Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Interdimensionnal dream or vision of the future

Heres the dream i had some month ago about a dream clearer than this perception of this reality.

I was walking down this round ceilling tunnel which had round light at the ceiling.I was walking down this corridor with this man in its 50-60s, tall, around 6ft. We came near this opening with NO doors in front..just leading to outside..but he halted me for whatso reason. he said, ''put this silverish suit on'' and he did the same.''you will need to put this helmet also'', i asked him why, he said,''we're about to cross an energy field, the suit will protect you and help you thru this shift''. ''SHIFT''?? i said. Well i put the helmet on, but, i couldnt see if the glass was really greasy, so i followed the guy outside. Bright beautifull colors spots was all i could see.I was about to remove the helmet but he said ''wait a few moments more'' so i waited.Then after a few moments, i remove the helmet. The air was crisp and fresh, the sky was a pinkish orange colors. Every colors was 10x time brighter and clearer than anything in the real life, like the colors was boosted with an electric field. I was standing on beach of somesort and in front of me was this hill covered with pine trees which had the greenest of the greens i ever saw..i turned my head to the right and between the 2 hills in a distance, was this small village with old english type houses and the middle of this village was some tall structures made of a pinkish crystal glass type which seemed to glow by its own. Every shapes from the town was like 200% you could see the SHARPNESS of every form. I was so overwhelmed in joy in the dream, that i was litterraly crying of this amazing thing i was experiencing. Moments later, i woke up in tears of joy!

Woahhh..What a dream this was!!

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