Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Fire The Grid II ~ World Wide Meditation

Event Details

Fire The Grid II ~ World Wide Meditation

Time: July 28, 2009 from 7:15pm to 8:15pm
Location: Rio De Janeiro Time ~ Meditation ~ where ever YOU ARE!
Website or Map:
Event Type: raise, vibration, on, our, planet, :-)
Organized By: Lydia
Latest Activity: Jul 29, 2009

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Event Description

" FIRE The GRID is a movement for change, and it comes from a place of love and integrity. It demonstrates how many we are and that there is great strength in numbers. It brings a united front for those who know that we can make a difference in this world. True change begins with each individual becoming accountable, not only for what is happening now but what will happen in the future. Embrace the “I am” and we will create the “We can” to follow through with the highest intention to create a better world.

Remember WHO YOU Truly ARE as an Individual: a DIVINE Piece of Our CREATOR.

And when you align with others, you become part of a collective of very powerful creators. There are many changes coming for this world. The energy we hold as a collective unit will influence the outcome of those changes, but before we manifest more for ourselves we must put time and energy into manifesting a healthy planet and a healthy people so that there will be something here to enjoy in our future.

When you’re in JOY, you create High Vibration. When you create High Vibration, we create a High Vibration in the World. And there will be Ease in the Transition. It’s just a linear kind of rolling. The Light Beings have instructed that WE MUST UNITE in our Similarities NOT Dissolve in Our Differences. They say to find the differences "Fascinating".

○ Unite in the knowing that there is more than meets the eye.
○ Know that you can influence this Time and Space and Then DO SO.
○ Put Forward your Best Foot, lay the plan of your intention then tend your garden. There are many projects where we can tend our garden. They will show themselves. It is up to each individual to find the way to incorporate living with PURITY of INTENTION EVERYDAY.

To summarize, what we will do on JULY 28, 2009 at 19:19 (7:19 PM) Rio De Janeiro time — is UNITE As ONE, Sharing Our PUREST INTENTION to Create a New World. As each of us as individuals see the earth in its true potential, collectively we will Begin To Create a world with Untold POSSIBILITIES. Hold that Intention For ONE HOUR. During that time, the energy stored in the crystal beds under Brazil will be Released and We Will ALLOW that Energy to PASS THROUGH US on its way back to Source.

The energy of Fire the Grid is ready to go back home.

Please join us on JULY 28, 2009 at 19:19 (7:19 PM) RIO DE JANEIRO Time — for FIRE The GRID II as we Choose Consciously to be PRESENT and ACCOUNTABLE in the Energetic Creation of a New World. " - Shelley Yates.

If You Have a Facebook account, The FIRE The GRID II Event Page can be found . Do inform and invite your Friends and Relations whom you believe would Resonate as well with this One-ness Endeavour.

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Comment by Lydia on July 12, 2009 at 1:26am

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