Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Global Meditation for Healing The Planet On 23 June,2010

Event Details

Global  Meditation for Healing The Planet On 23 June,2010

Time: June 23, 2010 all day
Location: Where Ever You Are
Event Type: global, healing
Organized By: Lydia
Latest Activity: Jun 23, 2010

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Event Description

Humanity Healing is sponsoring and endorsing a series of initiatives to both physically assist those nonprofits involved with the direct physical clean-up of the BP Gulf Oil disaster as well as spiritually assisting with the disaster through collective meditations and visualizations.

The first of these is on Wednesday, 23 June 2010, at 5:30 EST (GMT-5:00). This time was chosen for astral and planetary aspectation.
To get your downloadable PDF of suggested meditations, visit:
For those who can attend, there will be a teleconference for the meditation. The call-in number is 1.270.400.2000, access code 707110.

Please also watch Wake-up Call

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Gulf Phoenix Rising Project

Music: Marcome, "Memoria"

Voice: Dr. Kimberly Ridgeway

Images: Google & Photobucket
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Comment by buddha boy on June 20, 2010 at 4:05pm
i've been thinking would that help because its all we can do,i'm sure it can so start now,i'll do my best to attend
Comment by Lydia on June 19, 2010 at 2:32pm
Comment by Lydia on June 19, 2010 at 1:29pm
Please Watch This Beautiful Meditation for OCEANS ~ By Dolphins
Join us this June to Co-Create the new Earth in partnership with the Elementals and Dolphins !
Comment by Lydia on June 19, 2010 at 8:57am

Comment by CHRISTINA on June 19, 2010 at 8:55am
Let's hope Kevin's machines will make a difference too. Anyway, blessings to Kevin and his work...

"BP has given the green light for funding of a device that can separate oil from water.

Development of the machine, which uses a centrifuge to separate the fluids, has been backed by actor Kevin Costner to the tune of $25 million.

John Houghtaling, Costner's chief partner in the project, told WWL First News that the oil company has ordered 32 of the devices for use in the Gulf of Mexico.

"In a matter of weeks, we can be manufacturing ten of these a week," Houghtaling said. "So we're hoping by the first of August to have all 32 of these things in the Gulf
Comment by Lydia on June 19, 2010 at 8:21am
Thank You for This Add CHRISTINA ~ May We ALL Join OUR Hearts as ONE !

Comment by CHRISTINA on June 19, 2010 at 8:10am
In Love and Gratitude :-)

"-- Urgent Message from Dr. Masaru Emoto regarding oil spill in Gulf of Mexico--

I saw news in this morning about oil spill in Gulf of Mexico. In the news, the Japanese TV crew chartered a boat and got the scene where the huge amount of oil was spilled in the gulf of Mexico. They departed from the mouth of Mississippi River and they got the scene after 1 hour. Huge amount of oil is gushing out everyday and the reporter said it is just a matter of time that the oil is reaching the shore.

After the reporter arrived the scene by a boat, she scooped sea water with a cup and she checked what’s inside. Then there was a young fish carcass in the cup. It was only one small scoop but the fish carcass was there. I shuddered to think how many lives are lost by this oil spill in the entire ocean.

Then, when they were on the way back, they encountered dolphins at ocean area where they should have never been seen before. The dolphins were running away from the scene where the oil spilled and they were moving towards the shore. What will happen if oils are surging ahead to the shore. The answer is obvious.

As a water researcher, I have been always thinking why the oils and water cannot be combined. Perhaps scientists can answer this question with using an equation however, it is difficult to understand and I think their answer cannot answer my essential question “Why is that?” So, from a viewpoint of a water messenger, I would like to mention my opinions regarding this question.

“Water is the principal of all things.”

Nobody will deny this word which was said by Thales, the Greek Philosopher in 2500 BC. All things were created by blueprint of creator in water and we can say that water should be able to combine with all things. In another word, water likes everything.

However, water cannot combine with oils, meaning water dislike oils. Maybe, it is not appropriate to use the word “like” or “dislike” because water does not have emotions. The noble role of water is to maintain and protect life phenomenon in great nature so water can refuse to things to disturb its role.

There is another phenomenon that water does not appreciate. It is a gap issue on energy. Water does not discriminate anything and go with the spirit of conciliation and peaceful co-existence. If there is a situation of unbalance of energy happened, water is warning us by becoming Tsunami, Hurricane or earthquake.

By the way, why oil products are giving human bodies bad effect even though Oils are products of nature which originally stayed in underground. My answer is like this.
I think oils are liquefied organism which was accumulated in the underground since this earth created and any organism contains spirits of our ancestor or animals.

I think all the living organism which have not been able to ride on Noah’s Ark when Atlantis and Mu were vanished, were lost in the underground and they have became a part of petrol. So, my idea is that petrol oil has Hado of much fear and grudge and they affect human bodies negatively.

Of course it is an idea without scientific proof and I am ready to receive any criticism on this.

Recently the birth of alternative energy which can be replaced by oils have been announced in Japan. It is actually energy extracted from water which demonstrated my idea to extract energies from water that I have been telling for 20 years. It is the technology to extract safe energy called oxy-hydrogen gas from water. You can see the technology from the following video.

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