Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Knowing The Answers - They Are Within You - By Shanta Gabriel ... And ... Self Love is a Column of Light By Shelly Dressel ... And ... The Quantum Awakening Newsletter June 2019 Issue

Knowing The Answers - They Are Within You By Shanta Gabriel & AA Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us that we have a direct connection within our hearts to all the information we require to thrive.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

Be Aware that the Answers to All You are Seeking are Within You.

Shanta's Message .....

There are times when I receive this message and feel frustrated with it. I want the Gabriel Message Cards to help me receive the answers I am seeking. I think I want more information than to merely look within. There even may be a part of my mind that wants the decisions to be made very clearly for me.

I know this card is telling me to settle down, breathe more slowly, take some time to be still, and THEN I will have the answer. Sometimes my rebellious nature shows up, making me feel impatient. That is when I really need to go for a walk, do some yoga, dance to loud music, or something else of a physical nature.

Those are the times when my mind has gone on mental overload and there is no way I will be able to find my answers intellectually. Why does it seem so hard to step away from the computer, when it is so obvious I need to do something more resourceful or loving for myself?

I find it really helpful to stop and say a prayer. I am letting the Divine Mind know that there are answers I am seeking and would appreciate the flow of clarity and wisdom that will help me to receive. And I might make sure that I also ask to be a better receiver, what they speak of in Buddhism as beginner's mind. When my mind — or my heart — is not open to receive, there will not be any clarity for me in that moment.

After a prayer, gifts come to me that look very different than the answers I had imagined. If I am not able to receive my answer clearly from within my heart, in perfect synchronicity a book might fall off the shelf in front of me. I may be in a store and overhear a conversation, or a friend will mention a class she took and will give me insight to the answers I am seeking.

The Universe is conspiring to support us in every way. Our willingness to have an open mind and heart offers us the ways to receive all that we need in every area of life.

Divine Presence,

I offer to you this decision I need to make. I offer to you the questions in my life that require clarity. I offer to you my work, my relationships and my Well-being.

Thank you for bringing me the support, the clarity and the answers that I require to thrive in the physical world. As I begin to trust myself more and more, allow me to begin to be a willing participant in the transformation of my life.

Help me to open my receptive channels so I can be inspired deep within, with true knowing from my soul's highest wisdom. I ask to integrate this wisdom within my being to assist me in living a more fulfilling life in the world.

For these and all my blessings, I am filled with Gratitude and Love. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

Video - "Experience Your Infinite Love & Light Self By Melanie Beckler"

Message From Archangel Gabriel .....

When you are in harmony with your heart's intelligence, seeking answers to your life's questions outside yourself will seldom be necessary. This seems impossible to you and yet this is a time when people no longer need an intermediary to be in tune with God, the Source of all Life.
There has been a quickening in the vibrational frequencies on and around planet Earth. Because you are an electrical being, you are very much affected by this increased Light.

A higher level of energy enables you to attune yourself to a finer vibration, which allows you to consciously receive the resonance of wisdom and love from the Divine Mind. Wisdom and love come through your energy field as light energy, which carries with it information allowing you to live more in harmony with the needs of your soul.
This means that as you pray and meditate, you raise your vibration and draw to yourself, like a magnet, a high frequency of light and love-filled energy. As this energy permeates your being, it opens your mind to receive answers to any question you put forth. You have the capacity to be a conduit for information, as well as for the ecstasy of God's love.
It may not seem possible to receive answers to complicated questions. Yet this is true only when fear and doubt cloud your perception.

Pray to receive clearly, and pray to know the truth that is in your highest good. You can ask to know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Then you can follow the "Diamond Covenant of Moses." This declares that you are willing to do whatever is revealed to you, when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that which is in your highest good. This willingness to follow your inner guidance sets up a flow of energy through you, which allows your Higher Self to be attuned to your conscious mind.

When you are in a relaxed and expanded state of being, you have access to all the wisdom of the universe. The Angels are available to flood your mind with love and light if you ask.

When your being is filled with love and light, you understand consciously what steps to take in any situation. This inner knowing may not be immediately apparent to your conscious mind. However, as you go about your day, you will begin to respond to all situations with greater calm and certainty. When you look back, you will see how you just "knew" what to do.

Try writing your question on a piece of paper. Have it with a pen close to you as you meditate, and pray to know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ask that your Higher Self be in tune with Divine Mind.

Now sit, breathe in a rhythmic way, and allow your mind and body to relax. Visualize yourself sitting in a pillar of golden light connecting Heaven and Earth. After sufficient uninterrupted time, you may feel the impulse to write.

While you pray and meditate, you are in an expanded consciousness. From this place all answers are obvious, yet the critical nature of the mind loves to make judgments. Do not read your answer right away. This will defuse your inner critic.

After an hour or so, go back and read what you have written. Most likely you will surprise yourself with the simple, practical solutions to your questions. With practice this process becomes easier, as you set up a direct conduit to your higher self, that part of you in touch with the Angelic Dimensions and Divine Guidance.

This is the dawning age of direct guidance and wisdom. You no longer need priests, gurus or those outside yourself to show you what is in your highest good.

This does not mean that teachers and role models are not important. It does mean that you do not have to seek outside yourself to find the answers to your most important questions. No one else knows more than you what is right for your life. When you are aligned with God and spend quiet time in prayer and meditation, all that you want to know will be there for you.

So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
June 16, 2019

Video - "Heart Light Illumination - Heart Awakening On The Ascension Path" By Melanie Beckler -


Self Love is a Column of Light By Shelly Dressel & The Goddess Of Light

Self-love is a topic that comes up again and again during the Goddess Light channels.  It is something that can be interpreted in many different ways.

When you are in the flow of self-love, you can release judgment, criticism, not being good enough, emptiness, sadness, depression and so many more emotions. 

The focus of Goddess Light is about bringing love into your life and that love is the foundation; therefore, that love flows into and through you first before anything or anyone else.  Be open to receive.  Be open to accept. 

This channel also talks about living your life in a conscious way.  Consciousness can mean different things to different people. 

In this channel, the Goddess talks about it as being fully aware of your thoughts, how you treat people (and yourself), about being a pillar or a column of light that radiates out to others around you.

She also spoke of different ways in which you can bring consciousness into your life; through meditation, breathing, walking, or creating certain exercises that work for you. 

When you are in the flow of conscious awareness, you become a column of light.  As such you radiate a vibration that can become a mirror to others, create a space of peace and balance but most of all, assists in all aspects of your life.....

To read the full transcript, download the free audio of Shelly's message, or watch the video, click on -

Video - "Judy Satori's Past Life Meditation" -


The Quantum Awakening Newsletter June 2019 Issue By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Daily dust devils this solar summer

Dear ones during this solar summer be aware that you are truly being given an opportunity to become a vessel of healing and love holding a Great Light that is magnified and streamlined thru your heart.

This summer comes in the form of many teachers. Some are incarnate, others are dimensional, and others come on the nuances and waves of light.  As the energy of Gemini duels with itself we all feel pulled in every direction, like a whirlwind, our thoughts gather in these daily dust devils, distracting us from what is truly important and asking that we lend a hand in situations we would rather not address. The dark and the light of the astrological twins demands that we make peace with the darkness, within and the darkness without. 

In this place of many mirrors, there is no good or bad, nor right or wrong - there is only reflection.  Within the reflection, there dwells a sword of Light, lancing what has poisoned our bodies mind and souls. This allows the healing to begin, discharging the illusion of cause and effect. All the sleight of hand that has presented itself over time will be seen naked and exposed in the striking solar light thus creating new time lines that will usher earth into a place above and beyond where she once resided. . 

The Corridor of many choices

As we enter new levels of our multidimensional self we come to a corridor with many choices. Do we continue forward embracing all the fragments of our humanness or do we stop healing what is not broken, or do we begin healing that which we did not know was fractured?

All aspects of humanness, whether dark or light, serve our evolution. Every step, every mistake, every tear, gifts us something we so desperately need as we move onward and upward like Christian soldiers. 

Throughout time we have given our hearts and our very lives to the Creator. No matter what form that God took. Sometimes it was religion, sometimes it was love, other times it was pure survival.

Many times we were forced to release our deepest belief system so we could protect our loved ones and ourselves. This summer with its countless forms of light, gifts us in a way we could never have perceived.

The light from the sun becomes more intense as it tries to force itself into our lives. Pushing and pulling and stretching our very nerve endings to the point of frying and fraying.  The human body cannot take much more of solar probing, as stellar instructs ask more and more of us. Hence the universe is taking the backdoor into planetary downloading. 

Within the crystalline silica composition of computer memory there is a doorway that has been invisible up until now, an entrance to knowledge. Since humans are so preoccupied with trivial pursuit the universe has issued a decree of unobstructed light infusion.

All the computers of earth create a giant web of light. Like a spider that weaves her sacred geometry and knowledge in the darkness of night, we too come to a conjunction and intersection where we all must stop, look and listen to just what we are weaving for the future.

The light has decided to surf the Web enabling it to distribute tens of thousands of instructs into our daily lives and subconscious. Instructs of healing, wisdom, truth and the true essence of love is given on a daily basis. Instructs that show us how to become the authentic self, be who we were born to be and do. These techno modalities will be enhanced and used to bring about a much needed planetary healing. 

The dark and the light play out the situation via the internet, as good and bad, dirty dancing with one another. ‘All hands on deck’ is the celestial call from the Creator. Like a planetary game of monopoly all is played out revealing that which was once hidden.

Sides are chosen as Angels descend from the heavens to take their righteous places among humanity. What does this mean for the regular human, well dear ones, first off there are no ‘regular humans ’ on Earth. All have volunteered for this mission outpost, knowing full well what was to come.

Every keystroke, every posting, will have power. Every word (especially mean nasty ones) will be seen as a choice. This is greatest choice possible between that which is light and healing and that which is dark and lessens your love.

Your words are filled with power whether spoken or written, use them for good! Thisd 5th dimensional place is not strewn about with trash from the past, but is clean like a slate that seeks to be written on, with love and from the heart.

Video - "Energy Clearing & Reset Into Higher Light ~ Archangel Meditation" By Melanie Beckler

The Universe has placed within you a seed that does not perish, 

that cannot be mowed or sown over

The sands of time being crystalline of nature hold an evolutionary code. The crystalline sands of time slide in and out creating a dimensional fluidity. Time seems to get away from us as we focus so hard on fulfilling daily needs and promissory proceedings.

The feeling of utter aloneness envelops everyone as we walk into the summer. Time asks you to not give up on what lives in your heart, the promises you made to self or the creator.  The Universe has placed within you a seed that does not perish, that cannot be mowed or sown over.  The Universe has placed in you a time imprint that asks to be viewed under the microscopic eye of your heart. 

Earth herself and all her inhabitants are at a turning point that asks everyone to be explicit in the expression of every passing thought and every creational word, for they all count.  No more excuses for the choices of those in power as they look for ways to polish their own medals. 


This summer higher stratums of light will be integrated into the soul patterns of Earth and all that is upon her.  Every individual upon Earth has an opportunity to ask for Divine assistance, for Divine acknowledgment, for Divine intervention.  Many allow themselves to be washed about in an emotional ‘tidal pull’ as the waves of change crest pushing them out of their comfort zone.  

Each thought that humanity has is more important than the thought before.  Within Each thought wisdom either increases or decreases exponentially. Every interaction with every person gives you food for thought to be digested at your own pleasure. 

Those that wear the higher configurations of light thru time will be asked to go beyond what they deem appropriate for their experiences.  What this means is that you will be given deep soul insights that will ask you to fly higher and dance dimensionally. 

You will be given instructions from the Universe thru your heart that ask you to outshine any previous restriction. You will be asked to become one with the masters of light, the great white brotherhood, the angelic legions of light.  

So many of earth have chosen not to change, not to move forward, not to believe and not to trust.  So many of Earth have given up, have not seen their truant intergalactic landlord in eons. What you seek as a planet now has more mass to it. 

The biology has changed and shifted in the land of the unseen.  As a planet you have always been asked to believe in what is invisible. You are asked to believe in a supreme being  that has placed you here for your highest good and then walked away to another cosmic obligation.  You have been asked to believe that every loss, every death, every dark day is really a blessings that holds a divine opportunity wrapped in love.  

We come to tell you that the miracle that you seek is alive and seeks to find you as much as you chase it.  It listens when you speak, it dances in your dreams, and it sees the pitter patterns of your heart. 

The miracles that humanity so needs are guaranteed if one will only believe deeply, no matter how outer circumstances appear.  For a single minute blueprint of doubt creates chaos.  As the solstice births itself, deep emotions will come to the surface - angers and hates, loves, fears and tears from all the years. The solstice begins a seasonal cleanse.  We will all be doing our emotional laundry and hanging it out to dry in the warm holy winds, as we enter the month of the she-crab.


The world reflects your every thought. If you are attracting those who are down in the dumps, sad and desperate, look at your own vibration and make some corrections.

It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your physical being. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity – not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others. 

The only way to claim your beauty, your wealth, your health, and your love is to see it in others. For the world mirrors your own reflection. If you do not feel worthy and prosperous, you see that in your own reflection.

It is important to address and see the magic of someone winning your lottery games. Congratulate them energetically and send them love as they have energetically earned this monetary gift. See your stock market balancing itself rising in value. See the true energetic value of your home and your car.


Do not focus on depreciation but instead focus on appreciation. Allow what you have ownership of to gain value through you. You receive value when you see the value of others. You gain your beauty when you see the beauty of others. You gain wealth when you rejoice in the good fortune of others. For their good fortune means that your good fortune is right around the next corner, the next thought. Every minute of every day you too shall be blessed if you quietly bless others.

When you see others around you falling deeply in love you too have the opportunity to fall in love or gain love in a marriage that has been sinking in despair. The world reflects your every thought. If you are attracting those who are down in the dumps, sad and desperate, look at your own vibration and make some corrections.

Change the way you see the world and you will change yourself. Compliment others on their beauty. The inhabitants of Earth have stopped complimenting each other, honoring each other and it shows in earth's aura. 

Gain entrance to the kingdom of light through valuing everything on earth. Value your light and your life and the monumental creation that you are. You are a singular creation of the house of light. The Creator has never created another species like you. That is why you are given charge over the angels, because you are grand in preparation. You are grand in thought and the heart’s desires of the Creator are placed within your body mind and spirit. 

Everything the earth experiences you experience as well. You often feel so small and paralyzed, with fear.  You feel like ants and the cosmic aardvark is out to get you.

Look at the great quest that the ants are upon. They keep many of you running around pulling your hair out as you battle them day after day season after season. They outwit you time after time. Do you see how Something so small in mass can make a difference if they join together in one thought and intent. Your destiny is greater than any other creation upon earth.

It is time to prepare your heart to receive more love. A love that is so deep and so big that the sky is jealous for it has never seen such vastness. The palpitations within your heart are the breaking down the walls as the light proclaims "Set my people free. Set my love free. Let my light shine. It is time to Take down all walls and all separations, and let your light shine. 

Video - "Affirmations - The Power To Heal Is Within Me" By Steve Nobel


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