Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Early tomorrow morning a snowstorm is going to hit my area in Southern Ontario. It is apparently going to bring about 8 inches of snow and very dangerous driving conditions.

I noticed last week that the Saviors of the Earth took claim of preventing an earthquake along the east coast of the American continent. Predicting an earthquake is a very tricky thing and there really was no way to tell if an earthquake was prevented or not.

So for this skeptic I would like to present you all with the first of 3 challenges that (if successful) would make me a believer.

The first is this. This snowstorm on Southern Ontario is a very sure thing. Stop it and you will pass the first test.

Good luck and lots of love to all of you.


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Hopefully people stay nice and warm. Snowstorms to cause deaths when people are unprepared, by accidents, etc. This would have been a perfect opportunity for SOE to help :(

CountDuckula said:
I think that's all we're getting. Brad will jump at the chance to take care of an earthquake that was a definate improbibility yet will completely ignore something that is a finite probability!

This would have been a perfect test for the SOE to prove themselves. Prove their powers. Show us skeptics a thing or 2. All we've gotten are excuses of why they're not going to do it.

Anyhow, to those who may have tried, I thank you for your effort. Unfortunately I need to report that the snow level is quickly approaching my knees.


H.R. Pufnstuf said:
I'm with you, Duck

CountDuckula said:
Hey all I'm asking for is a demonstration of your powers to alieve my skepticism. If you guys won't give a demonstration of your abilities than how are you to make believers out of people?

Canada is a deepfreeze lol... make room Simone... I need some warmth lol
I don't lay claims to having any powers that would appease the need for proof or to test me. The claim is I have done these things in the past and all I do is try to generate as much love energy as I can. I suppose that is a power in and of itself, but I am a saviour of earth because I'm my own saviour and I'm of earth. It's that simple really. That is why I'm here. I find here people that are of the same feeling in heart and we can work toward making a more peaceful time while in residence here on earth. Is that not agreeable? It needs to start somewhere and it's starting in little pockets of love all over the planet and not just within this community. So I think my love can move mountains, then to me it will as I see the miracles happening in my life and around me. The big picture here is not that I prevent an earthquake or stop a blizzard or jump through hoops. The big picture is that I am creating a world in which to live in peace and joyfulness and anyone who wishes to join me here is quite welcome. This is my world and there is no place for doubt and fear. There's no need to prove myself, not even to myself because I just am. I don't know how to give satisfaction one way or the other with what's believed about my world. Create a world of such beauty and see. The only thing I wish I could prove, is the boundless energy of love that comes from my world. That, I wish All could feel.

I have big shoulders. I can take the heat for not delivering what you want. I have failed in your eyes. I am not who you think I am. My apologies.
Warrior: I really hate saying this to a fellow Spongebob fan. Your logic is in deep error and it's painful to see you twisting what I said to make me look like an evil person. I just presented a challenge in which the SOE could prove themselves. Prove that their powers are based on fact and not faith. I presented an opportunity for people to show this skeptic a thing or two. To make him eat his own hat (and I would too. Live on the internet! Duckula eating his hat!). If anything this was to benefit you. Show me what the SOE are capable of. Show me that you are more than just another UFO cult!

Ane no, it's not for selfish reasons. I have no clue where that accusation came from (except the quip I made that snow is bad for business. It would be selfish of me if I believed the powers worked. I'm sorry if you don't have a sense of humour to comprehend my words).

I simply presented a challenge. The opportunity for you to make a skeptic question everything that he stands for. I'm a guy who works with solid evidence. Brad claims you stopped an earthquake last week. That's not evidence. Stopping a series of violent snowstorms this winter....that would really make me question things.

But, no, in the end no one really wants to dish out any hard evidence. Sorry guys. If you want to convince people of your plight than you need to work with something more than 'personal truths.' Once you start showing the world and your critics what you claim you are capable of than you have nothing. No proof. Just faith like every other cult or religion. The refusal for anyone to really take up my challenge here pretty much just proves my point.

I'll bring up this challenge again. Got more storms rolling in next week. I really hope to see people try to prove themselves instead of just conjuring excuses and defensive (sometimes angry) remarks.


Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Anyone who gives energies into it please don't because it's such a waste. You're feeding your precious energies into someone else's selfish ego-centered desires. In my experiences with him, CountDuckula is undergoing a stage of ignorance and denial, even if you did come up with the proof he would probably question it and eventually disregard it. Because as he said it himself that he is just attempting to manipulate the outside world to fulfill his own agenda. If you participate and manage nothing or very little according to his expectations then that is proof to him of the CONTRARY. It is in fact a part of his game, because this works both ways.

Fact of the matter he is that nobody has to prove you anything, if you wish to abandon your doubts it is entirely up to you to divert the snow storm yourself because that is the ONLY way that all doubt and skepticism will be eliminated. Of course that is a callosal undertaking for a dozen souls, let alone 1. Do not count on other outside source because nobody owes you anything, you must discover the truth from within. Look on the INSIDE not out. Don't expect people to spoon feed you "proof" which could have been constructed to deceive you. OR that you have unwillingly and unknowingly constructed to deceive yourself.
Why are you so negative?

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Anyone who gives energies into it please don't because it's such a waste. You're feeding your precious energies into someone else's selfish ego-centered desires. In my experiences with him, CountDuckula is undergoing a stage of ignorance and denial, even if you did come up with the proof he would probably question it and eventually disregard it. Because as he said it himself that he is just attempting to manipulate the outside world to fulfill his own agenda. If you participate and manage nothing or very little according to his expectations then that is proof to him of the CONTRARY. It is in fact a part of his game, because this works both ways.

Fact of the matter he is that nobody has to prove you anything, if you wish to abandon your doubts it is entirely up to you to divert the snow storm yourself because that is the ONLY way that all doubt and skepticism will be eliminated. Of course that is a callosal undertaking for a dozen souls, let alone 1. Do not count on other outside source because nobody owes you anything, you must discover the truth from within. Look on the INSIDE not out. Don't expect people to spoon feed you "proof" which could have been constructed to deceive you. OR that you have unwillingly and unknowingly constructed to deceive yourself.
That's what I'm wondering too. Strange that I am a pacifist and the Lightworker is so full of anger.

Anyhow, I am also reminded of a story here from way back when in high school.

On my way home every once in awhile there was this odd fellow who would tag along and talk my ear off. He would have the most outlandish and fantastic claims. Things that were very obviously bull-ploppy to any reasonable person. Things that a 6 year old might claim but any self-respecting teenager would find laughable. I would just smile and nod as he listed off the wonders his father had.

Among these were a Ferrari, a Lamborghini, and a Porshe which were all capable of flight. He would never shut up about these flying sports cars his father had. Of course I knew it was bull. He also claimed that they had a pair of anti-gravity boots that could walk up walls. I couldn't believe how serious he was being about it.

The fact of the matter was when I called him on his claims, asked him for proof, I got nothing but excuses. Basically first told that everything was broken. I called him on the fact that he was just bull-plopping me. He got very angry and defensive. Screamed at me that he doesn't have to prove himself to me.

The behavior of this boy (and another I went to high school with who also suffered from pseudologia fantastica) is what actually made me seek a minor in psychology during college.

SpiritualWarrior's argument really brought me back to those days. The behavior patterns of these 2 are stunningly similar. All I ask for is proof and he is giving the same response. I'm not necessarily saying he is a mythomaniac (or any number of disorders) but is reluctance to prove himself (by either inability or otherwise) doesn't really help his case.


H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Why are you so negative?

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Anyone who gives energies into it please don't because it's such a waste. You're feeding your precious energies into someone else's selfish ego-centered desires. In my experiences with him, CountDuckula is undergoing a stage of ignorance and denial, even if you did come up with the proof he would probably question it and eventually disregard it. Because as he said it himself that he is just attempting to manipulate the outside world to fulfill his own agenda. If you participate and manage nothing or very little according to his expectations then that is proof to him of the CONTRARY. It is in fact a part of his game, because this works both ways.

Fact of the matter he is that nobody has to prove you anything, if you wish to abandon your doubts it is entirely up to you to divert the snow storm yourself because that is the ONLY way that all doubt and skepticism will be eliminated. Of course that is a callosal undertaking for a dozen souls, let alone 1. Do not count on other outside source because nobody owes you anything, you must discover the truth from within. Look on the INSIDE not out. Don't expect people to spoon feed you "proof" which could have been constructed to deceive you. OR that you have unwillingly and unknowingly constructed to deceive yourself.
Hey Duckula, this thread got trainwrecked. Sorry, you had a great idea.
I'm not going to address the nitpicking (skeptic vs. disbeliever, etc) and instead stay focused on the point I am trying to make.

Like I said. A boy back in school had fantastic claims. When asked to back these up with evidence he listed excuses before becoming angered and defensive.

I'm not seeing anything different from you.

Last week Brad took credit for rallying the troops to stop an earthquake on the west coast. If we're going to talk about that in the regards of Selfishness we must remember that's where he lives. Why no one called him on that is beyond me.

Saying someone stopped an earthquake with will power/love power alone is a pretty weak claim. Earthquakes are fairly uncommon and earthquake prediction is not a sure thing. Claiming an earthquake was stopped is very very weak.

On the same logic I'm reminded of an old sketch from Sesame Street.

One could claim that keeping a banana in your ear keeps the alligators or crocodiles away. This doesn't necessarily make it true.

I'm baffled why everyone is on the defensive when they are shown an opportunity to really potentially prove themselves. Some provided good arguments. Others have become unecessarily angry and defensive. That's really not a good show of character when it comes to their plight.


Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Please be kind enough as to point out the error in my logic. Are you claiming that if people do attempt to prove to you that they can divert a snow storm and the effort proves to be unsuccessful you will not consider this evidence for the contrary of your initial intention? Like I said this works both ways and although it may seem like an innocent "challenge" it is infact an unproductive waste of energy which has a good possibility of backfire.

I've not twisted what you said but rather analyzed it and assessed the facts before coming to my conclusion. Nor have I attempted to make you seem like an "evil" person, if you consider ignorance evil... that is fine by me, but I do not.

If you TRULY want to overcome your skepticism of SOE and swallow your own hat, then look for proof on the INSIDE, because that where it all lies.
It's true that this maybe COULD have benefited us, but based on the situation this was likelier to be more on the counter-productive side.

Your assumption that we are just another UFO "cult" is baseless.
The very term U.F.O. is misleading by design.

Hahaha, it's funny how at first you claim you have no clue where the accusation came from and then right after you state the precise origin of it. A nail in the head.

"It would be selfish of me if I believed the powers worked."

Oh... so now you openly admit that you are in fact not a skeptic(I recommend you look up the definition for this word) but a disbeliever, and if you did not believe that this was possible to accomplish in the first place, this reinforces my initial point that you deliberately set this challenge to waste SOE's precious energy. I'm sorry I don't share YOUR sense of humor, admittedly I find it rather uninteresting.

Whatever evidence you need to be convinced you can find it yourself, it is ALL there if you just REALLY look for it with an open mind, we can only offer you guidance and advice, we cannot spoon feed you the proof that you are looking for to change you "personal truth", because that will not change anything. Speaking of which, if you're a man of evidence, what evidence do you bring to support your claim that we're all just living some sort of an illusion, while you're at it, how do you know that it is not you who is in fact living some sort of a dillusion based on ignorance and denial of what is going on around you? Are you not yourself a part of a cult or a religion whose sole purpose is to question other people's faith.
Cheers, mate. I thought it was good too. No harm in doing a test. Prove me wrong. Too bad not many would have a go at it. Just a lot of talk and defensive excuses :-(

Ah well. What can you do, eh?

-Ducks. Quack quack.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Hey Duckula, this thread got trainwrecked. Sorry, you had a great idea.
to the original poster:
life doesn't work in such a way that you can simply sit back & ask things to prove themselves to you. it is an interactive experience! if things were to be proved to you in such a way, you would only ever end up disillusioned. The act of finding your spiritual path involves walking it.

we can prove nothing to you that you can't prove to yourself.
You're still nitpicking. So fine. I'm a disbeliever. Now deal with it and focus on the matter at hand.

Now on to your challenge.

There never was any hard evidence an earthquake was definately going to strike to begin with. The challenge is irrelevant. It is essentially no different and just as ludicrous as Ernie and his banana in the ear.

I had hard evidence that a storm was going to hit here. When approached with the idea of using their powers to end it then people became defensive and refused the challenge.

Why is it that you will only tackle something that is a very likely improbability and not tackle something that has a 100% chance of happening? That really isn't an unreasonable question. I'm just getting unreasonable answers.

Anyhow, karaoke time. Checking back tomorrow.


Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Sorry, I can't let you disregard this very crucial point. There is a difference between a skeptic and a (dis)believer. When you believe(or don't) in something, you are positively sure of that belief to be true, otherwise you would not believe it. Skepticism is the QUESTIONING of a belief(in this case) that is already in place. And as you said, and I quote "It would be selfish of me if I believed the powers worked" IF you believed that the powers worked, meaning you DON'T believe that these powers work, not believing is in itself believing in the opposite of the initial belief. So you admit not only that you're no longer a skeptic, but you also acknowledge that your mind was set from the very beginning into it not happening. Thus providing further proof for your mind that this is not real.

And what do we know about thoughts affecting our reality? I suppose you don't know much about it, but individuals who are on the same or higher conscious level as me know that our thoughts not only affect our reality but CREATE IT. I congratulate you on a double whammy(lol a little ego for humor is good :D ).

Like I said your story has very little ground to stand on, seeing as though we're talking about spirituality as opposed to a kid's imagination.

When you asked me to back up my claims I have continuously kept introducing you to my knowledge and spiritual concepts, and all you've done is disregard and ignore each and every single one of my points.

I've yet to see any evidence from you to back up your claims, one of which accuses me of projecting anger onto you or anyone else in this community. I wouldn't consider myself being defensive either, because I have nothing to defend. I am fully content with all my beliefs and I do not feel the urge to prove anything to anyone. Of course I chose better to explain my beliefs to people since I know they can get fascinatingly complex.

Last weeks meditation had a goal fueled by intentions of love and light, to prevent scores of people from dying. This "challenge" is all about proving to one seemingly selfish person that our beliefs, which we KNOW to be true already are in fact real.

Which again brings us back to my initial point that nobody really has to prove you anything, if you are truly willing to believe, then it is up to you to find the proof yourself WITHIN yourself.

You'd be very surprised just how common earthquakes are, maybe not so much in populated areas, but I can safely say that the planet has at least a dozen earthquakes in any given parts of the world on a daily basis.

So how about I will play the skeptic and ask you to provide us with evidence that last week's earthquake WASN'T diverted into another part of the world. If you're so evidence orientated, then surely you can provide us with something that backs up your claim.
Dear Count Duckula. (Do you eat broccoli as well?)

Upon reflection, yes, your question is entirely valid. It would have been an excellent moment for a demonstration. Sadly, it would appear that at this time, nobody is willing to give such a demonstration away, and so be it. Free choice must by definition apply to everyone, and as you choose to question, we have chosen not to indulge at this point.

However, there is something else that, perhaps, I might be able to persuade you with. As far as demonstrations go, it is much less spectacular and grandiose than stopping natural phenomenons, but still I believe it to be perhaps the greatest manifestation of your own personal power: the ability to shape your own reality.

Before you go trying to create something out of nothing (which is not what this is about) allow me to explain. For this to be demonstrated, I will require you, Count Duckula, to think positive thoughts about everything and everyone you meet, see or interact with, for a period of at least a week. I will require you to see negative experiences in full context and think about what they have taught you by manifesting. I will require you to remain calm and serene for that entire period, rushing no more than absolutely necessary, and never raising your voice in anger.

This is an experiment I propose to you, in demonstration that everyone has the ability to change the way life happens to them. You may argue that this only changes perception of life, but I must counter that with the argument that life is exactly as we perceive it to be. This actually works, though I cannot explain how. Be it on a metaphysical, psychological or logical level, something very much changes by approaching life from this angle.

Please indulge me, and suspend disbelief for the period of that one week. See what happens.



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