Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Early tomorrow morning a snowstorm is going to hit my area in Southern Ontario. It is apparently going to bring about 8 inches of snow and very dangerous driving conditions.

I noticed last week that the Saviors of the Earth took claim of preventing an earthquake along the east coast of the American continent. Predicting an earthquake is a very tricky thing and there really was no way to tell if an earthquake was prevented or not.

So for this skeptic I would like to present you all with the first of 3 challenges that (if successful) would make me a believer.

The first is this. This snowstorm on Southern Ontario is a very sure thing. Stop it and you will pass the first test.

Good luck and lots of love to all of you.


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LOL, wow!

"Your ignorance of the real world might keep you happy for a while, but for how long?
For how much more time do you think you can keep on living selfishly and ignoring the 35,000 kids who die on a daily basis in Africa alone from hunger and dehydration....

What are you doing about this SWoL? Somehow I don't think typing on the internet is feeding those children.
How about you stop thinking about stuff like a little emo and actually get out in the real world and do something. People like you make me sick. You sit around thinking and refusing to lift one finger to do something. Donate some money, donate food, and donate your time. Telling me you are thinking and performing some bullshit visualization to help these poor people is just masturbation.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
As a matter of fact it does. The more people realize this, thus creating bigger focus on the mass consciousness, increases it's chances of being phased out as a problem of the old world, and consequently healed.

If we keep on living and ignoring all the horrible things that are going in the world, its not going to get any better.

And if its not a major issue for you, then what makes you so sure other people don't want to learn about it and send their love(and MAYBE aid) to Africa.

I certainly have been thinking about all those kids in Africa, and at times I just admittedly tear up... because I feel their pain and desperation. It's not just the kids, for me it goes far beyond that.

But with the realization that I can change this world and this reality, or at the very least to help and assist a change I will do so.

I will fantasizes and imagine how soon all the 3rd world country people, animals, and all other beings who are in pain will soon rejoice when the new paradigm arrives and all this retarded backwards "civilized" society comes to an end.

That is after all WHY I chose to be here in this moment in time.

I have noticed that you consistently mock my perspective H.R. Pufnstuf, and that is because you've yet to realize that I come to deliver the bitter side of the truth.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL, wow!
"Your ignorance of the real world might keep you happy for a while, but for how long? For how much more time do you think you can keep on living selfishly and ignoring the 35,000 kids who die on a daily basis in Africa alone from hunger and dehydration.... "
What are you doing about this SWoL? Somehow I don't think typing on the internet is feeding those children.
LOL! How about actually doing what I mentioned above? Don't cower down now, Warrior.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Is there that much judgement, hate, and negativity in you? or is there more?
You can let it all out at me if you wish.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
How about you stop thinking about stuff like a little emo and actually get out in the real world and do something. People like you make me sick. You sit around thinking and refusing to lift one finger to do something. Donate some money, donate food, and donate your time. Telling me you are thinking and performing some bullshit visualization to help these poor people is just masturbation.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
As a matter of fact it does. The more people realize this, thus creating bigger focus on the mass consciousness, increases it's chances of being phased out as a problem of the old world, and consequently healed.

If we keep on living and ignoring all the horrible things that are going in the world, its not going to get any better.

And if its not a major issue for you, then what makes you so sure other people don't want to learn about it and send their love(and MAYBE aid) to Africa.

I certainly have been thinking about all those kids in Africa, and at times I just admittedly tear up... because I feel their pain and desperation. It's not just the kids, for me it goes far beyond that.

But with the realization that I can change this world and this reality, or at the very least to help and assist a change I will do so.

I will fantasizes and imagine how soon all the 3rd world country people, animals, and all other beings who are in pain will soon rejoice when the new paradigm arrives and all this retarded backwards "civilized" society comes to an end.

That is after all WHY I chose to be here in this moment in time.

I have noticed that you consistently mock my perspective H.R. Pufnstuf, and that is because you've yet to realize that I come to deliver the bitter side of the truth.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL, wow!
"Your ignorance of the real world might keep you happy for a while, but for how long? For how much more time do you think you can keep on living selfishly and ignoring the 35,000 kids who die on a daily basis in Africa alone from hunger and dehydration.... "
What are you doing about this SWoL? Somehow I don't think typing on the internet is feeding those children.
What are you doing big man?

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
I'm currently doing all I can to help others, trust me on that.

Why don't you, instead of aimlessly trying to prove your none existent point, realize that you can use this time to actually help people also.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL! How about actually doing what I mentioned above? Don't cower down now, Warrior.
Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Is there that much judgement, hate, and negativity in you? or is there more?
You can let it all out at me if you wish.
H.R. Pufnstuf said:
How about you stop thinking about stuff like a little emo and actually get out in the real world and do something. People like you make me sick. You sit around thinking and refusing to lift one finger to do something. Donate some money, donate food, and donate your time. Telling me you are thinking and performing some bullshit visualization to help these poor people is just masturbation.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
As a matter of fact it does. The more people realize this, thus creating bigger focus on the mass consciousness, increases it's chances of being phased out as a problem of the old world, and consequently healed.

If we keep on living and ignoring all the horrible things that are going in the world, its not going to get any better.

And if its not a major issue for you, then what makes you so sure other people don't want to learn about it and send their love(and MAYBE aid) to Africa. I certainly have been thinking about all those kids in Africa, and at times I just admittedly tear up... because I feel their pain and desperation. It's not just the kids, for me it goes far beyond that.

But with the realization that I can change this world and this reality, or at the very least to help and assist a change I will do so.

I will fantasizes and imagine how soon all the 3rd world country people, animals, and all other beings who are in pain will soon rejoice when the new paradigm arrives and all this retarded backwards "civilized" society comes to an end.

That is after all WHY I chose to be here in this moment in time.

I have noticed that you consistently mock my perspective H.R. Pufnstuf, and that is because you've yet to realize that I come to deliver the bitter side of the truth.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL, wow!
"Your ignorance of the real world might keep you happy for a while, but for how long? For how much more time do you think you can keep on living selfishly and ignoring the 35,000 kids who die on a daily basis in Africa alone from hunger and dehydration.... "
What are you doing about this SWoL? Somehow I don't think typing on the internet is feeding those children.
Blisseon, the initial discussion Duckula started was to ask if the snowstorm could be diverted. You can read his reasoning behind asking for that in the previous pages. There was no urgency, just a good opportunity. The argument between SWoL and I is something that should be taken to another thread but SWoL has a tendency to dirty any threads he touches.

Blisseon said:
Um... so, again, why did we have to prove anything? I'm confused. Was there an urgent reason to prove anything?

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
What are you doing big man?

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
I'm currently doing all I can to help others, trust me on that.

Why don't you, instead of aimlessly trying to prove your none existent point, realize that you can use this time to actually help people also.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL! How about actually doing what I mentioned above? Don't cower down now, Warrior.
Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Is there that much judgement, hate, and negativity in you? or is there more?
You can let it all out at me if you wish.
H.R. Pufnstuf said:
How about you stop thinking about stuff like a little emo and actually get out in the real world and do something. People like you make me sick. You sit around thinking and refusing to lift one finger to do something. Donate some money, donate food, and donate your time. Telling me you are thinking and performing some bullshit visualization to help these poor people is just masturbation.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
As a matter of fact it does. The more people realize this, thus creating bigger focus on the mass consciousness, increases it's chances of being phased out as a problem of the old world, and consequently healed.

If we keep on living and ignoring all the horrible things that are going in the world, its not going to get any better.

And if its not a major issue for you, then what makes you so sure other people don't want to learn about it and send their love(and MAYBE aid) to Africa. I certainly have been thinking about all those kids in Africa, and at times I just admittedly tear up... because I feel their pain and desperation. It's not just the kids, for me it goes far beyond that.

But with the realization that I can change this world and this reality, or at the very least to help and assist a change I will do so.

I will fantasizes and imagine how soon all the 3rd world country people, animals, and all other beings who are in pain will soon rejoice when the new paradigm arrives and all this retarded backwards "civilized" society comes to an end.

That is after all WHY I chose to be here in this moment in time.

I have noticed that you consistently mock my perspective H.R. Pufnstuf, and that is because you've yet to realize that I come to deliver the bitter side of the truth.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL, wow!
"Your ignorance of the real world might keep you happy for a while, but for how long? For how much more time do you think you can keep on living selfishly and ignoring the 35,000 kids who die on a daily basis in Africa alone from hunger and dehydration.... "
What are you doing about this SWoL? Somehow I don't think typing on the internet is feeding those children.

You can continue trying to portray me in a negative light so you can justify your rhetoric and attacks. You refuse to answer my questions. Simple questions such as do you donate food for the starving children you mentioned. I now have come to realize that you are nothing but a fraud. You are a waste of time on this for everyone on this site since you provide nothing useful and are not even worthy enough to be a guide as many others here are. You are a Spiritual Warrior of FAIL who is here to deceive us.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
it's a shame that you've missed my entire point all along.

And sorry, your petty comments won't earn you any respect around here, quite the opposite, your negativity only detracts from any credibility you believe to have. All you've done here is just mock and degrade everything I said with no productive outcome other than reveal your true nature of negativity and ignorance.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Blisseon, the initial discussion Duckula started was to ask if the snowstorm could be diverted. You can read his reasoning behind asking for that in the previous pages. There was no urgency, just a good opportunity. The argument between SWoL and I is something that should be taken to another thread but SWoL has a tendency to dirty any threads he touches.
Blisseon said:
Um... so, again, why did we have to prove anything? I'm confused. Was there an urgent reason to prove anything?

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
What are you doing big man?

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
I'm currently doing all I can to help others, trust me on that.

Why don't you, instead of aimlessly trying to prove your none existent point, realize that you can use this time to actually help people also.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL! How about actually doing what I mentioned above? Don't cower down now, Warrior.
Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Is there that much judgement, hate, and negativity in you? or is there more?
You can let it all out at me if you wish.
H.R. Pufnstuf said:
How about you stop thinking about stuff like a little emo and actually get out in the real world and do something. People like you make me sick. You sit around thinking and refusing to lift one finger to do something. Donate some money, donate food, and donate your time. Telling me you are thinking and performing some bullshit visualization to help these poor people is just masturbation.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
As a matter of fact it does. The more people realize this, thus creating bigger focus on the mass consciousness, increases it's chances of being phased out as a problem of the old world, and consequently healed.

If we keep on living and ignoring all the horrible things that are going in the world, its not going to get any better.

And if its not a major issue for you, then what makes you so sure other people don't want to learn about it and send their love(and MAYBE aid) to Africa. I certainly have been thinking about all those kids in Africa, and at times I just admittedly tear up... because I feel their pain and desperation. It's not just the kids, for me it goes far beyond that.

But with the realization that I can change this world and this reality, or at the very least to help and assist a change I will do so.
I will fantasizes and imagine how soon all the 3rd world country people, animals, and all other beings who are in pain will soon rejoice when the new paradigm arrives and all this retarded backwards "civilized" society comes to an end.
That is after all WHY I chose to be here in this moment in time.

I have noticed that you consistently mock my perspective H.R. Pufnstuf, and that is because you've yet to realize that I come to deliver the bitter side of the truth.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL, wow!
"Your ignorance of the real world might keep you happy for a while, but for how long? For how much more time do you think you can keep on living selfishly and ignoring the 35,000 kids who die on a daily basis in Africa alone from hunger and dehydration.... "
What are you doing about this SWoL? Somehow I don't think typing on the internet is feeding those children.
OK, so your tactic is to take what people say and turn it around. Sprinkle in some negativity and hate and we have a Spiritual Warrior of Light.

Also, just yesterday I donated money to several charitable organizations. From AIDS charities to Animal shelters.

I've had enough of you. You have shown time and time again that you are just a petty boy. Not even strong enough in your convictions to be called a man. Hopefully you save some of your pity on others for yourself.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
again with your petty personal attacks, really it makes you seem quite pathetic.
I am not TRYING to portray you in a negative way, but rather I acknowledge all your hatred and negativity. It is sad.
It doesn't bother me, since I have grown far beyond such pettiness. I pity all those who rely on such ways.

Yes, there have been several occasions at which I donated materialistic belongings to charities in africa, and also done many other things to help others around me, and I will keep on doing what I can to help people.

What have you done to help others?

Your baseless realization that I'm a fraud stems from within your own world of ignorance and denial. other than insult and direct anger at me you have done NOTHING which can be considered productive on ANY grounds. You have not disproved any of my claims, only deny them. So therefore it is in fact YOU who is a worthless waste of time, not just mine but anyone else whose had to be unfortunate enough as to read your negative dirt.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
You can continue trying to portray me in a negative light so you can justify your rhetoric and attacks. You refuse to answer my questions. Simple questions such as do you donate food for the starving children you mentioned. I now have come to realize that you are nothing but a fraud. You are a waste of time on this for everyone on this site since you provide nothing useful and are not even worthy enough to be a guide as many others here are. You are a Spiritual Warrior of FAIL who is here to deceive us. Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
it's a shame that you've missed my entire point all along.

And sorry, your petty comments won't earn you any respect around here, quite the opposite, your negativity only detracts from any credibility you believe to have. All you've done here is just mock and degrade everything I said with no productive outcome other than reveal your true nature of negativity and ignorance. H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Blisseon, the initial discussion Duckula started was to ask if the snowstorm could be diverted. You can read his reasoning behind asking for that in the previous pages. There was no urgency, just a good opportunity. The argument between SWoL and I is something that should be taken to another thread but SWoL has a tendency to dirty any threads he touches.
Blisseon said:
Um... so, again, why did we have to prove anything? I'm confused. Was there an urgent reason to prove anything?

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
What are you doing big man?

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
I'm currently doing all I can to help others, trust me on that.

Why don't you, instead of aimlessly trying to prove your none existent point, realize that you can use this time to actually help people also.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL! How about actually doing what I mentioned above? Don't cower down now, Warrior.
Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Is there that much judgement, hate, and negativity in you? or is there more?
You can let it all out at me if you wish.
H.R. Pufnstuf said:
How about you stop thinking about stuff like a little emo and actually get out in the real world and do something. People like you make me sick. You sit around thinking and refusing to lift one finger to do something. Donate some money, donate food, and donate your time. Telling me you are thinking and performing some bullshit visualization to help these poor people is just masturbation.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
As a matter of fact it does. The more people realize this, thus creating bigger focus on the mass consciousness, increases it's chances of being phased out as a problem of the old world, and consequently healed.

If we keep on living and ignoring all the horrible things that are going in the world, its not going to get any better.

And if its not a major issue for you, then what makes you so sure other people don't want to learn about it and send their love(and MAYBE aid) to Africa. I certainly have been thinking about all those kids in Africa, and at times I just admittedly tear up... because I feel their pain and desperation. It's not just the kids, for me it goes far beyond that.

But with the realization that I can change this world and this reality, or at the very least to help and assist a change I will do so.
I will fantasizes and imagine how soon all the 3rd world country people, animals, and all other beings who are in pain will soon rejoice when the new paradigm arrives and all this retarded backwards "civilized" society comes to an end.
That is after all WHY I chose to be here in this moment in time. I have noticed that you consistently mock my perspective H.R. Pufnstuf, and that is because you've yet to realize that I come to deliver the bitter side of the truth. H.R. Pufnstuf said:
LOL, wow!
"Your ignorance of the real world might keep you happy for a while, but for how long? For how much more time do you think you can keep on living selfishly and ignoring the 35,000 kids who die on a daily basis in Africa alone from hunger and dehydration.... "
What are you doing about this SWoL? Somehow I don't think typing on the internet is feeding those children.
blah blah blah

you guys are both cool in my book, but it seems like you need to walk away from the keyboard for a while lol
what end do you hope to achieve by arguing? c'mon... C'MOOONNN!!!! hug each other & go do something

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
OK, so your tactic is to take what people say and turn it around. Sprinkle in some negativity and hate and we have a Spiritual Warrior of Light.

Also, just yesterday I donated money to several charitable organizations. From AIDS charities to Animal shelters.

I've had enough of you. You have shown time and time again that you are just a petty boy. Not even strong enough in your convictions to be called a man. Hopefully you save some of your pity on others for yourself.

Wiz, if only it could be so. SWoL follows and harasses people like Duckula and myself throughout the forum threads here. It always ends like this. He just can't let us be.

Wiz of Is said:
blah blah blah

you guys are both cool in my book, but it seems like you need to walk away from the keyboard for a while lol
what end do you hope to achieve by arguing? c'mon... C'MOOONNN!!!! hug each other & go do something

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
OK, so your tactic is to take what people say and turn it around. Sprinkle in some negativity and hate and we have a Spiritual Warrior of Light.

Also, just yesterday I donated money to several charitable organizations. From AIDS charities to Animal shelters.

I've had enough of you. You have shown time and time again that you are just a petty boy. Not even strong enough in your convictions to be called a man. Hopefully you save some of your pity on others for yourself.

Thanks, Nicklas! I'm with you :) Merry Christmas :)

Nicklas said:
Guys, relax. :)

You can continue this forever, and what will you gain from it? Nothing. Try to accept, and give some room for each other to be. It's the only way to solve this out. Relax and accept, you are both great guys.

So here's challenge for you. End this conversation with style, and leave a good, positive message for each other. I know both of you can do it. Thanks ;)
Oh how the self appointed Spiritual Warrior of Love has fallen. You play your usual game of turning my statements around and crying to the masses about unfair treatment, but then betraying yourself with the last statement which shall ever be preserved here for all to see. I've suspected you were capable of such behavior, but to see you actually commit it to words on SOE is quite a treat on this joyous time of the year. Now that you have shown your true self, I do hope you will lose the rhetoric that does nothing but emasculate yourself.

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Yea I have a feeling that this love bird is far within his delusion of ignorance, and arguing him will only unleash more negativity and dumbfunded denial. He's done nothing but consistently stalk, insult and mock me, with no clear or potent objectives in mind other than disrupt my arguments with others.

I think it's time I give him a taste of his own medicine and ignore anything he spews from his little dirt hole.

Nicklas said:
Guys, relax. :)
You can continue this forever, and what will you gain from it? Nothing. Try to accept, and give some room for each other to be. It's the only way to solve this out. Relax and accept, you are both great guys. So here's challenge for you. End this conversation with style, and leave a good, positive message for each other. I know both of you can do it. Thanks ;)


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