Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

We are so very close, can anyone feel it yet
It feels like something is going to occur big time more and more.
I don't know about you but i'm feeling it's happening this year.

Check out this video it is really good

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first contact or not we don't need E.T.s to be the best we can be on earth, oh though first contact may give people the hope and inspiration they need to make the effort.
wow love it.

I hope it's soon first contact i'm tired of waiting. Not for me because i know they exist, but for the whole humanity, for those that still are sleeping and need something like this to wake up FASTER.

thanks Aaron dope video
I think i know that, i already know they arn't going to help us at all, but they will meet us in person and we becoming a galactic civilization but first we all have to be civilized and they will help lift humanity with they're love, and they are doing that now. I feel very strongly that they will be appearing to all of us very shortly. Ufo sightings are increasing so fast, but they arn't making the news, only a small percentage makes it on the news.

Any how Thankyou all for your comments

Alex said:
first contact or not we don't need E.T.s to be the best we can be on earth, oh though first contact may give people the hope and inspiration they need to make the effort.
I'm more worried about the winner of the iran elections turning up with a blue head scarf on, watching closely.....
Great video but anything with politicians or Obama is verry annoying , i believe in ufo 1st contact someday but they will not be disclose or reveal from the USA puppets administrations or any goddamn politician.. yeah change we can believe in, the whole world economy is on the verge of collapsing yeah thank you Mr obama something will change but not because of you because we have enough of liars and corruptor and criminal like you...
Great video Thanks for posting ^_^. I know first contact is coming, I'm just getting tired of waiting for it to be released lol.

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