Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

What in the World Are They Spraying" Livermore Lab Scientists

61 x over the set goverment set alowance ????What would occur if it would go over this limit ????The natural PH level of the planets ECO system would no doubt change and it would not be good for the living planets life cycles .These psycopath control freaks dont care about the planets natural habitat statis there trying to geneticly alter the planets natural solar cycle to where it would not sustain life as we know it and they dont either its just like one of those NAZI experiments taking place with the worlds population as there test subjects .They need to be stopped now....

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Comment by PerlianaPepparilla on October 22, 2010 at 7:28pm
Claude..Thanks for you added info also.
Comment by PerlianaPepparilla on October 22, 2010 at 7:27pm
Thanks for sharing this! It so makes sense.
Comment by Claude on October 22, 2010 at 3:58pm
Quick Chemtrail Chemical Analysis from

1. Aluminum barium
2. Aluminum Oxide
3. Bacilli and Molds
4. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
5. Pseudomonas Florescens
6. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens
7. Streptomyces
8. Enterobacteriaceae
9. Serratia Marcscens
10. Human white Blood Cells-A restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA
11. Enterobacter Cloacal
12. Other Bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease
and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress.
13. Carcinogen Zinc Cadmium Sulfide.

"After chemtrails lingered, spread, covered entire skies and fell, reports of illnesses increased substantially,
such as persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness,
disorientation, headaches, aching joints and muscles, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety,
loss of bladder control, and nervous tics.
Much of it is reported as flu and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our heads, inhaled,
absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food."
Comment by Claude on October 22, 2010 at 3:58pm
On the topic of Barium, it is known that it is toxic to humans.
Not only does it disrupt digestive tract function, but it affects the immune system.
The immune system destroys pathogens by producing T-Cells.
Barium in known to bind to T-Cell receptors and effectively deactivate them,

Is it just a coincidence that we are being warned about a deadly re-emergence of A/H1N1 this fall and our immune systems,
are being assaulted on a daily basis with Barium ? Probably Not.

In regards to low flying jets. Is it possible they are practicing to release a bioweapon over densely populated areas ?
It has been said that biological agents must be released at lower altitudes to ensure they aren’t damaged,
by the low temperatures found at high altitudes. Everybody knows the NWO crowd likes to acclimate the sheep.
This sets the stage for a coordinated release of some biowepon as Steve Quayle has previously spoken of.
Comment by Claude on October 22, 2010 at 3:55pm
Now start to connect the dots between swine flu, and vaccines, and chemtrails,
and the photon belt of gamma radiation that our solar system is travelling through,
this Light would act as a catalyst for the mutation of human dna/rna into superhuman status.

We can now see why the processed food industry is pushed upon us at
every street corner store and supermarket….
it’s one conspiracy against humanity that fits, that people with money
and power already know of the photon belt,
and it’s effect on mutating humanity, and they sought out ways to poison the food, air,
water and soil in order to depopulate the world so that they can have it for themselves….pretty greedy eh?

Now you know why pop and junk food is sold everywhere and why fast food chains
have “special meals” for the children!

Surely you can see the chemtrails being sprayed over large urban centres all over the world?
But hey that’s not the story….

Even the illuminati cannot stop these changes from reaching humanity
it bears repeating WE ARE BECOMING SUPERHUMANS that’s our story…
.as our solar system is bathed in strong new Light,
the very fabric of life itself changes,
since the gamma radiation would be like taking a plant from the shade into the bright sun.

This is why it’s important for all humans right now to drink lots of water,
to detox their bodies from existing toxins,
and to introduce a good quality Himalayan salt into their diets right now.

Ionic foot bath for those who wish to detox that way,
but please that is secondary to putting all our dots together,
so that we can see the larger picture playing out on planet earth, say “no thank you” to the existing reality,
and then turn your attention over to a whole new reality that we are creating right here right now,
with our Light and Love we are doing it……..
joyous awakening (even to the illuminati…you’re toast!)
Comment by Claude on October 22, 2010 at 3:51pm
The Chemtrail – H1N1 Connection

Posted by sakerfa on September 15, 2009

Since early March of 2009 the skies over Canada’s Capital City have been littered with chemtrails,
dispensed by jets that resemble Boeing passenger 747’s.
It all started about a week or so before Swine Flu news hit the mainstream.
From that point on, the amount of chemtrails being sprayed in to the skies has gradually intensified.

SkyWatch Canada
September 15, 2009

The masses are awakening at an unprecedented rate.

So the question that needs to be asked is what is being sprayed into our skies, and why ?
It is known amongst certain groups of people, that chemtrails consist mainly of Barium salts and Aluminum.
This cocktail appears as a white spray (similar to a contrail, but lingers in the sky)
and once dispersed can easily be mistaken for high altitude clouds.
Some have even witnessed planes spraying a brown substance from low altitudes.

This substance which has been observed, lands on the ground as a stringy/sticky gel.
This gel has previously been analyzed by the Washington State Department of Heath and AmTest Laboratorie.
It appeared to be composed of red blood cells mixed with biological agents.
What are the implications of such incidences and what have they become more frequent in recent months ?

In addition to increased chemtrail activity, the skies in the Nation’s Capital have seen a drastic change in flight patterns,
of what appear to be commercial 747s or look alikes. Planes have been flying lower than they ever have in the last 20 years.
These jets make rounds over residential neighborhoods flying at altitudes as low as 500 ft.
Neighborhoods that are a good 40 km away from the Ottawa airport.

They seem to leave the airport fly in a circle over the city at extremely low altitudes and go back where they came from.
The frequency of this type of occurrence in drastically increasing. The people need to ask why ?
How come there are planes are flying low over houses every 5 minutes ?
There certainly aren’t that many commercial flights coming in and out of Ottawa.
Are the citizens being acclimated for some future event ?

On the topic of Barium, it is known that it is toxic to humans.
Not only does it disrupt digestive tract function, but it affects the immune system.
The immune system destroys pathogens by producing T-Cells.
Barium in known to bind to T-Cell receptors and effectively deactivate them,

Is it just a coincidence that we are being warned about a deadly re-emergence of A/H1N1 this fall and our immune systems,
are being assaulted on a daily basis with Barium ? Probably Not.

In regards to low flying jets. Is it possible they are practicing to release a bioweapon over densely populated areas ?
It has been said that biological agents must be released at lower altitudes to ensure they aren’t damaged,
by the low temperatures found at high altitudes. Everybody knows the NWO crowd likes to acclimate the sheep.
This sets the stage for a coordinated release of some biowepon as Steve Quayle has previously spoken of.

There are actually reports coming in that such an event may be in the works.
Most pieces of evidence are mere eye witness accounts; but such is the world of intelligence.
This kind of information would never make it into mainstream news. In March 2009,
a youtube video was released of a call someone made to a radio show called the Power Hour.

The caller had been in touch with a truck driver, working on contract for the Department of Homeland Security.
He was getting paid $500 USD a load for trucking bird flu vials to various destinations within the US.
All of the deliveries were made at night, and the truck(s) were all escorted by armed undercover ex-cops/private security.
Many of the loads were either picked up or dropped of at underground missile silos.
The personnel receiving the deliveries were often in full Hazmat gear.
The truck driver and his family were inoculated f
Comment by Claude on October 22, 2010 at 3:50pm

A Jet Contrail Vaporizes very rapidly, about 10 to 20 lengths of the Plane..

Not Chemtrails, that is Being Sprayed Apparently in our Skies/

Spraying Causes Breathing Problems? and Weakens the Immune System..
Namely the T-Cell Production of our Immune System..

Take a Look at the Internet, and Type Chemtrails, in Youtube, and Elsewhere, so much Info on this !

Please take a good look at this terrible wrong doing?
The People All of Us Below, Deserve to Know the TRUTH, ON THIS ALARMING MATTER?
This would be a Highly Exclusive Inside Story.
Many People would turn to your Station, to find out More About this..!
Comment by Claude on October 22, 2010 at 3:50pm
We have been sold out to Other Life Forms..
From Other Star Systems..The Draconians, Reptilians,Greys, etc..

Here are a Few Weblinks to Share With Humanity..

They are Going Now for Total Martial Law..and Economic Collapse..

They Have Been Spraying Chemtrails in Our Skies for Many Years Now..

to Weaken Our Immune System.
Chemtrails are Loaded with Pathogens
Check Out in Youtube Chemtrails UK

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