Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Sacred Masculine, Divine Feminine Transmission By Steve Nobel ... And ... Harnessing The Power of Oneness By Natalie Glasson...And...Opening The Portal To Your Sacred Heart By Ronna Herman

Sacred Masculine, Divine Feminine Transmission: Healing an Ancient Wound, Bridging a Deep Divide

Listen to this transmission on the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. Opening to cosmic and planetary archetypal forces to reshape and reunify our internal experience of these energies.

Our concepts of masculine and feminine energies have been, for the past few thousand years, determined by many cultural and religious factors. In the past few hundred years the industrial revolution has changed the way we view the earth. Scientific ideas have shaped modern day thinking about the universe and our place within it.

Mostly, our collective concepts about masculine and feminine energies have become rather tame, constricted and two-dimensional. 

Our concept of God has for too long bought into the idea that God is an absent Father figure who punishes wayward souls in eternal fire.

In this 3D Matrix we have been programmed into believing that the sun, is the representation of the creative masculine force. The Goddess has long been banished from the earth for the past few thousand years, but She is returning. In this current paradigm the earth has been cast as simply a passive receptacle of the masculine solar force. Within the scientific paradigm the earth is soulless and therefore can be abused and destroyed for short term financial gain.

In this transmission we explore the alchemical concept that all planes of existence have both masculine and feminine polarities. The authentic masculine is wild, untamed and free.

The authentic feminine is creative, life-giving, radiant and incredibly powerful.

This audio/visual track is designed to connect us to our cosmic and planetary energies to help us understand the true power of these energies that also dwell within us all.

In this transmission we open to receive a transmission from the Divine Feminine within the Sun. We also open to connect with the sacred masculine archetypal energy as the Green God force within all the kingdoms of the earth.

Video: "Sacred Masculine, Divine Feminine: Healing An Ancient Wound...Bridging A Deep Divide" By Steve Nobel -


Channelled through Natalie Glasson


Greetings, we are the consciousness of the Holy Family, the souls who supported and partook in the mission led by many such as Master Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Grandmother Anna, Sar’h and so forth. We are thousands of beings sharing our consciousness now with you.

We all played an integral role from the Earth and the inner planes in the major ascension shift which took place during that time upon the Earth. Many believe there were only key souls who instigated powerful shifts and upliftment of energy for all, the entire world in fact. There was a need for many souls to add their power, knowledge and to share the divine guidance given to them by the Creator.

The souls whom you see as leading the ascension mission were the links that held us all together. Joining our power in oneness as they reminded us of our unity with all. We are the sick which were healed, those who were inspired and those from the inner planes.

We, the consciousness of the Holy Family, remind you that ascension cannot be achieved by you or any other being alone. Ascension is a remembrance of the truth of the Creator and most importantly a recollection of the power of unity and oneness.

We realise that many of you are trying to achieve your ascension alone, maybe hiding yourself away in meditation or feeling that your ascension is personal only to you. This is to encourage the ego in its belief in separation, especially separation with the Creator.

Supporting Energies of Oneness

When one soul raises their vibration, every other aspect of the Creator is influenced in a positive and loving way. This does not mean that there is a need for you to work alone and in doing so, you will support the spiritual evolution of all.

Instead, you can further harness the power of oneness and unity which is gifted to you by realising that if you engage with many souls to support your ascension, a powerful source of energy is created which impacts all aspects of the Creator in beautiful, awe-inspiring ways. Connection with others at a physical level is helpful, connection with others at an energetic level is breathtakingly powerful.

When you hold an intention for yourself, others or a situation, you are meditating or achieving a spiritual practice, simply calling upon the energies of others to support you and to join with you, will magnify all your experience and the greater impact upon ascension. Below is a list of energies you can merge with in order to harness the power of unity:

  • The vibration, frequency and consciousness of your entire being including your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well as highest aspects of your being.
  • The wholeness of your soul and soul group.
  • The highest vibration of the Creator before the source of the Creator which is often labelled your Mighty I Am Presence.
  • The Creator.
  • Your Community of Guides or Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Goddess Being and so forth, that you favour and feel a strong bond with.
  • Angels who are linked to the intention you have created, such as if you wish to experience peace you could call upon the Angels of Peace. There are groups of angels devoted to every quality of the Creator, for example, Angels of Fun, Joy, Laughter, Divine Flow, Meditation, Relationships and so forth.
  • The highest consciousness and support of those upon the inner planes and the Earth who wish to manifest the same as you.
  • Mother Earth is available to merge with your energy to support anything that will aid the spiritual evolution of all beings upon the Earth and the Earth herself.
  • The highest consciousness of civilisations who have already achieved that which you are focusing upon.
  • The Divine Plan energy and source of the highest and purest vibration which serves all.
  • The animal, plant, mineral, crystalline kingdoms and so forth.

We, the Holy Family Consciousness, bring your awareness to the understanding that you are never alone and there are always energies, support and aspects of your Creator you can call upon to work with you. This would result in not only your ascension accelerating with ease, perfection and speed; you would also be creating a powerful service to all.

Calling in Support

During our existence upon the Earth, we were guided to constantly call upon numerous beings, energies and consciousness especially from energetic realms to enhance our focus. The more we achieved this, the more power we were able to access and gift to others to aid their awakening. Each miracle experienced and achieved by the members of the Holy Family you are familiar with, were made possible by the power we all engaged and drew into manifestation.

Imagine one soul calling upon and merging with different aspects of the Creator, then imagine thousands of souls achieving the same and directing the energy into a singular focus. This is how ascension occurs. Often it seems that beings upon the inner planes instigate the ascension shifts. However, it is a co-creation or merge of power with one focus from those upon the Earth and the inner planes.

You have a divine role to play, and you are the instigator of the merge of power. As a physical being, you are the anchor, the link that bonds the energy of the Creator. You are also the expression through which manifestation occurs. It is important to realise you are equal to all those upon the inner planes; you simply are achieving a different role upon the Earth, this does not mean that you are less of a spiritual being in any way.

It does, however, mean that you have the mission of discovering how to work in harmony, oneness and truth with all aspects of the Creator upon the Earth and the inner planes to bring forth the power of the Creator.

To call for the support and unification of any aspect of the Universe of the Creator, you may simply follow a few steps:

  1. Decide upon your intention. What do you wish to achieve or experience?
  2. Decide or follow your inner guidance as for the energy or energies you wish to call upon to support you and to merge with you.
  3. In your own words call upon those you feel guided to connect with, to link with your energies and merge their light, love, support and consciousness for the highest good to assist you and all aspect of the Creator.
  4. Take a moment to breathe deeply and experience the energy of those you have called upon lending their energy and merging with your being. In truth, you embody all they share with you. You become a greater wholeness of the Creator, accessing the power of unity.
  5. Now achieve the intention you created in step one, whether it was a meditation, spiritual practice, activation, healing for self or others, in truth, anything.
  6. After completing the intention, thank those you called upon and the power they have gifted to you through their unity. Then focus on grounding yourself in a way that is most appropriate for you.

Remember that you are never alone, and you never have to do anything alone, whether you are achieving something physical like a job interview or spiritual like connecting with your soul. It is time for lightworkers to access and experience the power we, the Holy Family Consciousness, accessed. It is time for you to realise that you have the power to accelerate the ascension of all through the simple things you do each day.

In love and encouragement,

The Holy Family Consciousness


Read More from the Holy Grail Family -

Free audio download of Natalie's message -

Video: "Natalie Glasson's - Let's Help Bring Divine Peace, Love, & Unity To All !"

Below are excerpts from Ronna's full message from AA Michael. You can read the full message at:

Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all of you,



Beloved masters, your journey into density has been quite an adventure, and has spanned billions of years according to your timekeeping. We have explained how, as you moved deeper and deeper into the great void and the darkness of space, you assisted in filling that void with Light, substance, texture and shapes beyond your wildest imagination.
And then, according to the Divine plan, you submerged yourself within each new reality you had helped fashion so that you could experience creation in its many magnificent, diverse forms.
Thus began the manifestation of solid matter − first via pure thought brought forth from the Mind of the Supreme Creator, thereafter, via the mind of the Father/Mother God of each universe, and eventually via your own thoughts as you moved further and further outward from the pure Source of all Creation. 
After you came into your individualized consciousness, realizing that you were a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, the ALL THAT IS, you knew that you were predestined to journey forth into the great unmanifested void as an emissary of Light, for it was encoded deep within your immortal Soul and your Sacred Heart Core.
You, along with all the other “awakened Sparks of consciousness,” were destined to experience all the wondrous diversity of creation for the Creator, our Father/Mother God, and all the great Beings of Light, who remained within the rarified realms of Creator Light.
We tell you this because we wish to impress upon you how ancient and complex you are. You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, complex lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, and also within your extensive chakra system of awareness.
You often wonder why the members of a family are so different when, from a narrow point-of-view, they came from the same parents and lineage. The lineage of your earthly family in this lifetime is only a minuscule portion of your vast and priceless heritage.
You have separated your consciousness or fragmented yourself millions of times in order to experience the great diversity of Creation, and you have also reunited with many of the multiple Facets of yourself more times than you can count.
Each time you did so, you added more complex information and unique experiences to your memory bank. The further you moved away from the perfection of the Supreme Creator, and the deeper you moved into multi-dimensionality, the denser and less perfect your creations became, for you had less pure Light substance to work with.
Therefore, there is no blame, and there should be no feelings of guilt and failure. It was a learning experience; however, it is now time for you to reclaim your Self-mastery, and the ability to create things of beauty and harmony in accordance with the original Divine plan.
Now that you are aware that you have the power to tap into an unlimited supply of the full-spectrum of Creator Light called Adamantine Particles of Love/Light – what are you waiting for? The rejection of your Divine birthright is a travesty. Your Higher Self will not relent in its nudgings to help you awaken and to claim your Divine heritage.
You are aware that it was not ordained or intended that humanity should sink so deeply into duality and polarity thereby causing so much pain and suffering. The time has arrived for the distortions and excesses of the past to be brought back into harmony, and it is our greatest desire to assist you to move through this process with ease and grace.
Will you please heed our words: You are not judged and never have been judged by anyone or any Being from the unseen or higher realms – YOU ONLY JUDGE YOURSELVES!
Under the universal laws of cause and effect, all your thoughts, intentions and deeds are stored within your auric field and your chakra system. You radiate the vibrational patterns thereby created, which go forth from you in an Infinity pattern, and then return to you in like frequencies and measure. 
In the past, it often took many lifetimes to reap the rewards for positive, loving actions, or to experience the penalties for negative or hurtful actions. Therefore, most often, it was not obvious that the “righteous” are indeed rewarded, and the “unrighteous” also receive their just rewards in kind.
Again, no great or small Being is doling out rewards or punishment. The Universal Laws are firmly in place, and your own Higher Self monitors your progress or lack thereof: either by clearing the way ahead, and blessing you with miracles large and small; or by placing more obstacles before you in hopes you will awaken and step onto the spiral of ascension.
Beloveds, too many of you are carrying great burdens from the past – mistakes you have made in this lifetime – and also, many from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes.
Holding onto these memories or carrying the “burdens of inequity” no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories of the past, just as we are clearing the distortions of the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional collective consciousness belief patterns, and bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality.   
In order to access and radiate the ever-increasing frequencies of Light, you must be able to integrate and permeate your Being with these advanced vibrational patterns. We tell you that is vitally important that you begin to radiate these transforming Light frequencies down into the core of the Earth, and then project them out into the world-at-large via your Sacred Heart Center portal, from both the front and the back. 
Remember, we told you that when you first came to Earth, you were a shining crystalline Pillar of Light. Slowly as you sank into the density, you began to build a cross of matter that became more and more unwieldy as your spectrum of Light and shadow increased.
Now you are loving those fragments you have created back into balance and harmony as you seek and tap into higher and higher frequencies of Light. You are in the process of become a cross of Love/Light, beloveds, as your spinal  chakra system becomes ignited, and you radiate Love/Light from your Sacred Heart Center in front and behind you.
We have repeatedly told you to “Heal the past, script your future and then live in the moment,” for this very moment is the Still Point or the power center of Creation. 
Why not move into the center of that spiral, into the eye of duality and polarity where all is calm and peaceful, and filled with pure, rich, Cosmic Life Force substance just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future?
This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. You can know without a doubt that you are a treasured son/daughter on an important mission, and there is nothing you can say or do that will diminish that love. 
  Stand in front of a mirror and gaze into your own eyes, or go into your Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table. Say to yourself, “I forgive myself for any action, thought or deed, past, present or future, in this or any other reality that has not been composed of the frequencies of Sacred Love. I forgive everyone I feel has treated me unjustly in this or any other lifetime, and I return to them, wrapped in a bubble of love, all negative memories, impacted energies and probable futures that we have created together. 
I ask the angels of forgiveness to permeate all Facets of my Being with the frequencies of Love/Light so that I may become “Soul-focused and heart-centered” as a Bearer of Light and a Self-master.”
Breathe deeply as you move into your Sacred Heart Center. Allow the pure Love/Light to pour down through you via your Higher Self. Feel the expansion in your heart center as this Divine elixir of love permeates the very depths of your Beingness. 
Sacred Love is what frees you from the shackles you have woven around yourselves: binding, restricting, and entangling you in karmic interactions. When you deny this love, you are denying your heritage and your Divine birthright. Perform this exercise as often as necessary until you feel you have accepted the truth that you are worthy of forgiveness.
Forgiveness of Self, which facilitates a forgiveness of all others, is an integral step in the process of opening the portal to your Sacred Heart center, and your heart portal must be open in order to successfully connect with the many Facets of your Higher Self.
You must be making a concerted effort to return to harmony and balance within your own Being in order to be ready to connect with your precious Soul family. Your painful, unsatisfying earthly relationships are a result of inner feelings of unworthiness, guilt, fear of failure and rejection.
The battle of the sexes is really an internal battle with Self, as you project your “needs, wants and desire” outward to someone else in hopes they can supply what is missing within.
Your relationships will surely reflect to you the negative energies you need to overcome, as well as some of the positive attributes you desire for yourself. Either can be painful or fulfilling, depending on the way you wish to “play the game of relationships.” 
Negative physical relationships are fear-based, rigid, self-absorbed and limiting.  Sacred relationships are love-based and Spirit-inspired, and they allow each party to integrate and express the positive attributes of their intrinsic masculine and feminine nature. They focus on wholeness and unity, and yet are flexible and allow freedom of expression.
As you lift your consciousness and return to harmony within, you will radiate forth more refined frequency patterns. Therefore, you will attract to you those who are radiating to, and are comfortable with, the same frequency levels of the Divine Light spectrum.
The reunification process at the entry level of the Fifth Dimension entails rejoining many Facets of your Soul family that you have journeyed with down through the many Ages, thereby, once again, enjoying the wondrous state of Unity consciousness.
Beloveds, won’t you begin the process of forgiveness NOW? Are you willing to make a concerted effort to open the portal of your Sacred Heart Center so that these wondrous gifts may be showered down upon you? Call on us and allow us to assist you. Remember, we are only a heartbeat and a thought away. We enfold you in sacred, unconditional love.  I AM Archangel Michael.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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