Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

WCUFO - Debunking Pleiadian Beamships of Billy Meier part 4.wmv

This preview deals with the "Wedding Cake UFO" of Billy Meier fame, the "humble Swiss farmer" who only has one hand. So many excuses are put forward to "suggest" that Billy cannot possibly have created this UFO as a model but I have now proved that it is entirely possible and, in fact, his pictures of it with a toy car prove that his pictures show a model he must have made in just a couple of days - like me. It is very EASY to make!
The gold colours and shades are produced by combining different "reflector bulbs" (disco bulbs) - white, yellow & amber - which anyone can get locally and cheaply.
I've already been told that my model "looks like a model" whereas Billy's looks "real" but there are many details concerning the nature of his pictures that cannot be reproduced without going to the original locations or having exactly the same weather conditions which requires waiting endlessly for those exact conditions and, of course, they rely on the time of year and sun angle etc.
The dark patches on the vertical side edge are created by the immediate surroundings which I tried to mimick as best I can without being on Billy's farm. The model does reflect everything around it since it has a silvery surface and basically works like a curved mirror.
There is also the issue of the camera he used which I cannot get. Nor can I be sure of the type of film
he used for his pictures so I did as many experiments with a variety of film speeds as I possibly could within my limited means. There are even differences caused by the developing process that changes from shop to shop!
I have shown a few different versions of the same type of image to show example of these differences that are very difficult to control if not impossible. So within the limits of physical reality I have done as good a job as anyone can do and I had almost no money to do it. In fact that's why it took so long to complete - I literally couldn't afford to develop pictures whenever I wanted so had to wait weeks at a time before moving on to the next thing.
If I can do this so easily then anyone can and I can conclude that Billy Meier was an amateur photographer who knew exactly what he was doing.
I defy any photographer to prove that his pictures show a genuine UFO when the characteristic features seen in the pictures can be recreated so easily with household objects, table lamps and small toy cars - which are out of focus when framed so close.
Unfortunately Michael Horn is a liar and spends most of his time online trying to sell products concerning this bogus UFO case. When challenged on any real issue he simply calls people names because there is little else he can do when faced with absolute proof that his pet UFO case belongs in the dustbin.
If you think Billy is a prophet that is up to you but rest assured his UFO's or "beamships" are ALL models filmed close to camera and usually out of focus so you can't detect the fishing line he used to suspend them with helium balloons. I show some of the characterisitic wobble & turn movements here so you can compare with Billy's famous movies and see that his other beamships are suspended in the same way.
The WCUFO is not suspended with helium balloons because it would be damaged and it weighs in at about 2.5kg.
If you would like to know how I got it to "hover" in mid air as shown it is very simple to do that with fishing line UNDERNEATH the model wrapped around the 2 tree trunks so there are 2 lines effectively going between the trees and the model just sits on it with the line either side of the central base.

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