Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seems that this site is getting very quiet. If you are an active member, please reply to let us know you are alive.

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Hi Pufnstuf

Work mostly, but still doing research on Ascension, DNA changes and reading some interesting books on Chakras.

Lately it has just become a bit too much info I think, so I have been devoting more time elsewhere but finding the occasional gem like this on the site really helps!!

Take care

Hi : D, I do not comment often, but read a lot : >
Hello. I'm here each day. I have noticed a downturn in the activity, though. I guess people are busy.
my mom Brenda said it is because she is gone!! hahaha I am here almost everyday. i just read though. I do not talk
62! Thanks for responding so far everyone. Keep it coming :)
magine im active!
i'm still here :) have noticed that the forum section is not as busy as it used too!? but this is maybe because more and more people are waking up and there are more sites to see on the net which is all good.

66! Glad you guys are coming out of the woodworks, but I know there are more of you. Community says over 700 members I think.

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