Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I'l tell you though i had a dream last night. I was sitting in the back of my car when a golden pillar of sparkly light shot out of me. Please don't think im weird cause this actually happened to me in my dream. It was like i wasn't dreaming at all, like i was fully awake. Anyway, So this beam of golden light shoots out of me.
Then all off a sudden in not in my car anymore, I hurtling a billion mph through the stars. i pass the planets, and head straight through the sun. As soon as i hit the sun i feel billions of people simultaneously talking to me at once, i cant make out a single word, its just turns into this vibrating noise that engulfs my entire body, i feel it in my crown pulsating and it continued all through my body, like every cell was epically vibrating with happiness anticipation and love.
i immerge to and area where i can see all the galaxies . And i hurtle so fasts and far to point where the galaxies look like individual stars.
I continue up this pillar Until i start to see this bright light at the end. i could feel this light. This light was everything. It was not God, it was the way things are. I cant explain it, only to say that it was everything. Everything that exists ever, every atom of every being. it was the consciousness of the universe, and we are all part of it, we ARE it. there is no separation.
anyway that was my dream. Was so fun:)

This is what i seen. but far more real.

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Comment by Virgo™ I am GOD. on January 12, 2009 at 3:54pm
Nice! You are wholeness, you are all in all. Namaste

p.s. I posted a video about lucid dreams today. It's a great tool to learn how to use & manifest reality by using super lucid dreams everyday. =)
Comment by Zell on December 5, 2008 at 10:55am
wow, that seems intense, i love lucid dreaming..
Comment by Vaddix on December 5, 2008 at 3:24am
Ever seen the movie The Fountain. It looked a lot like that. except the light pulsing and filling every atom of my existence with light, and i was traveling at an incredible speed. I haven't felt the same since. I feel i have a new connection to the universe. Like a strong unbreakable tether. i haven't had anymore experiences since it happened, but my head is constantly throbbing now, Its not unpleasant, but it gets kinda distracting
Comment by Vaddix on December 4, 2008 at 4:04am
Dana, "Did you have any kind of physical sensations that you can recall? Spiraling, high vibrational sound?"
Yeah i did actually, when i herd all the voices they kinda merged and it kinda sounded like a solfieggo frequency, everything was vibrating so fast. "As soon as i hit the sun i feel billions of people simultaneously talking to me at once, i cant make out a single word, its just turns into this vibrating noise that engulfs my entire body, i feel it in my crown pulsating and it continued all through my body, like every cell was epically vibrating with happiness anticipation and love."
That pretty much sums up what i felt.
Comment by ..... (RaInBoW wArRiOr) ...... on December 3, 2008 at 3:59pm
amazing .. somewhat reminds me of slither ...
Comment by Dutasta on December 3, 2008 at 12:46pm
Sweet dream or was it real? That is the question. It sure feels like you were experiencing where we are headed. Nice job! Dutasta
Comment by Dana on December 3, 2008 at 11:41am
That sounds like an incredible dream. Are you sure it was a dream and not an astral experience? Did you have any kind of physical sensations that you can recall? Spiraling, high vibrational sound? I ask because I've had a similar experience and it was definitely an astal projection. But I only went to what I believe was the edge of our own galaxy before I landed back in my body. Fear of the unknown I suppose.


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