7 Steps To Connect With Your Spirit Guided By Melanie Beckler
Have you ever had one of those moments?
Where the guidance from your spirit guides just seemed to effortlessly flow through to you?
You might have just the right words come to you in the moment...
Or you suddenly know exactly what it is your very best next step...
Or perhaps you just feel connected... Radiant... Like its almost effortless to stand in integrity and shine your light.
These are all signs, or examples of what it may be like when you're connected to your Spirit Guides and allowing the Higher Guidance, Light and Frequency of Spirit to flow through you.
It really is an awesome experience...
One that with awareness and practice you can cultivate and call forth more and more.
And so to support you in that... I was guided this morning to record and share a practice with you for How to Connect with Your Spirit Guide!
I teach you this 7 step practice and then guide you through it here in my video.