Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Greater Purpose To Requesting Healing By Natalie Glasson ... And ... Listening For Love By Areon Via Jamye Price ... And ... Your Path In Life By Shanta Gabriel

A Greater Purpose To Requesting Healing By AA Raphael Via Natalie Glasson

Archangel Raphael's Message .....

Greetings, I am Archangel Raphael, I come forth to you with my Angelic Healing Team ( to share wisdom and high vibrational healing transmissions. I wish to encourage you to ask for healing from me, Archangel Raphael, my Angelic Healing Team, and in truth any guide you resonate with upon the inner planes.

Asking and requesting healing for yourself is now essentially and especially important because healing is not only a transference of energy or a physical aid - it also develops your connection with the Creator Ashram  (, and also allows you to better uplift the lives of others.

As you ask for healing, whether out loud or in your mind, you are creating a pillar of light that flows from the inner planes into and through your being. The more light you anchor into your being the easier it will be for you to manifest and experience the qualities of the Creator within you.

Through requesting healing, you merge yourself with the Creator and experience the power of oneness with the Creator as you go about your everyday life. Below
are some examples to assist you in anchoring a healing for yourself:

‘I ask to be aligned to the healing energy of Archangel Raphael, and allow me to accept and experience a healing that is appropriate for me.’

‘I ask Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing to surround me completely in a bubble of healing and nurturing light. I ask that your healing light assists me in increasing my light quotient, realising my abilities of acceptance, transformation and anchoring the consciousness of the Creator that I require currently in my life to activate my Creator presence within me. Assist me to in embodying the wholeness and completeness of the Creator’s light within me, building my bond with the Creator and inspiring others to do so. Let it be.’

‘'I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing, and the Creator to penetrate my aura and my whole being. All negative energies, emotions or thought patterns are now dissolved.'

'I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to penetrate my physical body. All negative consciousness of pain, suffering, illness and disease are now transformed into positive loving consciousness of the highest vibration.'

''I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to particularly penetrate (part of your body) to manifest perfect glowing health. I am open to my energies shifting so that my entire being is aligned to the light of the Creator, experiencing a continuous awakening process.’

‘I am open to a healing from Archangel Raphael and wish to ask you to predominantly assist me in understanding the purpose and meaning of my current suffering so that I may realise the lesson that the Creator wishes me to overcome, achieving perfect health with ease.’

‘I ask Archangel Raphael to activate my natural healing abilities,  as well as my natural ability of absorbing and deciphering the consciousness of the Creator and gaining mastery over the skills of acceptance, shifting and anchoring healing vibrations. Allow me to feel, sense or acknowledge your healing vibrations and my own healing, caring and awakening light flowing from my being. Thank you.’

‘I invoke the healing presence of Archangel Raphael to channel the consciousness of love, balance, peace and equality between the masculine and feminine aspect of the Creator into my being. Please help me to experience the blissful and joyous vibrations and consciousness of the angelic

‘I ask for an intensive healing from Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator. I ask for an intensive awakening and embodiment of light and consciousness and connection with the Creator. Allow all negative blockages within my physical and spiritual body to fall away so that I may focus on building my bond with the Creator. Thank you.’

You may use one or many of these invocations to aid your connection with me, Archangel Raphael, and the Creator. I will support you in receiving an appropriate healing and a deeper connection with the Creator.

Anchoring the Creator’s Energies of Acceptance, Transformation and Love

The Creator realised within my expression and energy, Archangel Raphael, the quality of healing, caring, and the ability to help and enhance one's soul connection and evolution. Helping and caring for people is in fact one of my many purposes; sharing the most essential energies to aid their growth.

We can now see that every soul has the ability to heal because every soul can, if they wish to, devote themselves to caring for themselves, and caring and helping others through the process of anchoring the Creator’s energies of acceptance, transformation and love.

I feel this message is very simple and yet vitally important because it helps you to realise how easy it can be to embody the light of the Creator, creating transformations in your life and the lives of others.

Video - "A Greater Purpose To Accepting Healing By AA Raphael"

A Greater Purpose to Accepting Healing

There is a greater purpose to my current communication and encouragement of you requesting healing for yourself. My purpose is to alert you to the transformation that is available to take place within humanity through the simple process of requesting healing. This transformation is the shifting and rebirth of your energetic vibrational pattern especially, at a physical body level.

Humanity has created a template of existence through their thoughts of how a physical body manifests on the Earth, generating this over many generations and civilisations. It is akin to a knowledge or understanding of human life that is embedded into the physical form and consciousness of a human passed down through generations.

These simple beliefs dictate the appearance of a person, how they should act and react, what is available and possible for them on the Earth and in truth most things that every person experiences on the Earth. It is akin to DNA - information, characteristics, features and mannerisms passed through generations.

Of course, every physical person is different, and the soul can influence the manifestation of their physical body depending on the lessons they wish to learn. This template has evolved and changed and yet all humans hold the same consciousness which manifests within their physical bodies.

With more people awakening and the vibration of the Earth quickening, the information, template, or coded consciousness within each physical being is no longer appropriate or relevant to the current day ascension.

This has been transforming for some time now, however, I, Archangel Raphael and my Angelic Healing Team wish to boost, transform or upgraded humanity’s template of existence held within their physical bodies in order for their physical bodies to equal the light of their souls.

Many of you are already experiencing and receiving updates to your energies and the consciousness of your physical body. It is important to realise that this needs to happen on a mass scale.

I, Archangel Raphael wish to support the release of pain, strives, suffering, negative thoughts and false beliefs held within the consciousness or cellular structure of the physical body of all, starting from current reality, and from generations ago.

Now is the time to release old energies from the physical body and allow a new higher positive vibration and consciousness to anchor to support your soul’s development. If your physical body’s particles, cellular structure and physical manifestation hold a lower vibration - then this will only ensure your vibrations remain at a lower level.

By increasing the vibration held within your physical body, you allow yourself to link into higher dimensions and assist in releasing the limitations and cloak of fear that obstructs and weakens humanity.

Currently when people on the Earth are asking for healing, with the permission of their soul, we, the Angels and Archangels work with the energy of their physical body to allow fears and limitations from their own reality and that of the generations before them to be released, bringing a greater freedom to their energies. This manifests an improved health and vitality, a renewed vibrancy to their body and its function on a physical and spiritual level.

It is simply a healing with focus on the physical body and releasing old energy patterns. This practice enables the person to create a consciousness within their physical body and cellular structure that is appropriate for them, gaining a greater sense of mastery.

If you wish to experience this healing process to aid your spiritual growth and to assist in your physical body gradually being converted into pure Creator light, then you may use this invocation to assist in the healing and activation:

Invocation For Healing and Activation For Your Physical Body

‘Archangel Raphael, Archangels and Angels of Healing, my beloved guides and the Creator, I call upon your sacred presence, support and protection. Please balance and prepare my energies so I may be open to converting the consciousness and light vibration of my physical body.

I ask that you now channel the pure and blissful angelic and Creator healing energies into my energy and physical body. Please help me to accept a higher vibration of light, a purer vibration of love and a new positive consciousness, anchoring this deep into my physical body, flesh, bones, blood, organs, DNA and cellular structure.

I ask that all negative past programming, consciousness, beliefs and fears stored within my body from previous generations on the Earth and from my current lifetime on the Earth are dissolved, released now with ease and perfection.

Please assist this conversion of energy within my physical body, ensuring that this is a gradual process of peace and increased perfect health. Please anchor into my being and energy your support and assistance.

My physical body now holds the pure light, love and consciousness of my soul, soul group and the Creator to aid my further spiritual development on the Earth, free from fear or doubt, embraced in love and positivity. Thank you and let it be.’

Take time to imagine, sense or acknowledge the healing, rejuvenating and activating light flowing into your physical body, and sit or lie in peace until you feel the process is complete.

It is beneficial to practice this each day for 14 days in order to allow the transformation to occur within your physical body. It is important that over the 14 days of transmuting any negative vibrations and embodying positive vibrations that you invoke the Angels of Love from the angelic level to surround you and to channel their pure energy of love deep into your being. Ask for this at least three times a day, as it will ensure that you are supported and held in love, allowing all negative energies or consciousness to be released instantly and converted into love of the highest vibrations.

This healing process is naturally occurring to those who are calling on healing from their guides and the inner planes, however, to focus your intentions on this healing and activation process will boost your spiritual growth and allow your physical body to become a supportive energy to your development on the Earth. It is a step forward to ascension, mastery and a greater integration with the soul of the Creator.

In constant support and love,

Archangel Raphael

More Archangel Raphael -

For a free audio download of Natalie's message from AA Raphael:

Video - "The Healing Chambers of The Archangels Are Here For You Now"

Listening For Love By Areon Via Jamye Price

As you evolve into a being that is consciously connected with the subtle realms, it is important to embody that within your human experience. You are working to establish a strong inner connection, your inner stillness. From that strong inner connection, you interact with the world around you in a different way—through empowered Love.

Discovering your inner stillness creates a connection point. With practice, you notice an increase in your intuition, your understanding, and your creative flow with life. While this inner connection increases your ability to interact with the subtle realms, most importantly, it changes your human interactions. That is how you create change in your physical realm.

As you interact with others, the way to practice that stillness with interaction is to listen. Listen. Listening is the still point between human connections. It is where you genuinely receive the energy of another.

For some, the energy of listening has become confused with obedience, or lack of choice. Unconscious patterns of disconnection in communication have been created in order to maintain a sense of power.

Listening is for those that feel safe enough to expand. Sometimes expansion means giving up something that felt familiar and safe. Listening is for your personal, internal expansion. It is not a mechanism of agreement, it is a mechanism of connection.

How often do you speak and yet not feel heard? Many times in conversation, one may not be speaking in the moment, yet they are not truly listening either. They are preparing a rebuttal, relating information to the self, or thinking about something different altogether.

When you listen deeply, you will hear much more than the words that are said or even the body language. You will begin to hear the Love—the essence of another being wanting to come forth into the world.

Currently, many people interact from fear or wanting fulfillment that they do not know how to fulfill within. Consequently, there is a push and a pull from them that can become painful, tiring, annoying or frustrating.

It tests your inner strength not to be pushed or pulled by the outside world.

But for one that listens, that Love is expressed. It is silent. It may or may not look pleasant in the moment, but it is Love expressing. It is Love calling forth to be strengthened within. Your inner connection is a connection into the infinite self. That is the infinite well-spring of Love that creates, and it is within you.

As you nurture your inner strength through stillness, the push and pull of another does not push or pull you off balance. It meets the soft flow of your emotion. It is the difference between putting your hand into a wall, or putting your hand into water. As you listen and interact with an inner strength of stillness, you are flexible like the water and not shocked by the force, the push/pull, of another.

Listening is Connection by Areon the Lyran Council of Time

When another human meets your inner strength of Love, they are interacting with a being who feels nurturing and replenishing. You are just flowing along like water—responsive to Life, but not imbalanced by others. That is the difference of empowered Love.

Inner Stillness Shapes the Outer World

You will discover that as you observe things going on around you, you will be hearing into the fears that push and pull humanity. You will be holding your safe shores. That responsive sand that allows the flow to occur.

You will recognize that your awareness has more of a stabilizing energy flow to it. Things will begin to shape around you in ways that may not be obvious to another, but because of that internal strength and that connection that you now have with your infinite self, you will see the patterns forming. You are listening to Life.

You will recognize that though you have not tried to control someone into a pleasing behavior, they begin to become it. You will begin to see clues of your focus coming to fruition. As you observe the biggest challenges that humanity is experiencing now, you will also, if you look and listen closely, be able to find its opposite, its solution.

Your inner strength is beginning to affect the world more directly, though this is invisible at first. It is not all on your shoulders, it is for each to create. Yet it is natural to humanity, for you are truly connected.

Listening Creates a Flow of Love

This time right now is offering you such support as you change. That is what these times are, wonderful exercise as you work your inner stillness into more strength. Listening connects your inner strength of Love to the outside world.

As you strengthen within and control your inner realm, it will not feel as if it is controlled, it will feel as if your Love is unleashed.

That is how you recognize your inner strength. Not because everything is perfect, but because everything feels invigorating, even in challenge. That is your creative movement at play. Play. That helps you enjoy this process and keep your movement flowing.

As you play with these waves of Life, you find the flow of these waves moving you along. Instead of feeling pushed or pulled, you feel incredible movement, knowing the soft sands of safe shores are available to you. It is just a little beneath the wave that you are riding at the moment.

These are exciting times, and your drive of creativity and connection is part of what is helping you to begin to shape your inner world more. Life is eager to respond to your creativity. Connect with it. Listen to it. Find your still point of connection within. Life will meet you there.

April Ascension Energies

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living.

Video - "Embody & Harmonize With The Creator's Love" -

Your Path In Life By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel helps us to be grateful for our choices and to see our lives in a more expansive way.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Praise God and Praise Yourself for the Path You Have Chosen.

Shanta's Message .....

I usually receive this card when I am questioning how my life is going. It is always a message that encourages me to step back from the immersion into what is happening in front of my physical eyes and take a more neutral view of my reality.

Obviously it is easier to break into hallelujahs and exuberant praise when our lives are moving in ways that evoke our happy place.

The challenge is to know that our life has power and merit when we are looking at appearances that may not please us. But that's when we start flexing our spiritual muscles — to balance our emotional states and to see beyond appearances to know that there is a blessing in every situation.
It's not only a blessing, it's a call from our souls to notice that we have an opportunity to create something wonderful that really works much better for us.

Sometimes it is only this one step back into neutrality that helps me to be more present to the Creative Solutions available to me. First I need to recognize that whatever I am experiencing is a part of the work I am here to do for my soul, and then I can use the situation as a stepping stone to higher-frequency living.

When I make new choices from a higher perspective, from a place of multidimensionality, the path takes on a more enhanced aspect, with many more opportunities for the kind of creativity and expansion that I love. I have found that everything I love raises my vibrational frequency. That is really fun, because these empowered frequencies include really simple things like music, nature and beauty.
All the things I love become qualities of consciousness that uplift and inspire me, thus changing my vibrations and making it possible for me to have more of what I want to experience in life. This very basic Law of Attraction principle is always valuable to remember.

When we celebrate life in all its myriad forms, it honors the Presence that lives in and through us, blessing our path.
The uplifting of our thoughts and feelings to the ultimate truth of our existence is a substantial step forward to the recognition that our life is a true gift. We need to show up for our path in life with all the support and intention that we can muster, as well as all the resources we have within us.

We have had many attitude adjustments and learned many new skills and spiritual tools in this life that we can apply to creation of the most beautiful world we can imagine. Our imagination helps keep us expanded and inspired so we can incorporate the support from the Angelic Dimensions and all the help we have around us.
When we keep our intentions clear and our focus strong, we are walking as blended beings in a greater world that has yet to recognize this imperative. Our Souls know that this is what we are here to do, and our path is celebrated in the heavenly realms.
We are being gifted with so much love at this time. This real and practical multidimensional support is a blessed gift that we are here to experience right now.

When we honor the Infinite Intelligence that guides us and use the maturity and commitment to our spiritual path that hones our spirit, we are lifted into the enchanted realms of the higher dimensions. It is here that we can see the greater truths under the surface and join in an exalted co-creation of an empowered life.

All of us exploring together, using our most Divine resources combined with our diligent human selves, this is the enchanted and empowered collaboration that can create Peace on Earth, Love in every heart, and allow Nature and all Life to thrive.

Divine Presence,

I am calling forward my Soul Community in order to empower and share this special time on Earth. Together may we know that we hold the key to the Awakening within all humanity through our intentions and focus in life. Working together brings out the gifts and allows us to create more than we could by ourselves.

Thank you for this beautiful path I have chosen. Help me to bring more of my most divine and authentic self forward to be a blessing for the world.

May all beings know in their hearts the experience of true Freedom, Peace and Harmony on all levels. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
Video - "The Mary Transmission - Invoking The Angels of Peace, Love, & Miracle-Consciousness" By Steve Nobel -
AA Gabriel's Message .....

Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.

Dear One,
Your path in life is decided upon before you take birth in human form. Your soul reviews the lessons necessary for highest growth, and then chooses those life experiences that will provide them. From a human perspective, this choice is often difficult to comprehend. Many outwardly horrendous lifetimes have powerful lessons and seem beyond human understanding.
To truly understand the soul's growth, it is necessary to have an expanded perspective that sees an overall picture. When situations occur in life which seem very difficult to handle, a certain balance is provided in knowing that, on a soul level, a great learning experience is occurring and that you are given all you need to handle the situation, for the highest good of all concerned.
This does not mean that your emotions do not exist, or that somehow you should not feel upset, because in human terms your experience is very real and your feelings valid.
Within the power of your soul, however, there is a great gift in every situation. No matter how senseless a condition may appear to your human eyes, a greater truth is available. It can assist you to remember this and to pray to see it. It can also help to remember that you live in a benevolent universe where the grace of God is available at all times.
From a human perspective, it is also often difficult to experience incredible joy and happiness. There are many in your world who say, "it's too good to be true, watch out when things get too good," etc. etc.
The Angels say to you that you are a beloved child of God who deserves to be happy and to have incredible blessings in your life. If this is what you are experiencing right now, enjoy it. Live this blessed moment to the fullest. Never doubt that good things happen, and that joy and miracles are the natural state of being.
Do not doubt the path you have chosen. If there is something in your world that you want to change, pray that it be transformed for the highest good of all concerned. Trust in your Angelic teachers and in God's presence, which is eternally within you. Be grateful for your life and most of all:

Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
January 20, 2019

Video - "Let The Light Language of AA Metatron Spin The Metatron Cube For Your Spiritual Upliftment" -

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