Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Bryan Deflores Guest on the Cosmic Eye Ashtar Command Radio

Event Details

Bryan Deflores Guest on the Cosmic Eye Ashtar Command Radio

Time: September 20, 2009 from 11:30am to 1pm
Location: Planet Earth
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Event Type: ashtar, command, radio, live, internet, broadcast
Organized By: CmdrAleon
Latest Activity: Sep 16, 2009

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Event Description

Bryan de Flores of Lightquest International a Ashtar Command Starbase is a universal artist, teacher, and healer. His many projects of Light have assisted with the evolution of Mother Earth and her children. He is currently being guided to work in the "VRIL" energy frequency, which is closely associated with the subterranean energies of Golden Light. He has established the Heart of the Golden Age Gateway and Gallery in Auburn, CA, where he meets, greets, and guides such members of the public as show up. He is a gifted alchemist who assists others in the assimilation and grounding of the new Christ Consciousness and the 5th dimensional energies of the "Golden Age." He uses visual triggers to introduce new paradigms, including financial, medical, spiritual, and educational systems for the coming "Golden Age."
Bryan experienced a dramatic shift in consciousness on December 4, 1996. At that time his spiritual mission was activated, and he was guided to move from the beaches of Southern California to Arizona. It was here, he was told, he would expand his life's work. Using artistic talents from previous interplanetary incarnations, Bryan was asked to illustrate for humanity images from the next millenium, "The Golden Age of Aquarius." Using Prismacolor pencils and Canson paper, he began drawing multi-dimensional Lightbodies, geometries, and various other images, most of which have never been seen on Earth before. Channeled from the Divine Blueprint, these images contain ancient scripts from Earth (pre-dating 10,000 B.C.), multi-dimensional symbols, telepathy, and languages from other planets. When others see these personal and Universal images, they are awakened to their true Selves, and higher purpose. Bryan has completed hundreds of personal Lightbody images, firmly grounding a new 5th dimensional blueprint/grid upon Earth. He has also completed the creation and drawing of a 72-piece "Sacred Geometry" puzzle, the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness, or 13th octave. Most of the templates are completed (from start to finish) within 10 to 20 minutes. Utilizing a visualization technique given to him by the Star people, Bryan infuses and upgrades all drawing materials involved with the Violet Flame, and within seconds a pillar of light descends around him. Often, the images immediately appear etherically on the paper and Bryan merely traces the lines and adds the color. His artwork acts as a visual accelerator for the personal and collective evolution of Mankind.

Bryan explains that for the past 2000 years we have been in a major learning transition. However, we are about to enter the Fifth dimension of time/space and will manifest levels of Prosperity and Love not yet experienced on this physical plane. He also states that there are a multitude of Lightbeings currently assisting us from other dimensions and planets.

Don't miss this important Worldwide Broadcast Sunday 11;30 AM Est and 8:30 AM Pst September 20th,2009 with your host CmdrAleon

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