Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Shanta Gabriel: "Praising Your Path in Life" ... And ... "Glory to God On Earth & Good Will Within All Beings!" ... And ... What We Can Do at This Time

Praising Your Path in Life By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel helps us to see our lives in a more expansive way.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Praise God and Praise Yourself for the Path You Have Chosen.

I usually receive this card when I am questioning how my life is going. It is always a message that encourages me to step back from the immersion into what is happening in front of my physical eyes and take a more neutral view of my reality.

Obviously it is easier to break into hallelujahs and exuberant praise when our lives are moving in ways that evoke our happy place.

The challenge is to know that our life has power and merit when we are looking at appearances that may not please us. But that's when we start flexing our spiritual muscles — to balance our emotional states and to see beyond appearances to know that there is a blessing in every situation. It's not only a blessing, it's a call from our souls to notice that we have an opportunity to create something wonderful that really works much better for us.

Sometimes it is only this one step back into neutrality that helps me to be more present to the Creative Solutions available to me. First I need to recognize that whatever I am experiencing is a part of the work I am here to do for my soul, and then I can use the situation as a stepping stone to higher-frequency living.

When I make new choices from a higher perspective, from a place of multidimensionality, the path takes on a more enhanced aspect, with many more opportunities for the kind of creativity and expansion that I love. I have found that everything I love raises my vibrational frequency. That is really fun, because these empowered frequencies include really simple things like music, nature and beauty. All the things I love become qualities of consciousness that uplift and inspire me, thus changing my vibrations and making it possible for me to have more of what I want to experience in life. This very basic Law of Attraction principle is always valuable to remember.

When we celebrate life in all its myriad forms, it honors the Presence that lives in and through us and blesses our path. The uplifting of our thoughts and feelings to the ultimate truth of our existence is a substantial step forward to the recognition that our life is a true gift. We need to show up for our path in life with all the support and intention that we can muster, as well as all the resources we have within us.

We have had many attitude adjustments and learned many new skills and spiritual tools in this life that we can apply to creation of the most beautiful world we can imagine. Our imagination helps keep us expanded and inspired so we can incorporate the support from the Angelic Dimensions and all the help we have around us. When we keep our intentions clear and our focus strong, we are walking as blended beings in a greater world that has yet to recognize this imperative. Our Souls know that this is what we are here to do, and our path is celebrated in the heavenly realms. We are being gifted with so much love at this time. This real and practical multidimensional support is a blessed gift that we are here to experience right now.

When we honor the Infinite Intelligence that guides us and use the maturity and commitment to our spiritual path that hones our spirit, we are lifted into the enchanted realms of the higher dimensions. It is here that we can see the greater truths under the surface and join in an exalted co-creation of an empowered life.

All of us exploring together, using our most Divine resources combined with our diligent human selves, this is the enchanted and empowered collaboration that can create Peace on Earth, Love in every heart, and allow Nature and all Life to thrive.

Divine Presence,

I am calling forward my Soul Community in order to empower and share this special time on Earth. Together may we know that we hold the key to the Awakening within all humanity through our intentions and focus in life. Working together brings out the gifts and allows us to create more than we could by ourselves.

Thank you for this beautiful path I have chosen. Help me to bring more of my most divine and authentic self forward to be a blessing for the world.

May all beings know in their hearts the experience of true Freedom, Peace and Harmony on all levels. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel,


The Gabriel Messages Book #50

Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.

AA Gabriel:

Dear One,
Your path in life is decided upon before you take birth in human form. Your soul reviews the lessons necessary for highest growth, and then chooses those life experiences that will provide them. From a human perspective, this choice is often difficult to comprehend. Many outwardly horrendous lifetimes have powerful lessons and seem beyond human understanding.
To truly understand the soul's growth, it is necessary to have an expanded perspective that sees an overall picture. When situations occur in life which seem very difficult to handle, a certain balance is provided in knowing that, on a soul level, a great learning experience is occurring and that you are given all you need to handle the situation, for the highest good of all concerned.
This does not mean that your emotions do not exist, or that somehow you should not feel upset, because in human terms your experience is very real and your feelings valid. Within the power of your soul, however, there is a great gift in your situation. No matter how senseless a condition may appear to your human eyes, a greater truth is available. It can assist you to remember this and to pray to see it. It can also help to remember that you live in a benevolent universe where the grace of God is available at all times.
From a human perspective, it is also often difficult to experience incredible joy and happiness. There are many in your world who say, "it's too good to be true, watch out when things get too good," etc. etc. The Angels say to you that you are a beloved child of God who deserves to be happy and to have incredible blessings in your life. If this is what you are experiencing right now, enjoy it. Live this blessed moment to the fullest. Never doubt that good things happen, and that joy and miracles are the natural state of being.
Do not doubt the path you have chosen. If there is something in your world that you want to change, pray that it be transformed for the highest good of all concerned. Trust in your Angelic teachers and in God's presence, which is eternally within you. Be grateful for your life and most of all:

Praise God and praise yourself for the path you have chosen.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
January 14, 2018


Video: "New Moon Manifestation Angel Card Reading" -

A Message from the Angels for 1/11/18 By Shanta Gabriel

Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth Good Will within all Beings! ‘

The Angel voices are singing these praises on this auspicious day. In this sacred time of the 11th day, of the 1st month, of an 11 Universal Year, the Light of pure Goodness prevails upon the Earth.

It’s in the world secreted within all that appears so dark and hopeless. The Light of Unconditional Love is anchoring in your heart, calling forth all that resonates with the supreme frequencies of divinity working on the Earth. Let the light of Wellbeing stand forth within the new structural foundations you are creating for this year. Let this be the year of the Angels working in and through every area of your life!

Let the Angels sing in your heart and inspire your mind. Open the core spiritual channel and let the Divine attributes of these winged beings of Light flow through you and awaken the cells of your body with the new frequencies of Light.

Allow the Brilliance of the Light of the Angels to inspire your work, your relationships and your every activity on the Earth. When you do this, you may see more meaning and fulfillment in all these areas of extra support.

Allow the exalted energy of the Angelic Dimensions to create new momentum within your being and bring Peace into your heart.

All is well! the angels say. Let it be true for you. All is truly well when you gain a more expansive perspective on life. There is freedom in this idea, let yourself receive it.

Allow your own angelic wings to unfurl, this is bringing it home in a personal way. Bringing it home means you can allow these exalted states of consciousness to anchor into your foundations and structures for life so their frequencies will be of the highest good for Wellbeing on every level.

In this time, you are anchoring high frequencies of Light into your body, and into the core structure of your being. Anchoring Light. Radiating Light. Activating Light and Receiving Light in order to ground the divine attribute of Wellbeing within you and in your world. And so it is.

Video: "2018 Ascension Angel Card Reading"

What We Can Do at This Time

In the middle of the night the Grandmothers spoke to me, then led me into the darkened garden. "You are deeply loved," they said. "So deeply," they shook their heads in wonder. 
"Within the bedrock of your being, in the space between your breaths, you are swollen with love. This is the truth," they said. "This is what is. Love. Not the actions of the world. Not the busy comings and goings. There is no reality there," they shook their heads.  
"That is only passing show -- changing hourly, nothing but air," they threw up their hands.
"The deep down holding feeling within you is reality. We have been waiting for you to own it. Own it now."
"When we come forward to speak to you as we are now, you seldom know what we will say," they laughed. "Our messages seem to fall onto you and our words surprise you. This is as it should be," they nodded. "After all, we are not your mind. WE are not limited in any way and truly, neither are you ... but you don't know that yet.   You think you are 'this one', this singular one and only 'this one'.  No, no, no!" the Grandmothers cried. "Awaken now to the flow -- to the flow of your being. You are limitless."
"We just went out into the garden and looked up at the night sky," they said. "We drew you there so you would look and look again. The night sky will teach you. It is vastness itself.  Limitless.  This is YOUR nature that you are seeing.   When you look up there, you are seeing yourself.  You are kin to the night sky.  The sky is showing you your own self."
"How then can you suffer?" they asked. "How can you feel lonely when it is YOU who makes up the night sky?  Where is loneliness?" they asked.  "Where is pain?  Separation?   You, who comprise the great Fabric of Being of the universe, tell us this."
"It is time for you to begin to know yourself.   To own your vastness. You see," the Grandmothers smiled sweetly, "you encompass it all. You hold everything within the Grand Embrace.   How then can you bear to tease yourself with these notions of limitation and lack?" they asked, shaking their heads in amazement.  "What nonsense!"
"Breathe in the night sky," they ordered.  "Greet your family--the stars -- and merge with the comforting blue-black of space.  Look up and awaken.  Look up and awaken.  It is time."
Message from the Great Council of the Grandmothers, 1-18-18
To Learn more about the Great Council of the Grandmothers and how to work 
with the Net of Light, go to .
You may copy this message, but please copy the full message including our website links. 
Thank you.

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