎◊֎
Good sweet ones. You are now ready to experience the Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Sacred Geometry Attunement. This attunement connects through your Higher Self of the Light, to re-birth the original Patterns of Perfection in the form of sacred geometries within the body and energy fields, additionally assisting in activating the dormant DNA.
Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Sacred Geometry Attunement
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High
that I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
experiencing my Self
within the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
I now find myself in a Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light
this multi-colored Laser Light Grid,
brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light,
the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light,
and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.
I now connect to my Higher Self of the Light,
merging now with this Matrix of Twelve Soul Rays
of which I am one,
my Soul Family of the Light.
I experience this wonderful telepathic communication,
this deep Love and reconnection to
my Soul Family of the Light,
drawing these Souls into my reality,
in this timeline and in this Now.
I call upon the Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods
to re-birth the original Patterns of Perfection
in the form of sacred geometries
within my body and energy field,
so I may experience being re-birthed as my
Highest Self of the Light,
In this Golden Age of Light,
fully centered and aligned to the Divine.
As I experience these sacred geometries, fractal geometries,
and sound and color frequencies,
through the sonic, celestial and crystalline signatures
of the etheric Dolphins and Whales,
I further activate the dormant DNA into the
remembrance and Knowing that I Am already my
Higher Self of the Light,
consciousness experiencing myself in physicality.
I am re-birthed as my Higher Self of the Light.
All the karmic lessons, all the pain, loss, heartache,
disillusionment and perceived separation,
are embraced in this Ocean of Divine Love,
and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God,
knowing each imprinting of not being seen or heard,
 offered me the opportunity to Love myself more.
I now align into my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint,
aligning my will with the Will of the Divine,
in full remembrance of my Service work
to this sacred earth and the lower dimensions.
As this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
as this Master Being of Light.
I experience the sonic dimension of the universe,
as loving and healing.
I am Love,
I am Light,
I am Joy,
I Am All That I AM
I now experience the Omm-Wave Resonance
of Divine Unconditional Love for myself and for all Humanity,
through linking to the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale Pods
and through linking into the
Crystalline Grid of Divine Love,
this 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.
֍◊֎◊֍ Ommmmmmmmmmmmm Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm ֍◊֎◊֎
Wonderful, sweet ones. You are ever expanding in this Ocean of Divine Love, as you experience this Omm-Wave Resonance of Divine Unconditional Love, taking it into those areas and those countries that you know need this Love. Start with your own countries, and your own locations, for where you are geographically is where you anchor your Light, sweet ones ~ it is where you affect and create change within your lives and within the One Reality of All That Is. And from here you move to particular areas that you know are being called upon to assist through your Beloved I Am Presence and the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.
֍◊֎◊֍ Ommmmmmmmmmmmm Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm ֍◊֎◊֎
Wonderful sweet ones.  You are now ready to experience the Sirian Stargate of the Heart.Comfortably relaxed as you bring your focus to your Christed Hearts, you activate the Petal of your Peaceful Heart, your Loving Heart, your Healing Heart, your Joyful and Happy Heart, your Innocent and Open Heart, your Powerful Heart, your Knowing Heart, your Overflowing and Prosperous Heart, your Trusting Heart, your Heart of Integrity and Truth, your Intimate Heart and now into your Passionate Heart.  Good.  
And now, you visualize this beautiful Diamond Sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter around you and within this the Fruit of Life and all related geometries of Metatron's Cube as they now activate in this holographic expression within the heart, as you now state:
I call upon the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light
 to activate mySirian Stargate of the Heart.
I am ready to experience my highest potential and
the next level of my Soul's blossoming, magnificence and Light.
I am ready to experience the merging timelines of all Golden Ages of Light.
I am ready to experience my multidimensional Selves,
my Higher Self and Beloved I Am Presence,
my future Self and all aspects of myself needing to be embraced within my Christed Heart.
I deepen into the Knowing that I Am Whole within my Body of Light
releasing all levels of victim and persecutor consciousness,
and Loving All That Arises.
And So It Is.
Good sweet ones. You now bring a focus to a portal of Light, the Sirian Portal, found 2.4 feet above the crown chakra. As this portal activates, you are now surrounded in this beautiful silver-gold sphere of Light 10.8 feet in diameter around you. You now experience a toroidal field of Light emanating from and pouring into your Christed Heart sweet ones as you start to experience the Stargate of the Heart, of Divine, unconditional Love and the Ascension Codes of Galactic Christ Consciousness.
This donut shape torus field now activates within this silver-gold sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around you. It now folds in upon itself as all points along its surface converge together into a zero-dimensional point within your Christed Heart. And now sweet ones, you see two spinning vortices activate and converge within the heart chakra in a vertical alignment. The top vortex now spins in a clockwise direction from the heart chakra towards this Galactic portal, aligning you deeper into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. The bottom vortex initially spins in a counter-clockwise direction into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, grounding you as you focus on what you need to release to Love all that arises. And now, sweet ones, you have a sense of these two vortices starting to activate into a funnel shape through the Christed Heart. Wonderful.
You now bring a focus to the shape of the star tetrahedron within the heart chakra to activate your Merkaba Field of Light. This star tetrahedron now expands from the heart chakra into this beautiful silver gold sphere of Light 10.8 feet in diameter around you as you now state:
"As I align my will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God,
I bring a focus to the Golden Fruit of Life that expands from within my Christed Heart,
to this beautiful Golden Fruit of Life sphere 54 feet in diameter around me.
And now within this,
 I again visualize this beautiful silver-gold sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around my Self.
I now visualize three super-imposed star tetrahedrons
within this silver-gold Sphere of Light,
all the exact same size, superimposed over one another.
I now spin my emotional body star tetrahedron in a clockwise direction
within this Golden Fruit of Life,
at the same time spinning the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter clockwise direction within this Golden Fruit of Life,
as I recite the following Fibonacci ratios and God Speeds of Light:
8/5, 11 times God speed to infinity,
13/8, 22 times God speed to infinity,
21/13, 33 times God speed to infinity,
34/21, 44 times God speed to infinity.
And now, my Light Body/Merkaba Field is activated
 to the speed of the fifth and sixth dimensions,
to the new Earth Templates of Divine Love
and the Sirian Stargate of the Heart.
Bringing me home into my physical body,
and the merging and integration with my Beloved I Am Presence,
Higher Self, soul and star family and friends of the Light."
Good sweet ones. Lastly now, you bring a focus to the preservation of the dolphins and whales, touching the hearts and minds of all those wishing these beautiful sentient Beings harm ~ bringing this collective unified force field of Divine Unconditional Love to the hearts and minds of all humanity. And now, you touch the hearts and minds of all those ready to experience the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, as One Unified Field of Light, deepening and connecting to the many Legions of Light from On High, and the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.
You are doing well, sweet ones, you are doing so very well. Trust in this, trust in your gifts, trust in life. You come back now into your sacred space, grounding into the crystalline matrix and crystal heart of Mother Earth, feeling her Love as she sends you her Love back up your grounding cord into your body and energy field. You are deeply relaxed. You are home, within your physical body, and you have a sense of these beautiful Beings, all these Beings of Light from On High, these etheric Golden Dolphins and Whales, your soul and star family and friends, your soul councils, and your earthly family and friends; you are all embraced in this ocean of Divine Love.
We thank you, sweet ones, for your service work, we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Video Credits
Dolphin Artwork by Tamara Tavernier (Aka Rainbow)
Music by Michael Hammer 
Transcribe edited by Eadie Miller 
Our Latest YouTube Video
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My precious friends and family, most of you are familiar with the beautiful transmissions and channelings that I have co-created with the Company of Heaven for over twenty years now. Through my Beloved I Am Presence and connection to the Star Councils and the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians in particular, the Order of Melchizedek, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters and the Sisterhood of the Rose, I/we have experienced incredible downloads, clearings, activations and integration techniques in the knowing of ourselves as these sacred Flames of Divinity embracing the Path of Divine Love.
These ascension teachings have been my focus and passion for many years through Service in Love. And now, a deeper level of my authentic Self emerges in this sense of truly coming home, of being fully present within the body. With this, I find myself aligning into a new passion, a new joy and a new way of expressing my Divinity as an empath, channel and mother.
I feel, like many others, that the Galactic Templatings of Source energy we experienced through the August/September Stargates and more recently, the 10-10-10 Stargate, has really been the collective shift of Cosmic Christ Consciousness that many of us anticipated through the 2012 Stargate. There is no doubt that the 2012 gateway brought many of the ascension activation codes online through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, but this Now is when many of us are truly returning home; being fully present within our physical bodies, our physical Temples of Light as Consciousness expressing its Divinity. As these Resurrection codes activate from within the body and through the DNA, we are seeing where our own areas of misalignment are still being experienced and how to work with this, where our deepest levels of joy and passion need to express in greater levels of authenticity through our unique stories and journey's, as well as the intuitive guidance of where we need to bring our focus as together we experience the New Earth matrix in Unity Consciousness.
Many of you are aware of the story of my children's abduction by my ex-husband between 2012 and 2015. Although this was a truly heartbreaking journey for all of us, the boys returned to South Africa from Portugal in June 2015. Their first year back was very difficult as you can imagine, as we all worked with our respective traumas around the abduction. We also never heard from their Dad again, although I did make an effort to connect through my lawyer, and in June 2016, the Children's Court granted me sole custody of the boys.
With Caelin and Ben, now 8 and 10 respectively, as I created a sense of structure and routine through the flow of Love, I worked with star charts, repeating affirmations, body/energy work as well as vibrational products such as flower and gem essences, and a good diet.
Over time, the many blessings and changes the boys and I experienced through our journey together has developed into a wonderful set of "Angel Tools for Children". In particular, the Archangels stepped forward and requested that I co-create a program that can be of benefit to all our children. Whether we call these New Earth Children the Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, Golden Children, or Diamond Children, or whether we label them as Autistic, or as having Asperger's Syndrome (AS) to ADHD and all those in-between frequencies, the Children of Ascension come through as pure divinity and Love.  
This purity frequency is amplified through the Archangels, who too carry a wonderful frequency of purity, which they say is now activating collecting for our children through their enhanced crystalline cellular structure and integration of Higher Light/Higher Selves within the body, and that it is an important time to collectively bring a focus to all our children.
This program I am co-creating, brings through many wonderful Conscious Communication tools and techniques for children, Archangelic Invocations and Affirmations, how to make Angel sprays and essences, many personal sharings and so much more.  I am so excited to be working with the Archangels in this series of Angel Tools for Children, which has so much potential for us to come together in so many different ways. Not only working with our own children with these beautiful Angel Tools but also in sharing these teachings through workshops, children's hospitals and orphanages to name a few places. I would also like to create a series of Conscious Parenting/Conscious Communication telewebinars/videos as well as train facilitators to this work, and will share more about this too in that perfect Now moment.
For now precious hearts, I am letting you know that my focus is shifting from the current ascension teachings.  I envisage three to four months to complete this Angel Tools for Childrenprogram, with all being ready by the end of January 2018. I will shortly be putting together a fund raiser to be able to support the Light work during these next few months. For any donation you are able to give, you will receive this beautiful eBook on the Angel Tools for Children, plus nine wonderful Archangel Invocations as Mp3 downloads, each 20-25 minutes in length and 64 affirmation cards to the wonderful artwork of Yola Quinn. Long term I would love to have this program in print and also a website with all our collective sharings that can assist all our children.
I feel so very blessed to call you my friends and family of the Light and thank you for your support on some many levels. We are all deepening into greater levels of our own Divinity, and I look forward to seeing how this unfolds for all of us in these exciting times.
I have put together a lovely transmission called the Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements, a gift of Love from the Dolphins and Whales, enhanced by the wonderful artwork of Tamara Tavernier. In this process of truly coming home, of being more present within our bodies, we are further expanding our natural gifts of healing, telepathy, intuition and empathy as we connect to the different bands of consciousness, and the Dolphin and Whale energy is such a beautiful one to experience energetically. This transmission is an invitation from the Golden Dolphins and Whales on Sirius B, to deepen into the energetic signature of Divine Unconditional Love, and to recode the crystalline frequencies, the Omm Wave Resonance of Divine Unconditional Love, more deeply upon this sacred earth for ourselves and for all Life. Enjoy!
From my heart, to yours, to the Cosmic Heart of All Humanity.
Blessings in Love
Anrita Melchizedek
Video: "Embody Your Awakened Self With Melanie Beckler & AA Michael"
My Light Conception for Peace On Earth By Steven Hutchinson

I Am One with the Love Of My Soul, & the Love My Divine Self, & the Love of the Creator! I Am My Supreme Love Body anchored now in my Higher Heart Chakra ! I Am My Divine Power merged now with my Supreme Love Body in a sphere of Golden & White Light in my Higher heart Chakra. Now feel or imagine this sphere of Golden & White Light, with your Supreme Love & Power Body in it, expand throughout your Whole Being and anchor in your Earth Star Chakra..... and now expand and encompass all of Gaia & every human Being! Take a moment and breathe in this Divine Energy encapsulating you...and let yourself feel how this Supreme Love & Power is uplifting & healing you. 


  And now visualize this Golden & White Sphere of Divine Energy encapsulating every person on earth from the time each person is in the womb and throughout each person's life, and encapsulating Gaia as well - so that with each breath of each person on earth, as well as each breath of Gaia - the divine energy is helping each person & Gaia with their ascension, and helping with the expansion of each person's awakening to God's Presence within, and helping with each person's experience of the Divine Love, Joy, Peace, & Abundance of the Soul.


Affirm: "I Am My Supreme Love & Power Body merged with similar Divine Spheres of Energy of all others joining in this Lightwork,   encapsulating every human being for each person's entire life from the time each person was in the womb, & also encapsulating all of Gaia in spheres of Golden & White Light... & with each breath of every person on earth, & each breathe of Gaia - this Divine Energy is helping awaken & expand every person's experience of God's Presence within themselves... & is helping expand each person's experience of their Divine Self... & is helping expand each person's experience of the Divine Love, Peace, & Joy of the Soul... & is also helping manifest the Divine Healing that every person & Gaia needs.  Thank You God! And So It Manifests with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being! "  Take a moment & let yourself feel this.*

Video: "Let's Unite In Oneness & Be Spiritually Uplifted - By Steven Hutchinson

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