All Videos Tagged corruption (Saviors Of Earth) - Saviors Of Earth 2024-09-09T12:23:57Z Miss USA Susie Castillo Sexually Assaulted by TSA,2011-04-28:2492330:Video:365820 2011-04-28T08:43:48.754Z tranceman <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>MISS USA (not miss America) Susie Castillo gave me permission to use this video:<br></br> copyright © 2011Susie Castillo<br></br> <br></br> Actress, Miss USA, television personality Susie Castillo on her experience getting groped by the UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL TSA. More people need to COME FORWARD to abolish this useless public molestation/humiliation. THE BORDERS ARE WIDE OPEN.… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />MISS USA (not miss America) Susie Castillo gave me permission to use this video:<br /> copyright © 2011Susie Castillo<br /> <br /> Actress, Miss USA, television personality Susie Castillo on her experience getting groped by the UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL TSA. More people need to COME FORWARD to abolish this useless public molestation/humiliation. THE BORDERS ARE WIDE OPEN.<br /> <br /> <br /> From Susie's BLOG:<br /> <br /> Dear Friends,<br /> <br /> To be quite honest, I almost didn't post this video and blog because I kept asking myself, "Am I just being a baby?" I'm also not one to stir up controversy. In fact, I do my best to live a very positive and healthy life. However, in the situation I'm about to describe, I felt truly violated and believe I should let my voice be heard. Ultimately, I hope others will do the same. Mahatma Gandhi famously said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." So, that's what I'm doing by sharing this experience:<br /> <br /> On my flight back to Los Angeles last week after hosting the red carpet premiere for "Fast Five" in Rio De Janeiro, I connected in Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) where I had the misfortune of being selected to go through one of those full body scanners that emits radiation. Now, if you don't fly very often, you might not worry about it. But I'm a frequent flyer and don't wish to be irradiated more than I already am on flights (we get a pretty large dose of radiation while flying due to our proximity to the sun; the longer your flight, the more your radiation exposure) and in life in general (we're exposed to radiation all day every day; it's called "background radiation"). So I will always "opt out" of going through these body scanners, especially since the long-term effects of radiation are quite well documented: it mutates our cells, often in irreversible ways, and causes cancer. I'm all set with that!<br /> <br /> Anyway, after "opting out," I proceeded to follow a very nice older female TSA employee to the "pat down" area. It was an inconvenience, but I thought, "No biggie. I just went through this at LAX for the first time and it wasn't too bad, so let's just get it over with."<br /> <br /> Well, this pat down was completely different. It was MUCH MORE invasive than my first one at LAX, just a week before. To say that I felt invaded is an understatement. What bothered me most was when she ran the back of her hands down my behind, felt around my breasts, and even came in contact with my vagina! Honestly, I was in shock, especially since the woman at LAX never actually touched me there. The TSA employee at DFW touched private area 4 times, going up both legs from behind and from the front, each time touching me there. Was I at my gynecologist's office? No! This was crazy!<br /> <br /> I felt completely helpless and violated during the entire process (in fact, I still do), so I became extremely upset. If I wanted to get back to Los Angeles, I had no choice but to be violated, whether by radiation or a stranger. I just kept thinking, "What have I done to deserve this treatment as an upstanding, law-abiding American citizen?" Am I a threat to US security? I was Miss USA, for Pete's sake! Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up,2010-12-28:2492330:Video:317885 2010-12-28T04:19:16.213Z tranceman <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch was a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. She now spearheads a watchdog group that monitors uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and ocean and atmospheric experimental geoengineering programs Peterson is… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch was a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. She now spearheads a watchdog group that monitors uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and ocean and atmospheric experimental geoengineering programs Peterson is at the forefront of the chemtrail research field and how the unexplained patterns that scar our skies are "causing detrimental human health effects and environmental degradation."<br /> <br /> In this 1-hour plus video exclusive for Prison members, Peterson reveals how she was first spurred to investigate chemtrails after being alerted to them by someone at the Mendocino County Probation Department. Peterson then began to intensely study the phenomenon and note that aircraft producing the trails would circle the county in a clock-like loop, covering the entire area with a cloudy haze in as little as three hours. Peterson cites NASA studies showing that the chemtrails turn into man-made clouds, exacerbating artificial climate change. However, Peterson states her contention that NASA is attempting to cover-up the true nature of chemtrails and convince people that they are a natural phenomenon, a ruse dutifully parroted by top weather and satellite observatories, who as Peterson explains acknowledge the fact that man-made chemtrails are changing the weather yet still label them as natural weather fronts in their public broadcasts.<br /> <br /> Peterson shows a map provided by the FAA which reveals how "intra-flights" - mainly of military origin - are causing the chemtrails by flying in loops around counties in flight paths that differ substantially from normal airline trajectories. The flights have no other obvious purpose than to disperse chemtrails because they have no fixed destination, they merely fly around and around in circles.<br /> <br /> As proponents of geoengineering like Obama's science czar John P. Holdren have proposed, blocking sunlight is a primary effect of chemtrailing, and sulphur could be one of the chemicals being dispersed by these trails. As Peterson explains, sulphur has been linked with a host of health problems, which is why California removed it from diesel fuel in the first place.<br /> <br /> After studying water quality samples for the state of California stretching back some 30 years, Peterson found that starting from 1990, water sources were all registering unusual spikes in certain chemicals at precisely the same time, namely arsenic, barium, aluminum, calcium, manganese, magnesium, lead and iron. By measuring the spikes in these chemicals in the water supply with similar spikes in these chemicals in air quality samples, Peterson was able to conclude that the cause was airborne and that it had to be coming from the atmosphere. Peterson notes that mixing aluminum and barium creates clouds and that NASA experiments based around this concept were coinciding with the spikes in such chemicals measured in water and air quality samples.<br /> <br /> This is an enlightening, detailed and documented explanation of how chemtrailing is being conducted, who is responsible for it and what the consequences are for our health and the environment.<br /> <a href=""></a> Catherine Austin Fitts (US Government Insider) - Must Watch Interview,2009-11-19:2492330:Video:223879 2009-11-19T03:38:00.639Z tranceman <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>Former managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read &amp; Co. and commissioner to the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, Catherine Austin Fitts.<br></br> <a href="">…</a><br></br> <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />Former managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read &amp; Co. and commissioner to the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, Catherine Austin Fitts.<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a> Examining the dark side,2009-04-04:2492330:Video:141858 2009-04-04T01:29:21.865Z Magenta Pixie <a href=""><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="90" src=";width=120&amp;height=90" width="120"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>There are two things that I do not think should be discussed within a love, light spiritual place and that is Finance and Politics. What is the Nine's opinion on this?<br></br> <br></br> Recently I saw a video, made by a Spiritual teacher a Wayshower which contained dark images and eerie music. Is this not feeding the dark side and should I stay away from it?<br></br> <br></br> These two… <a href=""><br /> <img src=";width=120&amp;height=90" width="120" height="90" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />There are two things that I do not think should be discussed within a love, light spiritual place and that is Finance and Politics. What is the Nine's opinion on this?<br /> <br /> Recently I saw a video, made by a Spiritual teacher a Wayshower which contained dark images and eerie music. Is this not feeding the dark side and should I stay away from it?<br /> <br /> These two questions are responded to by the White, Winged, Collective, Consciousness of Nine, through Magenta Pixie.<br /> <br /> Edited by Magenta Pixie<br /> <br /> Music "Personal Demons" and "Uncertain Achievement" by Freeplay Music LCC