Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



It is now 2015! The year is already off to a great START! Discovery on “multiple levels” is occurring, and those who are becoming aware are finding more and more of the hidden truth being revealed to them with each passing day!

As promised, in this New Year, I will be “unpacking” a sizable amount of the information that I shared with readers in a very compressed format at the end of 2014. It was very difficult then, to go through this information step by step, and inch by inch, because in those previously written articles, there was literally so much information to share with everyone, and the time was GETTING SO SHORT, that it literally all had to come out as a huge “data dump” so the information could all see the light of day before the calendar year ended.

This was crucial because on a higher level a renewal of CONTRACTS takes place with our enslavers at Christmas.

Since not everything in our reality is as it appears, a TIME STAMP had to be applied to ALL of that information as having been placed into the public awareness before the celebration of the New Year happened.

This quick data dump was then a multi-dimensional chess move that may not make much sense to you at this time — unless you understand that we also actually exist on a higher frequency level. Then you would be aware that the chessboard that is presently our Earth, actually has other parts to it besides the parts that we can see physically.

Unfortunately the “job” that I am taking on while putting out this vast array of information, is the very “job” that millions of journalists all over the world are already being paid to do for you. The sad reality is that they are NOT DOING IT!

Not only are they NOT doing it — they are actively REFUSING TO DO IT!

Those working within the mass media have become nothing more than obstructionists to the truth, and are standing in the way! Sadly, they have done this for as little as the promise of a golden ticket to a safe place of protection when the “crap” that is scheduled hits the veritable fan.

In other words, they choose, yes they actively CHOOSE — to distribute lies to the ENTIRE WORLD — and to deceive us as to the nature of our true situation here on EARTH — all for a survival card that you and I were not ever going to get! We’ll just see how “that” works out for them in the days to come.


At this point in time, it is becoming increasingly clear to most people — if it has not become crystal clear already — that nothing the mass media is telling us can ever be trusted! We just went through ANOTHER FALSE FLAG EVENT in Paris, France — a false flag, which was just as botched, and just as obvious to those who are “awake” as was the Boston Bombing false flag — or for that matter, the now totally exposed Sandy Hook false flag.

As these false flags are always supported by the media, this false flag was no exception in that it was wholly supported and “dished up” by the media as the total truth — and continues to be dished up days later — rehashed and revisited — in order to “drive” an AGENDA that has nothing to do with the event itself! As David Icke puts it – “problem – reaction – solution!

See this article from Veterans Today!

Certainly those at the top of the media conglomerates are fully in the KNOW about what is going to happen on their turf — as well as law enforcement officials — and even how it is going to happen, before it happens! So, if this is the case, then there is NO POSSIBLE way that we can avoid labeling the media, the government, and law enforcement as despicable LIARS, since that is exactly what they are.

We have to get clear on this one important issue in the year of 2015 – if we are EVER going to get past 2016: Those who are participating in the lie at this time DO HAVE A CHOICE! Their free will has not been taken from them, and they can certainly step down from their positions if they want to! No one is holding a gun to their head and saying to them as they read the tele-prompter: YOU MUST TELL THESE LIES! They are literally choosing to continue to do so each day!

True – those refusing to participate may be fired if they don’t – but that’s a VERY EASY CHOICE! JUST QUIT!

Why continue to lie — for money — to the entire world, if the telling of those lies will end up as a result causing chain reactions of other horrible things happening in various countries across the planet? The choice is easy! It is either this: Let people across the world suffer deeply as a result of spreading obvious lies — or this: Quit your job and do something else!

What am I missing here? The DENIAL of our connection to one another on this planet is EPIC — and our responsibility for the DAMAGE done when we participate in the lies of ORGANIZED CRIME can no longer be over looked.

Friends — please get this! The “news media” is totally COMPLICIT in the massive problems that have been, and are going on in the Ukraine, in Gaza, in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and dozens of other countries all over the world! It is like by NOT TELLING THE TRUTH, THEY are shooting the bullets themselves.

We know this — now we need to do something very uncommon if we are to ever move past all of this and fix it — we need to: THINK BIGGER AND LOOK DEEPER

I’m going to be very blunt at this point, and say that whether it is false flag attacks, ebola and pandemics, Russia blamed for invading Crimea, bankers falling out of windows, planes falling out of the sky, the worldwide financial crisis, riots in Missouri, the Police State, or any other news issue that pops up on your television screen FOR ANY REASON — these are ALL orchestrated events, or at the very least “steered events” being rolled out for your viewing pleasure, and are meant to keep your attention away from OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS.


Any good magician will tell you that the best magic is done while your audience is looking the other way! The “art” of distraction is the most important part of a good magician’s toolbox. If the audience is to be really “hoodwinked” in a very convincing way – there has to be as MUCH DISTRACTION happening on the stage as is possible at the same time the magician is doing his “trick”.

The stage in this case is the holographic reality that we call the EARTH! The stage is our World — and thus World Events are nothing more than magical distractions — put there for a purpose! Far more sinister than you may have understood — our “reality” is being “managed” by those who do not have our best interests in their minds and hearts. They work discretely from behind the scenes, pulling strings and pushing buttons, which are designed to have an AFFECT upon the mass consciousness of the world!

The affect they are seeking is always “magnetic” and has to do with the “frequency” and “vibration” of the planet more than any other thing!


In my many other articles – I have called the men operating behind the curtain – DARK MAGICIANS. You will remember that the word MAGIC decoded is MAG – net – IC! So the truth of the matter is that in order to get any significant MAGNETIC AFFECT to happen on the Earth, you need to be a MAGNET -ICIAN – or the shorter version – a magician! I hope you can all see the logic in this!

In the Epic Movie – THE WIZARD OF OZ – where there was a huge evil head hovering above a stone alter and spewing out fire while screaming at Dorothy, there are secret messages hidden within the film for us to get.

It is clear to us that the holographic head – was nothing more than a fake projection, meant to cause fear within all those who saw it.

I suggest to you that the VERY SAME THING is happening within our world as we speak!

In the WIZARD OF OZ – there was a man “behind the curtain” pulling all the levers – and nothing Dorothy and her crew were seeing was real. What’s worse is that we find that the unlikely group could NOT UNDERSTAND that the head was a fake, only because they “collectively” were missing: BRAINS, A HEART, AND COURAGE!

This is just too obvious of a slam on the public at large from the Illuminati —
in that We the People are the ones who have — no brains, no heart, and no courage! So how could we ever figure out the “projection” is a fake, and only being done by a wizard behind the curtain?

Only a little dog figured it out! This is what they think of us!

This movie was the Illuminati laughing in our collective face!

Now, as it happens, there are many, many players involved in the manipulation of our planets “magnetics” and frequencies besides the wizards themselves.


Following along with the WIZARD OF OZ – the henchmen of the witch are “all monkeys”! (Wizards and Witches go together.)

Is it too much of a stretch here to guess that those beings from OFF WORLD – who are not human – would view human beings as nothing more than large “multi-colored monkeys?” And laugh at that? Would it not also be a joke to them to tell us — in their schools – that we evolved from monkeys? THAT is the farthest thing from the truth there is.

Thus, the evil henchmen who are working to help the DARK WIZARDS — Beings who are not from Earth — are large stupid monkeys (treasonous humans).

Is it also a stretch of my “imagination” to think that the word WIZARD looks very much like LIZARD? Am I missing something here?

Thus – in the movies, we’ve been told who is here, and what they are doing to us, and how they are fooling us!

There are low-level managers – mid-level managers – and top-level managers who are all helping the wizards/lizards working toward this AGENDA on the Earth! I’ll get into who they are later!

Pleasea view this three-hour video to help you understand the Wizards/Lizards Henchmen


The television in your home – actually belongs to those who are working toward the AGENDA. When you watch the television, you are not only “consenting” to be willingly “distracted” by their propaganda delivering device, you are submitting to several hours of magnetically charged plasma being radiated from your screen and into your home IF you watch the television for several hours per day.

Here’s a quick clue for all of you who doubt this – it’s called TELL – A – VISION for a very good reason!

The device inside your home is NOT what you think it is! It is there in order to “tell you a vision” of what is going on in the world. NOT WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING – but instead, it is there to tell you “THEIR VISION” or better yet, THEIR VERSION – of what they want you to think and they want you to believe – NONE OF WHICH IS THE TRUTH, and all of which is a “distraction”.

Before we continue, let’s carefully “unpack” the word distraction, because it does NOT mean what you think it means. Distraction is: DIS – “TRACTION”, or the lack of TRACTION. Traction – is what keeps the car driving safely down the road. Dis – traction, or loss of traction, is what causes the car to spin out of control and then end up in the ditch going NOWHERE!

So any type of distraction placed in front of you is actually put there in order to get your personal awareness to lose traction – to spin out of control – and land you in the ditch where you can no longer think for yourself or act properly when faced with life’s decisions. As a result you go NOWHERE!

Let’s get honest and see what is offered up daily on their TELL – A – VISION.

Endless sporting events – game shows – soap opera’s – talk shows – cartoons – reality T.V. – scandal magazine shows – court T.V. – movies – and all the “news” you can possibly stomach – all of which are: DIS – TRACTION PROGRAMS.

They don’t call them “programs” accidentally either – they call them “programs” because your mind is being “programmed” to think in a certain way about the reality we live in.

So then, this is a really big idea: Dis — traction Program = a program for your mind that will cause you to lose traction in your life and spin helplessly out of control – while other things are happening on the planet that you are unable to deal with!

Tell – a – vision = Dis – “traction” Programming

NOW – you have become fully aware of what a television is – and what its purpose truly is. NOTHING – NOTHING on this Earth is as it seems.

Because it’s 2015 now – it’s time to start getting “real” about the scope of things, and to finally understand how deep the “rabbit hole” goes!

It is time also to really understand just how many of our family and friends — those people who work in various industries — are DEEPLY, DEEPLY COMPLICIT with the lies that are being told to everyone. This cannot be corrected by simply “ignoring” it. In addition, by feeling sorry for these people and saying they are just trying to do their best — without calling them on it — you are “consenting” on an unseen and supernatural level, to have them continue to LIE TO YOU.

Without “acting” to put a stop to it , You have thusly become both an enabler of deceit, and COMPLICIT in your own imprisonment! This is not rocket science —it is simple esoteric knowledge of “energetics”. No real parent would ever accept from his or her child the “idea” that it was okay, and unavoidable, that the child was just going to lie to them everyday. What kind of parent would think that? On some level, even a parent knows that there are “consequences” that will come back to them if they indeed DO not put a stop to their child’s lying!

A real parent thus DEMANDS the truth from their child no matter what! Why are we treating these other members of our broader family differently?

It is OUR JOB to put a stop to their lies! If we do not — then the consequences of that will be the NEW WORLD ORDER TAKEOVER — a huge consequence that is justifiably going to haunt us. That idea is not rocket science either. The lies told by all of those in positions of power have to stop — and WE HAVE TO BE THE ONES TO DO IT!


There is an overriding plan that is going on here — and “that PLAN” has been going on for decades within the “span” of our short lives — as well as for centuries and millennia, in the span of the lives of those who are looking to control this world. We have been “handed” an exceedingly complex problem to solve – NOT A PROBLEM TO FURTHER IGNORE!

So the ENTIRE reason that the media is even there is to create and to dish out as much DISTRACTION for the masses as possible — yes they know this — and they do it so that the UNSEEN AGENDA can move forward while we are left confused.

Nothing of substance any longer ever comes out of the media — or government officials. They are spineless cowards who literally joke and laugh around the water cooler about which stories they are going to have to ignore and NOT TALK ABOUT when they finally get on the air. Your best alternate action is to stop watching television and to THINK BIGGER – AND LOOK DEEPER!


I’ve been asked over and over again to explain why such a thing as a “personal declaration of independence” could possibly make any difference to a person’s life in our reality! This is truly a “complex” idea and is not easily unpacked without extensive explanation. I could write a book on just this, but time is short and it is only one aspect of what is necessary to know.

CONSENT is part of FREE WILL. Besides the obvious “idea” that there is something called FREE WILL, which has been talked about within both philosophy and religion and even relates to stories of the origin of the Soul itself, there is another big idea called “multi-dimensional existence” that comes into play here with our so called free will, and is as important to understand as is consent.

I explained it to another person very effectively in this way: If you ever had the opportunity to watch the original STAR TREK SERIES, you may have seen SPOCK playing “chess” on three levels in a few of those episodes.

There were playing pieces on all three levels – and moves could be made on all three levels! Not only that, but under certain circumstances – a piece from the bottom level could do a move and take out a piece a few levels up.

This brings in the idea of the SUPERNATURAL which was part of the title of my long series: GCOM – (Great Con Of Man). Supernatural simply means: happening on a level that can’t be seen. So, in this regard, and in the way that I am choosing to use this word supernatural and multi—dimensional are basically the same thing, because they have to do with the unseen.

What I am trying to explain here is that we are dealing with forces that are totally unseen. They DO EXIST, they have substance, and they are in fact trying to control our lives. Because we are an “enslaved race”, we are not meant to SEE our prison, or those prison guards that have a daily affect on us, even though they do exist. The guards and controllers exist on higher frequency levels, which are not available to our limited eyesight. This creates a very specific problem for us.

Back to SPOCK’S chess game. He claimed it was very difficult for a human being to play on three levels, because they were not used to thinking on multiple levels. What a great “clue” this is as to how things are!

Even though WE can’t see the other levels of the chessboard – they are there – and WE do have PLAYING PIECES on those levels that WE can’t see.

WE have chess pieces on the supernatural levels that WE have NEVER EVEN TOUCHED – much less moved into play in the great game.

Everything — and this is not a joke — I’m totally serious — and I’m not kidding — that happens with regards to our lives here on Earth requires our CONSENT!

No matter what it is — we MUST first sign or place our SIGNATURE (signet), or “sign” of consent — somewhere on the dotted line, at some point, or nothing can ever be done to us — it’s required by COSMIC LAW.


From the very moment you are born, you are being trained – groomed – and taught – to ALWAYS give your CONSENT to others in positions of authority!

This is far from accidental! It is part of the enslavement process — and starts the very second you are born — and when your parents “sign” the certificate of live birth” at the Hospital. What they have done is “given consent” to the hospital to send your certificate of live birth to the “state” which then issues a formal BIRTH CERTIFICATE – with your name all capitalized on it.

Here is what they “really” did. The state declared you “still born” or dead. Because you are dead: you are no longer a true living being. So the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is really a DEATH CERTIFICATE, and because they declared you dead, they declared that all of your future assets and wealth, your physical body and mind, and even your children were “forfeit” and NOW BELONGED TO THE STATE! (And since neither you, nor your parents contested that, it became “truth” inside their law)

At this point, they graciously give back to you – and your parents – all the things THEY NOW OWN! These things, they will allow you to “use” as long as you do what you are told to do. In other words follow all laws – government rules – regulations – etc. etc.

This of course is totally unlawful and against COSMIC LAW! However, all anyone ever had to do was to CHALLENGE THIS and know – really know – what had been done to them —AND the “state” would have to back off.


The one thing – the only thing – that these Dark Magicians – and those OFF-WORLD other dimensional beings could never claim to own is YOUR SOUL.

They know that if they did PRIME CREATOR would kick them so hard their cousin’s dog – living in another galaxy – would squeal from pain.

This is why they set up our Earthly System of Banking and hierarchy! This is why they gave those first civilizations, particularly the ancient maritime civilization – based first in Phoenicia – the Ancient Law of Contracts – and began to use contracts for everything done here! From there it spread to Sumer, Babylon & Egypt.

A signature became necessary for every act — because the signature becomes the “record” or your consent to what was being done. This did not happen all at once – and they have been playing this “takeover” game of theirs, with an eye toward the final period – a period of play that we are in RIGHT NOW.

Thus, the way they have set up the system on Earth – THEIR SYSTEM – which is an ENSLAVEMENT SYSTEM – nothing can ever be done without a signature or your consent on record. Here’s the ELEPHANT in the room friends. WHY – WHY is a signature always required? It is NOT for the reason you were told – NOTHING you’ve been told is the truth!

They need your signature as CONSENT to your continued ENSLAVEMENT.

Could it really be as simple as the idea that NOTHING could ever be done to you if you had not consented to it in some way or some fashion first, perhaps even on a level that you were unaware of?

Even when you are a child, the “state” gives your parents the right to speak for you in all matters – which means that any consent concerning YOUR WELFARE has to come from your parents. They need this consent because even though they claim to own your body – your SOUL is still up for grabs – and because you are the “product” of your parents DNA – it is your parents who are given the right to speak for you.

But remember, they were trained and taught as children to ALWAYS CONSENT to the authorities as well! So naturally, they usually give their consent on your behalf to the authorities until you can speak for yourself. By the time you are able to do so – you’ve also been trained to always consent, too.

(That’s right “fido” – you’ve been a very good dog today – you’ve consented to everything by writing your name on every piece of paper put in front of you!)


Those beings who have imprisoned us know that this Universe is a FREEWILL ZONE, and in fact that there truly IS A PRIME CREATOR. They also know that there is a Universal Justice System that would literally DESTROY them permanently if they did not get “on some level” your permission for keeping you enslaved in the way that they are doing it. It’s simple for me to say – yet complicated for me to show you – just how deep the rabbit hole really goes – because you are so used to it.

YOUR CONSENT – they are getting from you daily – as you go about your life doing “business” every time you sign something. The idea and the fact that you are not totally aware of that – is the desired goal!

Unpacking this one idea could take hundreds of pages – so in the interest of moving forward – let’s leave that for now and say just one more thing –


That is why you need a marriage license to get married. A license is permission to do something that is illegal – such as having sex with your spouse without a license. A license gives you legal permission to take your wife home and “do your business.”

That’s why who you have sex with is: None of my business. You are correct! It is YOUR BUSINESS, as is every other thing you do here on Earth – which is “regulated” by those who created BUSINESS in the first place.


Business is just: “Busy” “ness” or the act of being busy. All of your “busy” – ness is regulated by our controllers which is why you need a “busy” ness license (from them) in order to even earn a living on this planet.

Even taking over the EARTH — and enslaving every living SOUL here is very risky “busy” ness for them to undertake! And they are treading on very thin ice with PRIME CREATOR!

They have to do it in such a way so that everyone here asks for it, and gives their consent.
This is the whole purpose for the calendar and for religious celebrations! Each celebration marks a “RENEWAL” of your “CONTRACT” with them. Each CHRISTMAS and EASTER and other Holidays – or HOLY DAYS are in fact the end of “CONTRACT CYCLES” which then need to be renewed. Thus almost every religion calls upon you to celebrate with them their holy day/holiday – and if you do – it must mean you are consenting to a new contract!

That is why they have to get millions and millions of signed “contracts” for every business thing that they do to us when interacting with us here on Earth or else PRIME CREATOR will have their “a$$”!

They have to get and have a record of your CONSENT on file for every tiny little thing – which you are trained to always give them – and their files are mind bogglingly large.

They also knew that a time was coming when everyone would be allowed to choose to either leave the game or to stay enslaved. If you are awake at all, you can see that they are currently using your consent — consent that was already given from the time you are a young adult — against you in every way possible to keep you from getting any more knowledge or freedom that might allow you to break free of their enslavement game.

Here’s where it gets really sticky!

Because you’ve already given so much consent in so many ways for so many years on the gross physical level, they really do have you on an “energetic level” which can cause endless problems in your life.

However, every single one of you have games pieces on the 2nd level up and the 3rd level of the chess board that YOU’VE NEVER TOUCHED ‘ because you didn’t know they were there.

Using a “personal declaration of independence” and having a printed or spoken CONTRACT that removes all consent ever given is a SUPERNATURAL TOOL — and is moving a very powerful piece on the game board a few levels up.

The truth is that this move does not WIN the game for you! You’ve been had and screwed on the 1st level of the game board for a very long time and were totally losing there. Moving a higher-level piece into play only manages to STOP any future hurt and pain they may be planning for you, and removes all consent to their tactics. It basically achieves a supernatural roadblock and nothing more. It gives you time to assess just how much control they have gained in your life and how you’ve been consenting to it all along.

It also tells those LOVING BEINGS who live many levels up that you are NO LONGER consenting and thus Cosmic Law now allows them to give you assistance! Without this move – they are forbidden to interfere!

I’ve been asked many times as well. Who do we send this DECLARATION to on the physical level? Here again – always thinking only on the bottom level!

Spock was right! Stop thinking ONLY ON ONE LEVEL! You don’t have to sign this DECLARATION (found on Jean’s site here) or send it to ANYONE!

You just need to download it – read it – make it your own – and MEAN IT! Once you’ve done this – you have moved a supernatural chess piece into play in your life on a higher level.

I know those of you with LOGICAL MINDS don’t even want to consider this. With all my love – I have to be frank here – I don’t have time yet to write the text of a 1000 page book to show you how this works.


Don’t be surprised if the very reason that the DENVER CIRCLE OF TWELVE (see this article by Preston James) — and those men who practice RITUAL CHILD SACRIFICE are doing this for the very same reasons I’ve just talked about.

They know all about higher-level discarnate beings. They understand that these beings operate energetically on the higher levels that are unseen. When they ask these DEMON gods for a favor – and for power over others – and for financial gain at any cost – the ENERGY necessary to do that type of work needs to come from somewhere!

These DEMONS need to be “fed” in order to energetically bind good people who would stand in the way of criminal activity, and the energy to do that “binding” has to come from somewhere. So, those asking for the favor offer up the life, blood and soul of a little child, IN SACRIFICE as “food” to the DEMON who will do the work they ask.

Because the NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA involves OFF WORLD multi-dimensional entities who truly want to own the planet and see all humans here continue to be enslaved, playing the chess game on the higher level is not only a wise thing to do – it probably is our only hope!

YOU can block their actions against you by removing your consent for anything they might want to do to you. A tool like the DECLARATION is fundamental in this regard.

As much as this sounds like “voodoo” or superstition, you have to remember who it was that TOLD YOU these things are not to be believed! It was the government, and your friends at the Vatican who claimed these things are not for us to be concerned about.



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Comment by CHRISTINA on January 26, 2015 at 3:42am



There are many solutions to the problems that we are currently facing with the CABAL. We cannot understand the solutions, however, until we understand the problem correctly!

This piece will shift gears temporarily, and go back to the Bilderberg Report titled simply: SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS.

For the purposes of PART FIVE, I would like to copy and paste a few pages of this document here for our study! This then, is taken directly from pages 8, 9, 10 and 11 of that all important document:

Theoretical Introduction

Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws. — Mayer Amshel Rothschild (1743-1812)

Today’s silent weapons technology is an outgrowth of a simple idea discovered, succinctly expressed, and effectively applied by the quoted Mr. Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Mr. Rothschild discovered the missing passive component of economic theory known as economic inductance. He, of course, did not think of his discovery in these 20th-century terms, and, to be sure, mathematical analysis had to wait for the Second Industrial Revolution, the rise of the theory of mechanics and electronics, and finally, the invention of the electronic computer before it could be effectively applied in the control of the world economy.

General Energy Concepts

In the study of energy systems, there always appears three elementary concepts. These are potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy dissipation. And corresponding to these concepts, there are three idealized, essentially pure physical counterparts called passive components.

(1) In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of potential energy is associated with a physical property called elasticity or stiffness, and can be represented by a stretched spring. In electronic science, potential energy is stored in a capacitor instead of a spring. This property is called capacitance instead of elasticity or stiffness.

(2) In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of kinetic energy is associated with a physical property called inertia or mass, and can be represented by a mass or a flywheel in motion.

In electronic science, kinetic energy is stored in an inductor (in a magnetic field) instead of a mass. This property is called inductance instead of inertia.

(3) In the science of physical mechanics, the phenomenon of energy dissipation is associated with a physical property called friction or resistance, and can be represented by a dashpot or other device which converts energy into heat. In electronic science, dissipation of energy is performed by an element called either a resistor or a conductor, the term “resistor” being the one generally used to describe a more ideal device (e.g., wire) employed to convey electronic energy efficie ntly from one location to another. The property of a resistance or conductor is measured as either resistance or conductance reciprocals.

In economics these three energy concepts are associated with:

Economic Capacitance – Capital (money, stock/inventory, investments in buildings and durables, etc.)

Economic Conductance – Goods (production flow coefficients)

Economic Inductance – Services (the influence of the population of industry on output)

All of the mathematical theory developed in the study of one energy system (e.g., mechanics, electronics, etc.) can be immediately applied in the study of any other energy system (e.g., economics).

Mr. Rothschild’s Energy Discovery

What Mr. Rothschild [2] had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

Mr. Rothschild had discovered that currency or deposit loan accounts had the required appearance of power that could be used to induce people (inductance, with people corresponding to a magnetic field) into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for a promise of greater wealth (instead of real compensation). They would put up real collateral in exchange for a loan of promissory notes. Mr. Rothschild found that he could issue more notes than he had backing for, so long as he had someone’s stock of gold as a persuader to show his customers.

Mr. Rothschild loaned his promissory notes to individuals and to governments. These would create overconfidence. Then he would make money scarce, tighten control of the system, and collect the collateral through the obligation of contracts. The cycle was then repeated. These pressures could be used to ignite a war. Then he would control the availability of currency to determine who would win the war. That government which agreed to give him control of its economic system got his support.

Collection of debts was guaranteed by economic aid to the enemy of the debtor. The profit derived from this economic methodology made Mr. Rothschild all the more able to expand his wealth. He found that the public greed would allow currency to be printed by government order beyond the limits (inflation) of backing in precious metal or the production of goods and services. [2 Read: The Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Hitchcock to discover the truth about Mr. Rothschild.]

Apparent Capital as “Paper” Inductor

In this structure, credit, presented as a pure element called “currency,” has the appearance of capital, but is in effect negative capital. Hence, it has the appearance of service, but is in fact, indebtedness or debt. It is therefore an economic inductance instead of an economic capacitance, and if balanced in no other way, will be balanced by the negation of population (war, genocide). The total goods and services represent real capital called the gross national product, and currency may be printed up to this level and still represent economic capacitance; but currency printed beyond this level is subtractive, represents the introduction of economic inductance, and constitutes notes of indebtedness.

War is therefore the balancing of the system by killing the true creditors (the public which we have taught to exchange true value for inflated currency) and falling back on whatever is left of the resources of nature and regeneration of those resources.

Mr. Rothschild had discovered that currency gave him the power to rearrange the economic structure to his own advantage, to shift economic inductance to those economic positions, which would encourage the greatest economic instability and oscillation.

The final key to economic control had to wait until there was sufficient data and high-speed computing equipment to keep close watch on the economic oscillations created by price shocking and excess paper energy credits – paper inductance/inflation .


The aviation field provided the greatest evolution in economic engineering by way of the mathematical theory of shock testing. In this process, a projectile is fired from an airframe on the ground, and the impulse of the recoil is monitored by vibration transducers connected to the airframe and wired to chart recorders.

By studying the echoes or reflections of the recoil impulse in the airframe, it is possible to discover critical vibrations in the structure of the airframe, which either vibrations of the engine or aeolian vibrations of the wings, or a combination of the two, might reinforce resulting in a resonant self-destruction of the airframe in flight as an aircraft. From the standpoint of engineering, this means that the strengths and weaknesses of the structure of the airframe in terms of vibrational energy can be discovered and manipulated.

Application in Economics

To use this method of airframe shock testing in economic engineering, the prices of commodities are shocked, and the public consumer reaction is monitored. The resulting echoes of the economic shock are interpreted theoretically by computers, and the psycho- economic structure of the economy is thus discovered. It is by this process that partial differential and difference matrices are discovered that define the family household and make possible its evaluation as an economic industry (dissipative consumer structure).

Then the response of the household to future shocks can be predicted and manipulated, and society becomes a well-regulated animal with its reins under the control of a sophisticated computer-regulated social energy bookkeeping system.

Eventually every individual element of the structure comes under computer control through a knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge guaranteed by computer association of consumer preferences (universal product code, UPC; zebra-striped pricing codes on packages) with identified consumers (identified via association with the use of a credit card and later a permanent “tattooed” body number invisible under normal ambient illumination).


Economics is only a social extension of a natural energy system. It, also, has its three passive components. Because of the distribution of wealth and the lack of communication and lack of data, this field has been the last energy field for which a knowledge of these three passive components has been developed.

Since energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that in order to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods, and services and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. In order to maintain our position, it is necessary that we have absolute first knowledge of the science of control over all economic factors and the first experience at engineering the world economy.

In order to achieve such sovereignty, we must at least achieve this one end: that the public will not make either the logical or mathematical connection between economics and the other energy sciences or learn to apply such knowledge.

This is becoming increasingly difficult to control because more and more businesses are making demands upon their computer programmers to create and apply mathematical models for the management of those businesses.

It is only a matter of time before the new breed of private programmer/economists will catch on to the far-reaching implications of the work begun at Harvard in 1948. The speed with which they can communicate their warning to the public will largely depend upon how effective we have been at controlling the media, subverting education, and keeping the public distracted with matters of no real importance.

Continuing on . . .

If you have read these few pages carefully, what you will have discovered is that our lives have been REDUCED — by those who are looking to control us — down to a purely mathematical equation of energy production, energy usage, and energy ‘direct-ability’ or controllability!


When this document was first written — supposedly in 1954 — all of those who were looking to control humanity were already thinking of us in terms of “stored electrical energy” or “BATTERIES” for lack of a better way of putting it — to run the system that would totally enslave us forever! What they wanted to know is how to best use, or siphon off, and control that electrical energy that we produce for THEIR OWN BENEFIT!

This was possible of course: So many of them were FREE MASONS and had access to very Ancient Esoteric Knowledge that told them things to which the masses of our population were NOT PRIVY.

They have never been “smarter” than us, they just have access to very ancient knowledge which they guard jealously – and refuse to share, thus, we see the reason for their SECRET SOCIETIES.

I would like to add a “link” here from the LUCIS TRUST PUBLISHING COMPANY, which is intimately connected with both FREEMASONARY and NEW AGE. This is a demonstration of the depth of their Esoteric Knowledge, knowledge which could be used for good, but that also can be used for EVIL. It is important to know that the LUCIS TRUST started out as the: LUCIFER PUBLISHING COMPANY before the name was changed. This link is to ‘Page One’ of a treatise called ELECTRIC MASONARY AND BUILDING THE CARBON TEMPLE, and it is on the ELECTRICAL NATURE of the Soul, and all of the energy on the Earth — as well as MAGNETISM, and it’s use in controlling Carbon, of which our bodies are currently made. If you wish, please read page 2 and 3 as well, just to see for yourself that, indeed, ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE OF ENERGY is in the hands of the FREEMASONS.

If we know that the real PROBLEM is one of “energy usage” and distribution and the delegation of each human being as a battery-of- sorts to RUN THEIR SYSTEM, the SOLUTION NOW BECOMES OBVIOUS!

WE as human beings have to begin to think in terms of our daily “energy expenditures” as OUR VALUE and to “starve” their system of our energy!

Because WE did not know HOW they were controlling us , we had no way to put a stop to it!

They entire system is based upon our “WORK” our “SPENDING” and our “ENERGETIC” support of what they have given us as a society.

The way to defeat this is to STARVE IT, or REMOVE OUR CONSENT FROM IT.

This can be done without any damage to ones own self. It is simply mathematical! Each and every human being must become a miser with their own energy in the sense that they will SPEND IT ONLY ON THAT WHICH WILL SET THEM FREE!

The list of things and sequences of events and daily activities, which support the system ARE ENDLESS. Sadly, we must become accountants and watch every ounce of energy we spend and how we spend it. We do not have to starve ourselves, but we do need to change what types of activities we engage in because so many of those things FEED THE SYSTEM THAT WAS SET UP TO ENSLAVE US ALL.

For instance: Watching TV – has been proven to feed their control system. Therefore no money – time – or energy should be spent in watching TV, Buying TVs, or supporting TV’s! This is called ‘redirection’ of energy and is NOT SOMETHING THEY EXPECT. Video games are mindless and we also should not spend any of our energy playing them, buying them, or allowing our children to play or buy them!

This also is REDIRECTION OF ENERGY BACK TO SELF – and that energy needs to be used in such a way as to contribute to the FREEDOM OF SELF AND OTHERS. This messes with their control system.

The list is endless and I am going to make a general example of ways we expend “money energy” in support of their system of ENSLAVEMENT and also place ourselves in their prison.

For ladies: Sorry ladies COSMETICS are not necessary, and feed them billions (if not trillions) of dollars a year to enslave us all.

DESIGNER CLOTHES: are not necessary — and feed the control system. Handbags made by GUCCI and COACH, in matter of fact, are useless spending of your energy that could be spent differently on helping the planet get free. The system survives because WE STILL SUPPORT IT, in energetic terms.

For men: Endless watching of sports, and the buying of BEER is a complete and total waste of your energy and supports the enslavement system. The buying of Fine Wines and eating out at expensive restaurants is only adding to our enslavement because we are using our “energy” to support those things.

ESPN should NEVER BE WATCHED! Games shows need to die from lack of support worldwide – as well as reality TV.

Family energy should be spent together doing things that teach children self-sufficiency! Like camping and fire building and the planting and cultivation of food. Children need to LEARN HOW TO COOK and to eat properly, NOT PLAY VIDEO GAMES. These are SOLUTIONS TO GET US OUT OF OUR ENSLAVEMENT!

We do NOT NEED TO STOP BUYING NECESSITIES like food, water, and clothes (non designer). We simply need to correct where we expend our energy, which is how they are controlling us. Money is their method, but if WE CHOOSE WHERE TO SPEND, they then get starved of energy they are counting on.

If you must eat out – never go to fast food restaurants! The list of them is endless, and every one of them is putting very bad things into the foods they sell. STARVE those businesses! Choose where to spend your energy money.

Stop buying brand new cars! The automakers are in league with the secret government and are hiding advanced technology from us, which could have taken us away from gasoline in the 1960s. They do not deserve your respect.

Stop buying new homes; instead, fix the one you have — and employ real workers who can use the wages to survive. Real Estate agents regularly take three percent of the cost of a new home as a fee for selling it, for maybe 20 to 30 hours of work, when that three percent is far more money than ten people actually earned in six months of eight-hour days, while building that same home – with their own blood, sweat, and tears. HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT FAIR? Those men and women who BUILT the home should be compensated each and every time that home gets sold. THEY BUILT IT.

Yet we give the money to “agents” of the bank.

Never go to strip clubs: They are Satanic and siphon off your energy! No one who cares about the planet should spend a DIME of their money in places like LAS VEGAS because ALL OF THAT MONEY IS USED TO SUPPORT THE SYSTEM.

Now is it starting to make more sense? REMOVE YOUR CONSENT TO THE SYSTEM and simply stop supporting it with your money, time, and effort! DO the things you have to do to survive, but starve the enslavement system.

I could yet list a thousand other things we do daily to feed the system unnecessarily, but we are intelligent people. Therefore I am going to ask those who read this to post other ways to remove energetic support from the system that will help free us without causing difficulty in our lives.

All my love.

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 22, 2015 at 1:20pm



PEOPLE ARE NOT WEAK – just frightened. PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID – just confused. PEOPLE ARE NOT HEARTLESS – just tired of being betrayed!

In the WIZARD OF OZ – the Elite Cabal has told us what they want us to believe is wrong with humanity. Their story, however, is a lie – a sham to cover up their own heartless, brainless, and cowardly attack on all of humanity, which they perpetrate for their own sick and selfish reasons.

They are “gene-lovers” and part of what they really do believe in is GENETIC PURITY of some sort. This once again goes back to HITLER and the NAZI’s – but you can see that “agenda” unfolding worldwide in various ways. The “lie” that many of their followers are told is that genetically – humanity “has to be purified” if it is going to survive – and that is why they have created their own genetic pool of “future humans” with the help of off world aliens.

WE THE PEOPLE do have the power and courage within us to stop this mindless waste of human beings and energy. WE DO HAVE THE POWER to turn around forever the entire reality we live in.



What most “spiritually” oriented people DO NOT realize is that to “do nothing” and to look the other way in the face of great evil is to CONSENT TO EVIL’S CONTINUATION!

This “shift of the ages” or “shift of frequencies” which could and would literally change our entire holographic reality, can only be slowed down or stopped if it is done by an artificial means!


Those who are in positions of power and control know that their continued control, and thus all of their wealth, power and privilege, depends upon the fear and the confusion that they “generate” within the masses.

This is WHY they use the tactics they use, and WHY they have been causing so much destruction for millennia. Once we were trapped here, the plan was to NEVER let us go. Now, in addition to that – the PLAN includes creating a “DESIGNER VERSION” of a genetically pure human body form – technologically superior (sort of like the Borg) but highly controllable.

What follows is a video which shows just how sick and twisted our off-world controllers are and how they have manipulation humanity for ages to believe things that are simply disgraceful. LIES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TOLD.

Please do NOT continue to read, but instead, please watch this extremely important, 30-minute Holographic Disclosure Video called —


What this video shows us, and what the actions of those who would keep us enslaved in this “fake reality” show us is that ANY type of “deviancy” – “abuse” – “horrifying ritual” – “blood bath” or “murder” that can be done, MUST BE DONE, in order for them to continuously lower the overall frequency of our planet, and thus the overall frequency of all our human souls who are living within the holographic reality!

This is possible because WE THE “PEOPLE” are literally INTEGRAL PARTS of the HOLOGRAM — and directly connected to the Earth’s GRID. The EARTH and her people are integrally connected. What happens to one affects the other! Humanity is the only species that vibrates at the same frequency as the earth!

As the video showed us, in the Ancient days, the excuse they chose to give to the masses for all of the child sacrifice, the murder the killing and theft – was that it was all done in the name of the “gods” or in the name of “good health”!

THESE DAYS – instead of good health, pagan religious rituals, or gods, we are TOLD ON TELEVISION that all of this is being done in the name of “NATIONAL SECURITY” which has become a very highly worshipped “god” unto itself.

If you don’t think so – just ask ANYONE on the street how important they think NATIONAL SECURITY is – and they will tell you they are willing to give up any amount of freedom for it. THIS HAS BECOME THE NEW GOD.

NO AMOUNT OF WAR – NO AMOUNT OF KILLING – NO AMOUNT OF RAPE AND NO AMOUNT OF THEFT is too much to protect this so-called sacred “god” called NATIONAL SECURITY for these large countries of the world.

And yet, even this excuse that is being given to us for all of the horrible things that they are doing is a total sham – a lie – a despicable fabrication.


These totally false and fake excuses that they are feeding us on their “news” programs, and their “tell-a-vision” for all of these acts of war, which are both totally “staged” and controlled are nothing more than the large head of the EVIL WIZARD telling Dorothy to “go get the broomstick” of the Wicked Witch of the West. It’s all a MAGIC SHOW. It’s all a CON.

The REAL reasons for these wars — are reasons we are not being told! The real reasons for all of these wars and distractions in fact can NEVER be told to the masses, because THAT would then reveal the plot, that would reveal the PLAN, that would reveal the ultimate goal that we are never, ever supposed to know.

You see, for the ELITE CABAL TO SURVIVE AND STAY IN POWER — the fear, the trauma, the agony, and the killing must go on, each and every single day, in order for them to keep the magnetic VIBRATION and the FREQUENCY of the living hologram we all live inside of from rising to the level where it would actually shift or change into the loving and peaceful reality that we all want.

We the people outnumber them, by hundreds of millions to one – and all of our thoughts, outnumber their thoughts and wishes by the same enormous factor. Thus, they have no choice at this time in our history, and they can NEVER STOP THE KILLING, or the TORTURE, or the OUTRIGHT THEFT — if they are ever going to keep the shift of the ages from taking place!

This has nothing to do with mild insanity! It is all very coldly calculated to cause the most fear, the most desperation, the most anger, the most confusion, the most agony, the most pain, and the most human suffering possible!

Psychopathic Behavior does not even begin to describe what these people are doing. They are so totally and so completely INSANE, that they all, every one of them need to be locked up immediately!

And yet, in the next election, unless those of us who are aware do something to get the word out, they will all be re-elected, once again, because so few human beings care enough to send out a simple link, or send out a simple e-mail, no one wants to talk to a family member, and no one wants to be ridiculed about the “crazy stuff”. It’s better to just keep quiet and let it all happen!

Maybe the WIZARD OF OZ movie was correct after all! DO the people have no brains, no heart and no courage? What will YOUR NEXT STEP BE?

We have an election coming up in 2016. How many of you will use EVERY tool at your disposal to “educate” every person you know as to the nature of the MAGIC SHOW? How many will finally “end their love relationship” with CNN, FOX NEWS, the BBC, the CBC, and every other “three letter swear word” that vomits all over the truth everyday?

I have been asked in the comment section of my many articles “what my plan is” or “what my solution is” – but my question to these people is – how many study groups have YOU STARTED in your community to talk about his stuff?

How many evenings at home are you dedicating to having 10 to 20 people over and giving them “hand-outs” of real – rock solid information about the idea that SATAN WORSHIPPERS are running the government? That they SACRIFICE and eat little children on stone alters, and then drink their blood?

AAAH – I get it! YOU want someone ELSE to do all the work of saving the planet for you. YOUR PLANET! You are just a “visitor” passing through! You are here to “watch” and not get your hands dirty.

Has it not been said that WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR?

If a really “inspired” person ran for president, would you work to support him or her? Are you willing to take a stand and say that NO SATANIST OR CHILD SACRIFICER WILL EVER BE PRESIDENT AGAIN?

Will you tell everyone that no matter what they see on the news, it’s all being done as a MAGIC SHOW? Will you tell everyone you can, that there is a “man behind the curtain” pulling the strings in order to lower the vibration of the Earth so that our HOLOGRAPHIC REALITY will remain unchanged? Will you tell ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS that almost everything that seems to be happening is either a false flag or simply a DISTRACTION? Even much of the “alternative media” which is getting really good at uncovering lies —has yet to put two and two together —and come up with four!


It is being done to keep the magnetic frequency of the masses – all of us — in our daily thoughts very low. It is being done to keep our collective minds in continuous fear and frustration! They are doing this to us KNOWINGLY as a “planned” set of events.

CHINA – RUSSIA – EUROPE – THE US – And all of the leaders of the largest countries have been working for the VATICAN and the ILLUMINATI for a long time. If there is a FREEMASON anywhere in these countries — or a JESUIT anywhere in these countries, or a member of the Illuminati – or CIA, KGB, MOSSAD, MI5&6 — then most (not all) but most of those people are IN ON IT!

If these countries leaders were NOT in on it — then they would have “exposed” the plan to the people already — and told them about it. Not one major country’s leader has stepped up and told the people of his country what is really happening, because they LOVE THE POWER THEY HAVE.

At this time, however, PRESIDENT PUTIN does seem to be the most likely single person holding back the NEW WORLD ORDER.








Please watch this very important video from Chiron Last:



Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2015 at 7:26pm

Higher Education: The Way the ETs/EDs Do It!
The Universities of Evolution have a massive collection of holodecks, inspired by “StarTrek”™. These are programmable for your specific needs, have vast amounts of history, according to the ETs/EDs, and are specifically designed to help people, entities, beings of all sorts process pain to clear themselves of emotional baggage. The holodecks of this type can be used therapeutically, first with a dedicated therapist before you enter the holodeck to work out your emotional issues, but, the ETs/EDs say, they can also be used recreationally, to experience whatever scenario you desire.

Read more:

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2015 at 7:25pm
Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2015 at 5:13am

We as responsible beings, are REQUIRED to take part in our own salvation and our own saving. There is NO LESSON LEARNED when a person, who foolishly allows their home to be over run by thieves, makes NO EFFORT to assist in the expulsion of those thieves. The idea that ‘someone else will DO IT FOR ME’, is a mind control “stand down” tactic that has been inserted into the mental programming of human beings so that they would DO NOTHING while the take over was being completed.

I have already laid out in PART ONE of this series the continuous distractions that are being placed in front of us on television, so that we CONTINUE to do nothing, while this take over which has pretty much already occurred — goes to a whole new level.

Now, if after being told this, you as the reader, go back to watching three or four hours of television each and every day, and literally WASTING your valuable time here on Earth in DISTRACTION, then nothing I can ever write will help!

This is a global problem — and to solve it REQUIRES that “all hands are on deck” to help with the solution. The solution is that this information has to be spread — and spread to everyone who is willing to listen, anywhere they are willing to listen! We all have e-mail lists and friends on those lists! We all know how to send links by now. Articles such as this one – and other important articles from sites like VETERANS TODAY should be spanning the world like wildfires! Whether you think your friends are interested or not, send them a link! We need to come together in UNITY – AS ONE – to stand against this covert takeover of our planet and species by saying NO – WE DO NOT CONSENT TO THIS!
If the NEW WORLD ORDER, the next version of control, gets a more firm foothold upon the planet, it is game over and it will affect every living being for the next countless millennia! We still have time to SAY NO to this and to retrace our steps back to sanity.

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2015 at 4:08am





If you’ve made it through Parts One and Two of this NEW SERIES – I am so pleased for you; you cannot imagine my joy! You are REAL TRUTH SEEKERS! Your reward for coming on this journey to THINK BIGGER and LOOK DEEPER will be nothing less than the REAL TRUTH OF THE AGES!

For now, however, your reward is simply going to be “homework”, because for those of you who truly desire and seek KNOWLEDGE, the only real gift is KNOWLEDGE. From now on, I will be using the countless videos and articles already available on the Internet as teaching tools! I have carefully selected the specific videos that I ask you to watch in the rest of this “series” with a purpose. They will expand your mind 100 FOLD – IF YOU WATCH THEM!

THINK BIGGER – LOOK DEEPER is going to be a 13-Part Series that carefully “unpacks” hidden information not easily understood! It is the “unpacking” that I promised earlier, and is coming from a point of view never yet talked about. It will set the stage for an even more powerful SERIES coming in the near future. Every step forward we take from this point will build on the previous step, and in order to really “get” what is coming later – PLEASE do not skip anything!

Here is the first Video I’d like you to watch! Please take the time to stop and view each video before continuing!

The above video is only a “trailer” for 3 videos that I’ve yet to find available on the web. Either they are not released yet, OR, you must pay to see them. The funny thing is that just from watching these trailers – I already know what they contain! I like his methods, and I know where this guy is going! However, If anyone knows if or where these videos have been released yet – please leave a message for me on Jean’s blog, because they will make what I have to say in this series so much easier to understand!

Here is the actual link to the “holographic disclosure” website. Besides Jean’s Blog – Veterans Today – and a just a few others – this website is probably one of the most vital sites on the Internet today! It is THAT IMPORTANT!


I am going to ask you to trust me, and to take a little time away frm other websites that you visit temporarily – only because they are NOT giving you the ENTIRE STORY – just a few bits here – and a few pieces there. These Holographic Disclosure videos give you the BIGGER PICTURE. Please LEARN THIS STUFF FIRST – and then measure what you’ve learned against what other bloggers write in order to understand if they “really” have a good grasp on the much larger picture of what is going on in the “dream world” we are stuck inside of.

Before I write another word – please stop and watch this 30 minute Holographic Disclosure Video – Video Number 14 – It is vitally important background for where we need to go next!

Now that you’ve watched that video, please buckle up your seat belts for Part Three of this important series, because your “mind” is about to be “blown” with all of the NEW INFORMATION that will be coming at you so fast you may want to just curl up in bed and do nothing else while reading.

We can now safely conclude that the – MATRIX MOVIE – MEN IN BLACK – THE WIZARD OF OZ – EYES WIDE SHUT – and many other movies are all trying to tell us something about the “reality” in front of us.


The shortest answer to that question is this: REALITY IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS! They are asking us to pay attention and “look deeper”.

Your understanding of “reality” is a programmed understanding – programmed by them – and has NOTHING to do with what is really possible or how things really work! The hardest step you will EVER TAKE – is the first step in admitting that everything you’ve ever been taught – and everything you’ve ever believed, is a total LIE!

This has been on-going for 2000 years, since the start of the CATHOLIC CHURCH, and therefore nothing you’ve ever learned from your parents or grandparents can be trusted as the truth, because they only told you the lies they were told before you were born.

Your teachers, your friends, your clergy, your doctors, ANY ONE IN AUTHORITY you trusted has given you a FALSE IDEA of reality.

Even if you are a “NEW AGER” – I’m really sorry to have to break the news to you – but you’ve also been lied to for quite some time – and fooled badly! The NEW AGE – was started by (guess who) the JESUITS – as a last ditch effort to “re-collect” any souls that may indeed be trying to break free of the holographic matrix that is holding us prisoner! Read this taken from page 368 of: THE GRAND DESIGN EXPOSED by: John Daniel

——A brief history of the New Age movement —— received it’s modest start in New York in 1875 with the founding of the Theosophical Society by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. But what New Age literature NEVER tells you, is that Helena Blavatsky was a “front”, or an “instrument”, for the Illuminati Freemasonary, and was initiated into the Carbonari by Mazzini in 1856. Blavatsky’s successor, Annie Besant went on to found a Co-Mason lodge for women, and by 1924 hand no less than 442 lodges.

——In 1875, Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society. Among some of the members were high dignitaries of American MASONARY such as William Q. Judge, Charles Southern, Thomas Edison, and Albert Pike – Grand Master of the Scottish Rite for southern jurisdiction USA. Albert Pike if you remember was a blatant LUCIFEREAN!

——Blavatsky died in 1891, but the organization continues to prosper under the direction of her two successors. First was Annie Besant, and then Alice Bailey! Alice Bailey’s work for the “new age” was stunning! She organized the Arcane School, the New Group of World Servers, Triangles, World Goodwill, and others. In 1922, the LUCIFER Publishing Company was established to publish all of her works. The name was quickly changed however to the LUCIS Publishing Company and continues to this day.

——Lucis Publishing is affiliated with both the United Nations and the Wainwright House. The Wainwright House is an open to the public conference center giving seminars on “core” programs in health, psychology, business leadership and global issues. In 1991 the Wainwright House featured a Lecture Series of – JESUIT Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

——The Jesuit theology and philosophy is well taught there and at least 5 faculty members that year, also belonged to the “American Teilhard Association”. Many of the members of the Wainwright House faculty are also professors at Catholic Universities. Yet, it is supposed to represent the New Age!

——What Rome has been doing right under our noses is to bring the whole world to a crossroads, and it is being done on TWO FRONTS. From one side – the Traditional Catholic Church philosophy – From the other side – the NEW AGE movement! Few people have any idea just how many of the worlds ELITE are actually part of the NEW AGE! ——

This is a photo of Helena Blavatsky taken with the supposed “Ascended Masters” Kuthumi, El Morya, and St. Germaine. Yet, the Internet is just full of early black and white photographs taken of her standing or sitting next to Albert Pike – a known Luciferean – and also photos of her taken with Aleister Crowley – also an known Luciferean! What am I missing here?


Here is Helena Blavatsky with Albert Pike – and below please find a link to Albert Pike’s Book on Freemasonry! He was a 33rd Degree Freemason! You can read the “entire” book here if you wish – I’ve tried — much of it is “in code”.


Just like in the movie THE MATRIX RELOADED – The Grand Architect knew, he knew there would always be people (souls) trying to “wake up” from the dream – therefore it was HE who “allowed” a few people to live outside of the MATRIX for a certain amount of time – giving them the freedom they wanted – only to DESTROY them in the end – as a way to “manage” those who refused to give in to the programming.

Can you now see how the CATHOLIC CHURCH and the JESUITS could have started the NEW AGE MOVEMENT – as a way to “manage” the people (souls) who just could no longer sit obediently in the pews and listen to the mind control programming being dished out? So they literally “created” an alternative movement – knowing all along that it was still under THEIR CONTROL! And also knowing that in the end they would one day destroy those people?

Just like we were told, in the second installment of the MATRIX MOVIE – by the ARCHITECT – It was his plan – all along – to “destroy Zion” the city where those who were living outside of the matrix were hiding. The parallels here between this MOVIE and what’s happening between the Catholic Church and the New Age is stunning.

It is my humble opinion, that concerning the New Age, the Church has already pulled the “destruction” trigger! The massive amounts of people within the New Age, who having been “channeling” spirit guides and spirit entities, for the past two decades, have literally come to TRUST these beings SO MUCH that no matter what these entities say they always believe it. Yet it never comes true!

From the 1970s and onward, by “using” the super advanced technology afforded to the CATHOLIC CHURCH by the Shadow Government and the US Military – especially the GWEN TOWERS and their ability for having “synthetic telepathy” propagated through “infra-sound” – millions of false messages literally have been broadcast into the unsuspecting minds of individuals – messages which have made PROMISE AFTER PROMISE OF DIVINE INTERVENTION AND HELP WHICH——–HAS NEVER COME FORTH — BECAUSE ITS ALL A LIE!

Destruction of the people’s hope achieved!

Read here about the GWEN TOWERS (again).

A former CIA Asset told me personally that these towers do exist, that they are being used daily, and that they are the biggest threat facing mankind!


It is a collectively created hologram, which is both energy, and frequency driven! It is the sum total of all of the thoughts of humanity for lack of a better way of putting it.

If all of us together, could for only ONE DAY – think of nothing but love and harmony – the MATRIX would shatter forever, and in the blink of an eye it would shift and reflect a literal UTOPIA as our reality right in front of us!

Even though I know this is very difficult for many of you to believe, this is the truth! Reality is a collective dream! It is a reflection of all of our thoughts, words, actions, and deeds. We are the ones creating collectively what we see on the Earth at this time! This is why it can only “change” if we all do it together! AS ONE! This is why I keep asking everyone who reads this stuff to “Go all in” and send links to everyone – and start telling everyone they know that this is how it works! We really do have to do this together! We have to STAND IN UNITY!

Of course, THIS why total “mind control” has become necessary for the elites and for the CABAL! They know this stuff! They know very well that if humanity at large were to be left to itself, our reality would literally SHIFT right in front of our eyes into a very peaceful and very loving REALITY – in the blink of an eye! Because that is what most people want in their hearts.


So the CABAL has gone “all in” with creating absolute insanity everywhere in the world all day long. They are creating as much hurt – pain – and misery on the grandest scale that they can, and then using EVERY secret technology they own to LOWER THE FREQUENCY OF THE PLANET EVERYDAY to keep it from shifting higher!

Because this is a purely “mathematical” process – the “shift” can only happen when enough men and women ON EARTH have literally stopped supporting the DARK CABAL – and have also chosen to stop supporting their “system” which includes all their governments – their money – their rules and regulations – and all consent given on the unseen level called – TACIT CONSENT.

Just walking away from the system is NOT enough because of your many prior “contracts” and “agreements” with them, which gave them the right to use your energy however they saw fit. And they saw fit to use that energy to enslave you!


Finally – Since I will be using these a lot – Here is a Website that contains all of the links to ALL of the Holographic Disclosure Videos!

I can NOT over emphasize the importance of watching these videos IF you are serious about knowing the REAL TRUTH as opposed to what is being pawned off on you by other as truth! This knowledge is a must for those who really wish to move forward and walk through the door! I will be “using” these videos throughout the series – so if you are the type of person that likes to do “homework” in advance – then here’s your chance!

The Holographic Disclosure – 12 Videos – 5 hours

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2015 at 4:01am



Frequency – is the “buzz word” that everyone should be most concerned with as they step up their game, and try to sort out the truth from fiction — and ultimately what is important from what is not!

All of the “shadow militaries” most “secret” weapons are in matter of fact – FREQUENCY BASED WEAPONS. Their most sensitive military creations these days are dealing with “waves”, “plasmas”, “vortexes” “infra-sounds”, and other frequencies too numerous to mention – which also include pills, medicines and vaccines!

When in the form of waves – they are dealing with both “micro” and “macro”, while when infra-sounds, they are dealing with the whole gamut of ELF, ULF, VLF, UHF as well as newly created “synthetic” sound waves that can be both directed, manipulated and controlled. When pills, etc., they are targeting your DNA — but even pills operate within a known frequency band and thus can be controlled just like a weapon!

We as a people – are under the “CONSTANT” bombardment of these waves, and thus the constant “attack” of these silent frequency weapons, which are literally changing the very nature of our “reality” in front of our eyes.

I wrote this article: SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS as an “introduction” to what is to follow this year.

From microwaves and cell towers to ground-based radar and satellites; from the infamous GWEN TOWERS to HAARP, and from the chemical dumps of aerosol spraying into the atmosphere to the planned releasing of radiation into the oceans via Fukushima, we as a people are under a massive, massive FREQUENCY ATTACK by those who desperately want or need to control us.


Weapons that you can see are for “losers”! Those old and outdated weapons are for the likes of ISIS, or for “patsy” false-flag perpetrators, who can then step in front of the television camera and “pretend” to shoot a guy in the head with blanks! Those weapons, both super old and outdated are ONLY tools for the propagandists to use in order to claim we are being threatened by terrorists.

They are a CON – a JOKE – a LAUGH!

The “invisible” weapons now being used against us are the updated weapons-of- choice for the shadow military and all black ops of today! Mind Kontrol: neural implants – astral implants – mood control of the masses — these things are all done to us by using weapons of frequency!

In keeping with the true nature of the DARK CABAL — or as Preston James calls them, the OCC (Organized Crime Cabal) — they truly are spineless cowards of the worst sort, who see stabbing someone in the back as preferable to an honest face to face duel! These frequency weapons are the perfect answer for them. Remember that those who are dark have no, or very little “if any” soul left; that is, they have no courage and no honor and are (in my opinion) destined for the darkest part of the Universe!

Their modus operandi is the COWARDS HANDBOOK! They are pirates, and thieves who operate in the dark of night, and only attack from the shadows. They are cold, calculating, and unflinching in their resolve to be perfectly evil. In my opinion there is NO HOPE LEFT for these souls, and their “extermination” is the best possible outcome for all of the rest of us who are still salvageable as humans!

I believe that this is why so many of them have become SATAN WORSHIPPERS or LUCIFEREANS. They recognize that the only real help they will ever get now is from the already fallen ones, those already discarnate souls that are “vampiric” and have been left with no real connection to “source” as we know it. Because of this, those souls must steal the very energy they need to continue to survive as discarnate beings.

Even countless members of the military have strangely turned toward Satan Worship in the last few decades, probably realizing that the endless murders and tortures they have inflicted upon countless others have earned them a place as one of the fallen ones!
And – whether you believe me or not, Satan Worship is now a “recognized” and legitimate religion within the US Military!

And yet – after ALL of these very negative things that I have said about these “sick” and twisted beings – because they are “pirates” and all they know how to do is lie, cheat, and steal, they have now come quite alarmingly to understand, very ESOTERIC THINGS that you do not have a clue about!

This knowledge that they have “stolen” by infiltration, concerns the nature of FREQUENCY and how it affects all of the COSMOS!


How can I explain to those who are not scientists, but instead just the regular guy and gal on the street, how something as “intangible” as frequencies can be so deadly and so threatening to their minds, lives, bodies and even their very souls?

Since most of you readers are NOT in fact scientists, this presents a problem for people like me that has profound significance.
If I were to launch into a long-winded scientific garble about the nature of FREQUENCY — ELECTRICITY — and it’s affect on living organisms, well then I’ve lost 99 percent of the readers. But slowly, it is going to have to be done — if those who need to know this — which is everyone – are going to get a clear picture of how this works — and what they are doing to us as a species.


I am going to have to ask the readers for some slack when addressing this information since so much of it depends on a very solid base of understanding of things like waves, electricity, magnetics, and the like.

It’s far easier to tell people they are in danger if you can point to a gun, and show them something very tangible, and something that they can also recognize. It is far more difficult to explain the serious danger of something “invisible” that was created to be a far more sinister weapon — because it was created specifically to be both SILENT and COVERT.

This is the type of article that gets a well-intentioned person like myself LABELED as an “alarmist” or a “crazy” because NONE OF THIS can be physically seen! To many people, if they can’t see it —  it does not exist!

I wrote in PART ONE of this new series that the entire goal of the DARK MAGICIANS — those who are working behind the scenes — is to manipulate the FREQUENCIES here on Earth. You may now only be starting to get the most basic clue, or the most basic idea, of what I was talking about, and of how vast and of how pervasive this problem really is.

In addition, you may only be getting the smallest clue as to HOW magnetics becomes truly important to those who want to control things when dealing with frequencies! In the grand scheme of things — you may also be able to appreciate how the word MAGNETICS got shortened to the word MAGIC in order to hide the true significance of just what type of power “magicians” were actually using in their “spells”.

It is important for you to know that it is ALL ABOUT MAGNETICS! Without magnetics, there would be no ability to steer, or control the Earth’s and our own bodies’ frequencies.

Frequencies by their very nature are invisible — but certainly NOT MAGICAL!I would also like to point out that not only is the science of “magnetics” hyper-important in the manipulation and the directed focus of frequencies, it is BASIC to the science of frequency itself.

Those who believe in the new age understand both vibration and frequency on a certain level. They are also actively doing everything they can to raise up their frequency and cleanse their vibration! This is not without a purpose, because if they only KNEW where the “new age” really started, they would also understand why those who are the followers of the “new age” would want them to raise up their frequency and vibration. Those who are “instructing” them already know about the serious attempts being made to use hidden technology to LOWER both the frequency and the vibration of the planet, but they may NOT be aware of the attempts to literally HACK the frequency of their minds when their minds go silent.

Since the study of frequency is an ESOTERIC SCIENCE — or an ANCIENT SCIENCE — it was thoroughly studied in the “ancient mystery schools” of Egypt and Babylon. Therefore it stands to reason that those who are the “inheritors” of this occult knowledge — the highest members of SECRET SOCIETIES such as the FREEMASONS, THE JESUITS, and the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR — would have complete access to this very secret and esoteric knowledge.

It is also quite easy to understand why knowledge such as this, would be kept secret in the first place! This is the type of knowledge that could not only destroy all life on EARTH, but also all life within the galaxy, and perhaps unwrap the fabric of the galaxy itself!
This is why it was KEPT SECRET in the first place! But as with all things secret, NOTHING is immune from the covert infiltration of pure evil, if that evil is desperate to gain the knowledge!

Over the course of the last two thousand years, ALL (and I do mean ALL) of the so-called secret societies have been hi-jacked by those with very dark intentions , so that there no longer stands a viable BROTHERHOOD OF THE LIGHT, which protects things like this for the benefit of we the people.

The very knowledge that can DESTROY everything is now sadly in the hands of those who are terribly INSANE — many who literally want to control the entire UNIVERSE.
For us to ignore this breach is akin to asking for our own demise. To turn the other way, and to not want to look at this, is not only foolish – but is the LEAST RESPONSIBLE and farthest thing from spirituality that mankind as a whole can do!

Far too many people have succumbed to the brain-washing/mind control tactic that a savior will come soon, and will correct this mistake while we just continue to live our lives and look on helplessly from the sidelines without doing ANYTHING.

Nothing could be farther from the truth!
We may get HELP eventually – but it will not be done totally FOR US.

We as responsible beings, are REQUIRED to take part in our own salvation and our own saving. There is NO LESSON LEARNED when a person, who foolishly allows their home to be over run by thieves, makes NO EFFORT to assist in the expulsion of those thieves. The idea that ‘someone else will DO IT FOR ME’, is a mind control “stand down” tactic that has been inserted into the mental programming of human beings so that they would DO NOTHING while the take over was being completed.

I have already laid out in PART ONE of this series the continuous distractions that are being placed in front of us on television, so that we CONTINUE to do nothing, while this take over which has pretty much already occurred — goes to a whole new level.

Now, if after being told this, you as the reader, go back to watching three or four hours of television each and every day, and literally WASTING your valuable time here on Earth in DISTRACTION, then nothing I can ever write will help!

This is a global problem — and to solve it REQUIRES that “all hands are on deck” to help with the solution. The solution is that this information has to be spread — and spread to everyone who is willing to listen, anywhere they are willing to listen! We all have e-mail lists and friends on those lists! We all know how to send links by now. Articles such as this one – and other important articles from sites like VETERANS TODAY should be spanning the world like wildfires! Whether you think your friends are interested or not, send them a link! We need to come together in UNITY – AS ONE – to stand against this covert takeover of our planet and species by saying NO – WE DO NOT CONSENT TO THIS!
If the NEW WORLD ORDER, the next version of control, gets a more firm foothold upon the planet, it is game over and it will affect every living being for the next countless millennia! We still have time to SAY NO to this and to retrace our steps back to sanity.


The list of products and the ways these things AFFECT living organisms through their frequency is endless! Things that you do not normally equate with frequencies – on an atomic – or genetic – or even chemically “unseen” level are in fact having very real frequency affects upon our DNA and all our living and breathing tissue. This includes all living animals: the plant life, the fish in the ocean, microscopic organisms, the air we are breathing, the food we eat, and the water we drink.

These are all AFFECTED BY FREQUENCIES on the unseen levels.
GMO’s = frequency alteration
Floride in the water = frequency alteration
Chem-trails = frequency alteration
GWEN TOWERS = frequency alteration
Mind Kontrol = frequency alteration
Psychotronic Weaponry = frequency alteration
Hard Radiation = frequency alteration
HAARP = frequency alteration
Pills, drugs, vaccines = frequency alteration
Nanites or nano-bots = frequency alteration

All of these seemingly “unrelated” things are in fact working IN TANDEM and together to actually have an AFFECT UPON all living organisms that is COVERT. The ONE THING that aids in the steering and the driving of these seemingly unrelated technologies while doing their dirty work is APPLIED MAGNETICS!


The study of magnetism and magnetic fields is something that very few scientists go into, and are usually steered away from, because it is actually the KEY to most of the secret and sensitive technology that the DARK CABAL HAS.

No one who goes to any University is taught the true nature of MAGNETICS because that would be giving them ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE that they are not supposed to have. Therefore most of the “good stuff” is left out of their education.

Sorry College Grads – you’ve haven’t been taught half of what is really known!
Why do you think that the organization that controls all of the secret space program, and also anything to do with UFOs was originally called OPERATION MAJESTIC?
And why were the twelve people on the council called: THE MAJESTIC 12?

Anyone who works for this secret group has ID badges that are very clearly labeled: MAJESTIC or MAGIC for short.

These words all become inter-changeable, once you understand the cross-references to the original “MAGI” – the three wise men who purportedly were the three kings who visited the baby Jesus at his manger. These MAGI were in fact old world MAGICIANS!

As the so-called “wise-men”, they were keepers of very important ESOTERIC knowledge that goes back to the MYSTERY SCHOOLS. In those types of schools, these wise men would have been taught the secret knowledge of MAGIC or MAGNETICS (and thus frequency) and would have been given the coded name of being “magicians” – MAGI or MAJI for short. In Astrological terms – the Three Kings – or the three wise men are nothing more than the 3 stars in Orion’s Belt. Together they point to the “dog star” which is SIRIUS. The word DOG is an anagram for GOD – where DOG is simply god spelled backward – which is a favorite trick of all magicians.

In the Hollywood movie: MEN IN BLACK – the whole hidden message in the plot was that THE SECRET TO THE GALAXY IS HIDDEN ON ORIONS BELT.

This, again, is a “wink-wink” reference back to the three stars of ORION . . . which make up Orion’s Belt . . . which then refer us back to the 3 Kings or the 3 wise men . . . which then refer us back to the MAGI – or the MAGICIANS . . . which refer us back to OPERATION MAJESTIC itself, which does, in fact, in real life employ – THE MEN IN BLACK.

The circle is now complete – “wink-wink” – the “useless eaters” will never figure it out, or so they thought.

The DRACO LIZARD race actually comes from ORION and it is in ORION that the DRACO LIZARD QUEENS AND KINGS have launched their take over bid of the Entire Galaxy.

Those who know about this have joined the “ranks” of the MAGI – and have become MAGICIANS in their own right – although the original DARK MAGICIANS are those very beings that have come from ORION and are DRACO REPTILIANS.

The three stars on ORION’S BELT point to the “dog star” – because it was the SIRIANS who originally were given the right to rule over our Solar System or “Sol” system in a treaty that was signed with the Orion’s in the first place. Thus, those who came from the “dog star” became our “gods” a long time ago.

“Sol” is the name of our star! The sun we see daily is named SOL – which is why our “system” of planets is named THE SOLAR SYSTEM.

This also connects back to a radio interview done years ago by RICHARD HOAGLAND, who said that it was his firm belief that there were three separate factions running the USA corporation! Two of those known factions were the NAZI’s and the MAGICIANS.

Listeners to that program were dumbfounded and wondered who these magicians actually were.


The “nature” of HOLOGRAPHICS, and why our planet is really more like a hologram than you think, needs to be explained, most especially for all of those who are “sick” of people like me saying that the Earth is a “magnetic hologram” without further elaboration.

For those of you who don’t have the “science gene” please take it easy ahead, since a lot of what you are about to read may make your head hurt terribly!

For those of you who do have the science gene – please take it easy on those who don’t.

The question now before us is HOW could any being actually “imprison” another’s eternal soul, and force it to go somewhere it did not want to go? You have to think of this more in terms of being a trap – or a trick – than an outright kidnapping. You first use bait – get the soul inside of the trap – then wipe it’s memory clean, and finally “trick” the memory-wiped-clean soul into asking for something you want to give it — like endless incarnations on planet EARTH.


The ten-dollar question to anyone who understands this, is how could anyone even begin to imprison something that is made out of LIGHT? Those with the knowledge and capacity to do this would have to not only be very clever, but also very technologically advanced, indeed — perhaps OFF-WORLD magicians or Draco Reptilians.

In order to better understand this, it would be best to know that even our own military and technology corporations on Earth today have made great leaps forward in holographic technologies! Not only are they capable of “projecting” holographic IMAGES – they are doing it quite regularly now.

See this:

They also have developed the ability to give us holograms of dead people dancing on television as done here with Michael Jackson:

— and interviews of living people sitting on the stage with the interviewer as a virtual hologram as was done in the case of the interview that was done with Wiki-leaks Julian Assange here:

The even more interesting tidbit of truth is that they have made great strides forward in the development of holographic projection technology, which can literally cause a hologram made out of light to feel SOLID TO THE TOUCH.


Easier than you think, and it has to do with “interference waves” which come from different angles that cause the light to create a “pattern” of spin. The light photons within the projection must “spin” in order give the affect of solidity.

See this:
And this:
Finally this:

So now, what is simply a “projection” of light, all of a sudden has the feel of solidity to the touch!

But it’s only LIGHT!

And, furthermore it’s only a projection!

It is also very telling that this very technology comes from a “gaming” company, one which is also highly interested in robotics – virtual reality – as well as human/computer/mental interfacing – all of which just SCREAMS the words: TRANS-HUMANIST AGENDA!


On a much larger and grander scale, in order to get anything — including “light” to spin via “interference waves”, one must first deeply understand frequency and magnetics! Both are necessary in order to get light or light projections to behave in certain ways.

If however, one has access to TOP SECRET ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE, then it is not impossible on a very GRAND SCALE to put LIGHT inside of a cage and keep it there! To do so, all one has to do is understand the true “nature” of LIGHT.

LIGHT IS ELECTRICAL when operating “here” in the lower frequencies. Or, raw electricity will always manifest as light! Both are true.

All you have to do to know how much LIGHT is being produced by a lightning bolt is to observe that a single and solid “bolt” of lightning spreading out across the entire night sky LIGHTS UP THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD!

However, lightning is extremely ELECTRICAL as well! A single bolt of lightning can start fires, or can literally fry a human being to death!

So LIGHT expresses itself electrically!

(With me so far?)

Our planet has a huge “magnetic field” around it at all times which is called:
THE MAGNETOSPHERE! It operates within a certain bandwidth and is classified as a frequency – a frequency that can be measured and tracked.

So our planet is literally encased within a MAGNETIC FIELD! There are those people (of the NEW AGE persuasion) who claim that our planet is in fact a living being, which I am not able to find fault with. I can “go there” and agree with that, because of what I know about the nature of living SOULS!

In order to “capture” a soul – a soul that is made of pure electricity and light, you must wrap it or enclose it inside of a magnetic field! If you can do this – then just like any conventional motor that is based on the SPIN OF ROTATING MAGNETS AROUND POLES – Power is generated!

When you generate this type of power – you can then harness that power and use it in any way you want! What does this have to do with “trapping a soul?”

Well, what if what you wanted to do was to incarcerate or imprison the SOUL of an infinite or immortal being inside of a magnetic field?

You would simply use the power that is being generated and turn it back onto a technological casing which could utilize that power to produce a certain type of magnetic field — and then use that newly created power generator’s own continued electricity production as the source of the power that keeps it inside of the magnetic PRISON.

You’ve asked how it could be that WE who are living beings here on Earth could ever be here against our will, or against our wishes — but the insidious nature of the way that our human bodies or body “vehicles” were genetically manipulated and constructed, allows for our own souls energy (electricity) to be used against us in such a way as to keep us imprisoned within the body vehicle — and also keep us from leaving the human body at will, which is something ANY FREE SOUL SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO AT ANY TIME ACCORDING TO ITS OWN WISH.

Not only that, any excess energy that our bodies do produce can then be siphoned off and used for other nefarious purposes, for instance:



Just like the message of the Movie: THE WIZARD OF OZ was always meant to convey to us – WE are very clearly living inside of a dream! And the reason that we don’t recognize this is that “we” just like the Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion, have no brains, no heart, and no courage to do everything we can do to find this stuff out for ourselves.

Therefore the EVIL WIZARD/LIZARD keeps us believing in the lie.


Because we refuse to try to “find” the real man behind the curtain, and instead keep chasing all of the “dis” “tractions” they simply feed to us on their: TELL-A-VISION.
However, according to COSMIC LAW, we “must” be told what is happening to us, and this movie (WIZARD OF OZ) was the way they did that!


It’s all about raw power or energy! Those that are the “fallen ones” or the “fallen angels” either by their own choice and design, or by the decree of PRIME CREATOR himself, were cut off from source energy, and thus left to slowly die in the emptiness of the void. They are “no-longer” connected to HIS source energy, which is pure LOVE —and without another source of fuel for their continued existence, they will literally END.

The “idea” of using an entire planet or even “many planets” for that matter, as a direct source of harness-able fuel to continue their existence, is not without substance. These beings would have to be very smart; they would have to understand the nature of the cosmos; and they would have to understand the nature of many of the esoteric sciences.
By ENSLAVING OUR PLANET, these beings thusly are being “fed” by the energy production of all of the captured or imprisoned souls upon the planet. Is it any wonder they “claim” to own us all? This is not a joke: the VATICAN literally claims to own the entire planet!

Now can you see that these beings are more like VAMPIRES or PARASITES than anything else? They need to live off of the life of another being to survive! The energy that they are stealing from us daily IS THAT ENERGY! And, I don’t need to point out that they STEAL EVERYTHING FROM US: money, homes, children, time, energy.

It does not get any clearer than this my friends!

Ask yourself WHY these people literally eat the flesh and drink the blood of young children!


And why are they all pedophiles? It is well known that young children generate far more raw “energy” that a fully-grown adult does. Their young body batteries are fully charged and have a tremendous over abundance of raw energy that allows them to run around endlessly, bouncing off of the walls and upsetting their parents.

Yet this ENERGY – is what the ELITE VAMPIRIC PEDOPHILES WANT, besides a child’s flesh and blood! When they anally rape young children, they are “extracting” the child’s excess energy from their root chakra, and taking it into their own bodies’ fields in order to survive and “regenerate” their dis-connected body, which has no connection to source.
The stories of VAMPIRES from medieval times are not without substance. They have just hidden from us who these “beings” really are – and why they do what they do.

And what do we see in HOLLYWOOD and on all the movie screens these days, which are nothing more than the Illuminati propaganda telling us what we should believe?

These movies tell us that VAMPIRES are really cool people! VAMPIRES have magical powers, and VAMPIRES are really just misunderstood!

The endless children’s books in the bookstores these days make vampires look both impressive and desirable. Those books are there to deceive the masses and program them into accepting the people who do such things!

If indeed all of our past Presidents and Prime Ministers, Kings and Queens, and Popes and Cardinals are doing this – THEN WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE REALLY?


As usual, under COSMIC LAW these beings are always required to tell us in multiple ways what they are doing here, and each new generation must be told anew! Thus, the movies about this will never end!

While it is up to us to figure each movie out, the story they are telling us WILL NEVER CHANGE, because there is only ONE STORY – WE ARE ENSLAVED!

We are being used as batteries! Our energy is being harvested! And upon our death our souls are recycled back to the Earth in order to do it all over again.


Part Three is soon to follow.

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