Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Activate & Enhance Your Psychic Abilities By Natalie Glasson ... And ... The Ongoing Miracle of You ! By Blossom Goodchild ... And The Courage To Share Your Gifts By Shanta Gabriel

Activate & Enhance Your Psychic Abilities By Ascended Master Lady Portia Via Natalie Glasson

I, Lady Portia, wish to bring forth a new method or thought process to allow you to open, activate and enhance your psychic abilities and sensitivity to the energy of the Creator. In truth, this isn’t a traditional way of accessing your psychic abilities, for it is a way that will also aid your spiritual development, soul expansion, unity with the Creator, and expression of your divine truth.

I, Lady Portia, simply wish to explain to you my thoughts and the way in which I usually
proceed to aid many within my ashram in accepting their sensitivity, allowing it to manifest into true abilities and a way of existing. I simply wish to alter the way you approach this subject matter, allowing you to almost invent or discover a new way or more appropriate method of accessing your psychic abilities as the ascension energies anchor into the Earth.

I believe if you can understand how I view you, from my point of existence on the inner planes looking into the physical world, you will realise just how easy it is for you to advance spiritually. It is my belief that this key will awaken your inner truth and enlightenment.

Lady Portia’s Method and Enlightenment

Your reality or the way in which you perceive your reality is the tool to enhancing your sensitivity and spiritual abilities. By the word sensitivity, I am speaking of the receptiveness and openness of your senses. As a physical being and body most have the ability of being able to see, hear, feel emotions, smell, touch and interact with others.

As a physical body and being you are focused on your physical reality, for it is so real and solid to you that everything in your life has a meaning and influences the way you feel and exist. In some cases, it may feel as if you are trapped and enclosed within your reality, for it is all you know and understand.

You are aware of your physical senses, the abilities in which you excel and those that limit you. If I was then to say to you that everything that you now understand and feel comfortable within your reality is false, like a stage set with you as one of the main actors, how would you feel?

If I further told you that there is a life and existence beyond your current reality and you are just playing a part on the Earth, how would you feel with this realisation? Would you be fearful or elated?

I know many of you already understand this, however, I believe by comprehending how you would feel it demonstrates your attachment or detachment to the Earth and inner planes. When you are focused solely on the Earth then you are aware of your physical senses.

When you are able to accept that the reality you lead now isn’t your truth, this can actually bring greater meaning and purpose to your reality, helping you to understand that your true being is far more powerful than you could currently imagine, and that the world you exist within is far more magical, wondrous, loving and expansive than anything you have experienced on the Earth.

With the realisations of yourself as an extension of the Creator’s mighty soul, you realise you are a bright blazing light with immense and powerful abilities. You also have a family and community of friends and love ones that extends beyond the Earth.

Another realisation is you have a destination or desired outcome to achieve on the Earth that you are enacting, like guidelines which you may not always be aware of. If we return to the analogy that your life is a play of which you are an actor, you can realise if you focus only on the play, your character, and the guidelines, you will probably muddle through missing valuable insights and experiences.

When you allow yourself to almost act as a spectator or member of the audience, seeing yourself as a powerful being of light with many loving and wise friends around you to support
and advise you, everything appears so much easier, and you understand your destination and can learn how to use and develop your strong points or abilities to aid your advancement to the end of the play.

Through my explanation, I am trying to say that sensitivity manifests through your own realisations and the way you view your life and abilities. If you think of yourself as extremely sensitive to the energies of the Creator around and within you then this is the reality you will manifest. With this realisation you can draw on your spiritual abilities and sensitivity to help you through your personal, spiritual and Earth growth lessons.

When you focus on your physical reality and body using these as your resources you almost instantly reduce your sensitivity and connection with the greater mighty and wise beacon of light that is your truth. People who enter onto the Earth and who are naturally able to express themselves creatively or are able to access their spiritual abilities with ease have come to the Earth holding the realisation or understanding that they are sensitive, connected and are a beacon of light.

For example, artists realise and hold faith they have creative abilities while channels hold the mindset of being divinely connected or sensitive to the energies around them. The realisations you hold as you are born and the realisations you accept through your life naturally influence your sensitivity to the Creator’s light, enabling you to embark on a unique and sometimes challenging journey of enhancing and realising the true potential of your sensitivity to the energy of the Creator or psychic abilities. With sensitivity comes unity and integration to the energy of the Creator.

Video - "Activate & Enhance Your Psychic Abilities" -

Practicing Realisation

First, I wish for you to sit peacefully in meditation, allowing your body to relax and your breathing to expand. I wish for you to visualise a room; it is a white room almost like a box that is expansive with only the white walls visible. Imagine yourself as your physical being standing within the white room; you have entered through a visible door on your left side.

Comprehend your abilities and senses as a physical being, your physical body holds within its molecular structure and DNA your past history on the Earth, so this is extremely evident while you stand as your physical self in the white room.

When you feel as if you have explored all you need to, I, Lady Portia, invite you to imagine yourself
walking to the door, opening it and closing it behind you. You enter into a safe haven of your choice where you can invoke the energy of the Creator to flow into your being at the most appropriate vibration and intensity for you. Imagine you now embody the Creator’s powerful and loving energies; know you hold the truth of the Creator within you.

I now invite you to imagine yourself walking back into the white room except you no longer exist as your physical being, you exist as your light being, your true self and the energy of the Creator. Allow
yourself to comprehend how you appear, feel and exist, permit yourself to enjoy this experience, accepting it is your greater truth.

It may take a while to become accustomed to this existence. Remember you are free from limitations, you are an expansive powerful beacon of light, and you are the Creator within the white room, which is acting as a clear canvas for your truth. When you feel as if you have explored your existence as the Creator or a higher aspect of your being then I invite you to return to the door, closing it behind you.

Maintain your hold on the connection and unity you are now experiencing as the Creator while becoming aware of your physical body. Allow a synthesis to take place between your body and Creator self. You are now holding onto your sensitivity as the Creator, channeling it into your physical body and senses.

Imagine yourself walking back into the white room with this new expansion and existence, you are your physical body and yet you are so much more due to the connection, divine link or acceptance you have allowed. Give yourself time to explore yourself as this amazing, expansive, sensitive light being existing within a physical body. Expand the energies within you to fill the entire white room and beyond.

This is a wonderful method you can use whenever you wish to anchor greater light from the Creator into your being, to understand the amount of light you hold, boosting and exploring your sensitivity.

When you have completed the meditation or visualisation - do not disconnect. Allow yourself to continue to exist as this combined energy of your physical body and the Creator’s light energy. This is your mission and will allow you to integrate it into your way of existing and living. Remember that you hold the most loving power and protection when you anchor the Creator’s light into your being, practicing this will awaken your spiritual senses.

I hope that you have now realised you are naturally spiritually sensitive and there is a need to simply adjust the way you view or comprehend yourself, to manifest your spiritual abilities and sensitivity to the Creator’s light within and around you. Realising and accepting yourself as a spiritually sensitive being when you are so focused on your physical reality can be difficult and yet once embraced it makes it so much easier for you to awaken your senses and abilities further, using them in your everyday life.

As the chohan and a mentor within the seventh ray ashram it is my purpose to awaken people’s senses and abilities as well as their soul’s sensitivity and abilities, I use the process of realisation, cleansing and contemplation of abilities in order to activate and enhance them.

This is a unique process as it allows the person to grow and develop to understand more about themselves as a personality and a soul. It is most appropriate to ask to sit within the seventh ray energy and ashram to allow contemplation, meditation, and reflection of the process of realisation, cleansing and contemplation of your abilities to take place.

This allows for healing to take place, your energies to settle, gives time to discover how the Creator’s energy manifests within your being, how you receive the Creator’s love and wisdom, and how you integrate it into your physical existence on the Earth.

I hope you will honour my words and spend time considering them as I believe that with time this will bring greater enlightenment allowing you to step away from the traditional ways of expressing and accessing your psychic or extra sensory perception.

Instead understand you are what you seek, and by simply using my method of realisation, cleansing, and contemplation within the 7th Ray Ashram, combined with faith and trust in yourself, you will easily activate and enhance your psychic abilities and sensitive awareness.

Realisation is the key to all aspects of spiritual development, it is something that beloved Saint Germain and I have discovered; it is akin to a magic wand that grants all your wishes. Realisation is integrated deep into the seventh ray of light.

In constant support of your truth,Lady Portia

More Lady Portia -

Free audio download of Natalie's message -

OmNa Preparation Course with Lord Buddha

The OmNa Preparation Course of 4 weeks was created by Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos and overseer of the Earth for beginners or those newly progressing along their spiritual paths and process of awakening.

The OmNa Preparation Course covers the essential techniques and practices that Lord Buddha believes all should study and understand. Lord Buddha also advises those more advanced light workers to consider the OmNa Preparation Course as it allows for a recap or a reminder of tools that can strengthen your core energy and spiritual abilities.

The OmNa Preparation Course will cover: -

Meditation, Protection, Alignment, Connecting with Guides

Each week you will receive an explanation, techniques and meditations to assist your discovery of each topic channeled from Lord Buddha. File format- PDF Written and Mp3 Audio

Total Price £5.00 for the whole 4 Week Course

Buy this course -

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The Ongoing Miracle of You ! By The Federation of Light Via Blossom Goodchild

Federation of Light Message on June 22, 2019 .....

Blossom: Hello. I gave myself permission to skip a week, as I had a lot on and figured the world would keep on turning … and it did! Such turbulence taking place for so many! I know you will say it is the Energies, and I know it is … yet, would you care to elaborate, please? Thank you.

Federation of Light (FOL): Welcome to Each One as you tune into our Vibrational patterns that we commit to, as we offer our Love and suggestions. Yes, indeed Blossom … the Energies at this time are ‘blowing in the wind’ and spreading far and wide, to assist each soul in their Vibrational upliftment.

We are FULLY aware that one would argue that their Vibrations at this time have not ‘appeared to be’ exactly uplifting due to ‘old wounds’ being reopened. In such cases, it was that the wound healed over without firstly allowing the fresh air to cleanse it and remove all infection … would we say.

So NOW, all that are in need of doing so, are having the scars reopened, in order for all that no longer serves to be released. This can be both of the physical nature and the emotional one.

Blossom: I have also noticed that throughout such upheaval, there is a strength in me that recognizes all that is good. It sort of feels that THE GAME within ME, is proving beyond doubt that we are remembering who we are and will not allow the ‘old nonserving’ patterns to overtake.

FOL: This is so and is apparent for many. We clarify that the Energies entering into your Planet’s atmosphere are of a much Higher frequency and therefore, they cannot be absorbed by you until certain ‘purging’s’ have been allowed by the soul-self to take place. This is necessary so that your Being can rise up and blend into these Greater Energies pouring forth.

It is a time of conflict between dualities. Each one standing their ground yet, we would say … which one do you choose to feed? That which serves or that which does not?

Blossom: It certainly has been a time when I have had to call on all reserves and put into practice all that you have taught. Yet, finding in myself, traits of my personality that I am not that proud of, when stirred to boiling point!

FOL: And your overall outcome, Blossom?

Blossom: To come from Love. Only Love … (in the end!!!)

FOL: Dearest Souls, many of you can sense that THE CHANGE IS COMING. Many of you FEEL the difference in yourselves and the very air that you breathe.

You are preparing for what is to come. You cannot move into Higher Vibrations whilst still holding on to past hurts. One NOW has to be clear of Mind, clear of Body and clear of Heart … for such ‘states’ of Being will be ‘your ticket’ into the New World. The New way of Being.

Look back to days gone by and how you conducted your thoughts. Look now to how far you have traveled on the pathway home.

How much more accepting of yourself are you? How much have you learned to LOVE … YOURSELF?

We say this … YOU ARE READY!

You have remembered and therefore, retrained your Beings to KNOW the path you walk is the TRUTH.


Nothing can change that KNOWING inside of you because it is a FEELING … not a mindset.

That which you FEEL is your TRUTH … IS!

Blossom: I am having images of ‘soldiers’ putting on their armour and marching, holding flags up in the air as they do so. I know many feel uncomfortable with the images of ‘Light Players’ as soldiers yet, that is what I am seeing.

FOL: Yet, is it not that we are showing you these images metaphorically, Blossom?

Your armour is your understanding of who you are … YOUR LOVE.

The flags are who you represent … LOVE.

Millions of you marching together as ONE. United in the purpose of bringing your world into its Higher ground.


Blossom: I can indeed feel your Energy and Love and Unification as you brought these words through. Yet, I am ‘deliberately’ mentioning that you have said ‘So it begins’ quite a few times before.

FOL: And we were/are correct each time. For each step of the way is a new step forward. A new place to begin the next phase of what can only be called ‘THE MIRACLE.’

Blossom: Please venture forth on that!

FOL: We have spoken over and over to you of THE EVENT. We are not unique in speaking of this subject.


For that which it imparts, that which it offers, that which IT IS … shall bring about changes to your Planet that will have souls expressing it so.

‘This is nothing short of a Miracle’ you will say because it will bring about such change to each one and therefore, The Whole.


Each soul, every living thing … will move into a NEWER KNOWING. Each one shall ‘shift’ from where they were into a much Higher place, yet, still within their own understanding of THEIR Truth … in accordance with the ‘level’ they were resonating within BEFORE this ‘Happening’ occurs.


Blossom: Goodness me! I can’t quite believe we are on this subject again, yet, you brought it up and who am I to disagree? Some folk feel we are already within THE EVENT … that it is a gradual process and already taking place.

FOL: We would reply that you and your Planet are certainly in its pre-preperational stages. Metaphorically … we are showing you astronauts … where much preparation for their journey has taken place. Yet now … we are showing you that they are suited up and walking towards the ‘ship’ and buckling themselves in. This is how close you are, Dearest Souls.

Blossom: That is, on the one hand very exciting and on the other … erring on the side of caution, in that, although that is definitely ‘closer’ … from the bigger picture’s perspective, this could still mean another ten years in our time.

FOL: And yet, it is not … For is it not that once all is in place, the countdown begins?

Blossom: Far out … A thousand butterflies are flying around inside of me! Yet, I still am very much of the thought that I shall just wait and see. Been here, done this many, many times, WR. (With respect)

FOL: And we respect your honesty and consideration of such matters.

Blossom: Maybe I am trying to protect us … You and me … and trying to keep our ‘street cred’ intact … for it has been battered/shattered many times along the way.

FOL: Dearest Blossom, we are not in the least bit concerned of our ‘street cred’! We speak only in/of our TRUTH. When we are misunderstood/misinterpreted, we do not make any changes to that which we have stated. For there are no changes. We express to you that WHICH IS. We cannot do/be of any other way.

Blossom: This I know and I am being made more and more aware of how many ‘LIVE ALONGSIDE YOUR TRUTH’  and for this I am honoured and humbled to be the ‘messenger’ on your behalf. Truly, deeply … thanks for considering me ‘suitable for the position’ guys! My heart is feeling rather emotional right now.

FOL: Dearest Blossom, as you know … you are part of a network that allows us to do that which we do.

There are so many that assist us/you. There are those that translate into other languages, a gentleman that records ‘our part’ and blends it with yours, so that those that prefer to hear, can do so.

There are those who post these messages all around the internet. There are those that pass our messages onto others. There are those who speak of us from their heart without fear of judgement … and there are those who ‘have your back’ so to speak, to make sure you are looked after and provided for … AND TO EACH AND EVERY ONE … WE GIVE THANKS for playing your role as you agreed to do before you came.

Blossom: I know. I feel TRULY BLESSED for such assistance. It gives me confidence in the knowing that, that  which I do … is of Truth … otherwise, I would not be so blessed … if you understand?

FOL: We do. For we are! May each one, as they walk boldly along their pathway be filled with the Love and the Light of the Divine.

Blossom: Thanks, Guys. Bring it on! WE ARE READY. Yet, I won’t put the kettle on just yet. Two sugars is it? In Gratitude in Loving service. I AM.

Video - Experience Your Infinite Love & Light Self By Melanie Beckler"


The Courage To Share Your Gifts By Shanta Gabriel

AA Raphael's Message .....

Courage is the power that backs up the Love in your heart. Courage is the active, expanding field of Light that supports you. Courage is what you need to share your gifts with the world.

Providing the ways and means to act from your heart is fertilizing the field of your dreams. You have all the talent, skills, desires, love, freedom and direction that you need to express your creativity - now all you need is Courage. Have the Courage you need to stand in your truth and respond from a loving heart. There is only one thing that is holding you back from pure Soul expression, it is the light of Courage.

Courage is Soul Inspired. It is not brute force, or over active masculine forward movement, it is the gentle nudge of your Spirit, complete with a sense of Wholeness that creates the receptivity to bring Courage into the field that propels you in the world.

Even if you are on the brink of retiring from the worldly activities that have consumed you for so long, you need Courage to act. When you have the light of Courage working in you, there is more discipline for your actions. You will intuit when to gracefully say no to distractions and follow your heart’s calling.

Courage remembers who you truly are in your spirit. It is a heart activity that can support you at a fundamental level when you most need it. With the field of Courage constantly renewing in our heart, you will have a sense of expansion and the willingness to follow the promptings of your heart.

When you call forth Courage you begin to believe in yourself at deeper levels. You begin to recognize and honor the gifts you came to express. Courage is the quiet warrior of your heart. You know that you can stand true to yourself unwavering in your sense of Truth, knowing who you are and being willing to step out in Faith.

With Courage you feel supported and can allow your heart to blossom and open to the new. Abundant opportunities masquerade as the Great Unknown. With Courage you tweak your perceptions and recognize your willingness to explore beyond your boundaries. Your child-like curiosity expands when you have Courage.

How do you bring more Courage into your heart, your mind and the life you are living? Simply ask, silly as that may sound. There are legions of angels wanting to support you in fulfilling your Soul’s mission. The Universe has beneficent forces that can be harnessed to support your actions. Trust that Courage is there for you. Life has your back.

Consider a magnificent 16-pointed Star radiating in the Rainbow Light of Courage above your head. This dynamic shape has great power. Notice its pulsing radiance. Let it expand until its field of Light becomes you. Your Light Body expands to your imagination - so make it brilliant and strong.

Receive this Star of Light into your field to light up your Soul’s star and empower your guidance with Courage. Allow this star to light up your mind, flow it downward and let your throat receive the courageous encouragement you need to speak your Truth. Let the Star of Courage anchor in your heart. Let its radiance expand your heart’s field on all sides of you. As you expand your energy field with the Light of Courage, you know that with each beat of your heart, your blood carries Courage into every cell of your body. This Courage is tempered by the loving kindness your heart holds so beautifully.

Now allow the light of loving Courage to anchor into the Earth below you lighting the lower chakras and creating a powerful foundation of Courage to live from. You are fully supported by the benevolent forces of God’s love. You have all you need to re-pattern your life with the strength and courage that sparks your creativity. You have all the Love that you can allow yourself to receive in order to grow into who you truly are as a radiant child of the loving universal presence of Courage.

The Light is strong. It can fulfill you. You are a gift to the world. You are cared for and supported. All that you need is here for you now. You are a courageous soul of heart-centered action, and it is good. All of Life rejoices in your choices to allow Courage to express through your heart into the world. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Raphael

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