陳思如 Luz's Videos (Saviors Of Earth) - Saviors Of Earth 2024-07-27T00:08:23Z https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/video/listForContributor?screenName=1uzi50u4lr8os&rss=yes&xn_auth=no Temple Of The Sun tag:saviorsofearth.ning.com,2011-06-22:2492330:Video:395781 2011-06-22T10:34:44.712Z 陳思如 Luz https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/profile/chensiruLuz <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/temple-of-the-sun"><br /> <img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510603290?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />INTI RAYMI : Inti Raimy Festival Every year on the 24th of June Cusco celebrates the festival of Inti Raymi. This festival was celebrated by the Incas as the... <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/temple-of-the-sun"><br /> <img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510603290?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />INTI RAYMI : Inti Raimy Festival Every year on the 24th of June Cusco celebrates the festival of Inti Raymi. This festival was celebrated by the Incas as the... March 9-October 28, 2011: Dawn of the (Ninth) Unity Wave Consciousness tag:saviorsofearth.ning.com,2011-03-30:2492330:Video:356446 2011-03-30T14:26:02.081Z 陳思如 Luz https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/profile/chensiruLuz <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/march-9october-28-2011-dawn-of-1"><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510581289?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>by Carl Calleman.<br></br> (A process designed to lead the universe and the human beings to their highest state of consciousness).<br></br> <br></br> Last year large numbers of people gathered in the Conscious Convergence event on July 17-18, 2010, setting an intention to manifest unity consciousness as the Ninth, and highest, of the Mayan waves brings the universe to its highest… <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/march-9october-28-2011-dawn-of-1"><br /> <img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510581289?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />by Carl Calleman.<br /> (A process designed to lead the universe and the human beings to their highest state of consciousness).<br /> <br /> Last year large numbers of people gathered in the Conscious Convergence event on July 17-18, 2010, setting an intention to manifest unity consciousness as the Ninth, and highest, of the Mayan waves brings the universe to its highest state of existence.<br /> <br /> This event served as a base camp for intention setting and ascension towards Unity consciousness; We celebrated in joy in the most varied forms, ranging from the temples of Bali to the Mayan elders in Guatemala and from the Sami in the North to the Bushmen in the Kalahari.<br /> <br /> We are now approaching the actual beginning of this wave of unity consciousness, which begins on March 9, 2011. This is the ninth wave also known as the Universal Underworld.<br /> <br /> This wave includes thirteen uaxaclahunkin (18 day) periods that propel a process designed to lead the universe and the human beings to their highest state of consciousness.<br /> <br /> Bolon Yokte Ku, in other words, is a name for a cosmic pyramid in nine steps.<br /> <br /> Through extensive factual verification this pyramid has been shown to symbolize the nine levels of evolution the universe undergoes on its climb to its highest state of consciousness<br /> <br /> Soon, as of October 28, 2011, the energies of the nine waves are then all going to manifest fully.<br /> <br /> As of March 9, 2011, the ninth and highest wave of the Bolon Yokte Ku will be activated.<br /> <br /> From what we know about the changing polarities of consciousness of the nine waves it will do so by providing energies that are conducive to the human beings cocreating unity co nsciousness.<br /> <br /> This is the purpose of the Ninth wave. So let us stop for a moment to contemplate the momentous place in time in which we find ourselves.<br /> <br /> The ninth wave of unity would then be calling for a complete shift in our way of being, to manifesting unity consciousness, which is the intended end result of the cosmic plan.<br /> <br /> If this is to happen, it may also call for extraordinary cosmic energies to fulfill the cosmic plan. In fact, maybe the ninth wave will be a Judgment Day that will save the world.<br /> <br /> If the ninth wave is all about creating harmony from what has evolved previously then our task would be to ask the divine for guidance as to what we would do to arrive at this.<br /> <br /> We are calling for everyone to be part of the initiation of this new wave on March 9, 2011.<br /> <br /> A frequency of evolution, the nine-day count, which previously has only been vaguely discernible, will come to be the chief guiding rhythm.<br /> <br /> And if you think about it, it would be truly remarkable if the transformation to a new world could be the result of a mere linear continuation of calendars that have been used for centuries.<br /> <br /> The call for events or celebrations to initiate the ninth wave on March 9, 2011 only means to point out that this is the beginning date, the initiation of our opportunity to move into unity together.<br /> <br /> In fact, the idea is that this process of transformation generating the unity consciousness of the ninth wave should not end. It will continue to October 28, 2011 and beyond.<br /> <br /> Everything starts with an intention and if the intention is aligned with the purpose of the cosmic plan, it will be increasingly bearing fruit.<br /> <br /> On March 9, 2011 we will remember the intention of unity consciousness we collectively set at the conscious convergence of July 17-18, 2010 joined by many who are now setting it for the first time.<br /> <br /> This time it will be our task to actually deliver the unity consciousness by applying our collective creativity to a new arena. Be there, wherever you are in the cosmos, for this final countdown.<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.calleman.com/">http://www.calleman.com/</a><br /> <br /> Thank you for Watching<br /> <br /> Blessings of Love and Light to all<br /> <br /> Music by Inkuyo-Temple of the Sun<br /> <br /> Made by Crawn Art. StarVoyage777-Luz Return of Super Consciousness tag:saviorsofearth.ning.com,2010-08-29:2492330:Video:280625 2010-08-29T13:56:52.558Z 陳思如 Luz https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/profile/chensiruLuz <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/return-of-super-consciousness"><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510479034?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>THE PLANETARY GRID TRANSMISSIONS<br></br> New Moon Wednesday, September 8<br></br> <br></br> INVOCATION: The Cosmic Ray of Universal Service<br></br> <br></br> I align with Mother/Father God, my Mighty I Am Presence, and all the Beings of Light that I personally acknowledge, as I call upon the Overlighted of Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, and the Brotherhood of the Light, to take me… <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/return-of-super-consciousness"><br /> <img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510479034?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />THE PLANETARY GRID TRANSMISSIONS<br /> New Moon Wednesday, September 8<br /> <br /> INVOCATION: The Cosmic Ray of Universal Service<br /> <br /> I align with Mother/Father God, my Mighty I Am Presence, and all the Beings of Light that I personally acknowledge, as I call upon the Overlighted of Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, and the Brotherhood of the Light, to take me into the Ascension Seat of the Cosmic Ray of Universal Service, and into the Kingdoms of Light within Orion.<br /> <br /> I now travel in an external Merkaba vehicle of Light, into this Ascension Seat in Orion, as I enter into this Ashram of Light, I am surrounded in this beautiful platinum ray of Light, bringing insight and understanding of my service work,<br /> Through the One Mission of embracing all Life within the Flame of Divine Love, the source of all Light.<br /> <br /> I now merge with my eighth dimensional Selves, taking on these key codes of Light of my own Self mastery, as this Master Being of Light, as this Keeper of Light, in Service to all Life through joy and Love. I recognize myself as an initiate of Light, as I merge parallel realities and timelines of my Highest Potential, from Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt, through these Temples of Light holding the teachings of Light through the Brotherhood of the Light, and through my I Am Presence.<br /> <br /> Cloaked in this platinum ray of Universal Service, I am now placed in an "I Am Presence Chamber of Light", experiencing the full integration of my I Am Presence, this original seed of Love and immortal nucleus of my entire Beingness. As each cell in my body is immortalized in this crystalline frequency of Divine Light, I experience myself within the Heart of Mother/Father God, I experience myself as One with all Life.<br /> <br /> My twelve strand DNA is now activated to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow, removing all veils of illusion for all time, space and dimensions, and returning to me the footprints of Light of my puzzle piece within the collective, as this world leader and Ambassador of Light.<br /> <br /> I now assist in amplifying this platinum ray of Light onto the lower worlds through the quadrant of the Galaxy, now onto earth, into Shamballa, into the Unity Grid of Light, the leylines and sacred sites, making this ray of Universal Intelligence and Cosmic map into our I Am Presence, these teachings of Light from On High, available to all Life.<br /> <br /> I am the Light,<br /> I am in Service to all Life,<br /> I Am Becoming my I AM Presence,<br /> This Divine embodiment is All That I Am.<br /> <br /> <br /> CREDITS:<br /> <br /> Production by Children of the Sun Foundation<br /> <br /> Text and Audio by Anrita Melchizedek<br /> The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network<br /> <a href="http://www.pleiadianlight.net">www.pleiadianlight.net</a><br /> <br /> Music by <a href="http://www.michaelhammer.com">www.michaelhammer.com</a><br /> <br /> Images by:<br /> <a href="http://www.nyakonakar.com">www.nyakonakar.com</a><br /> <a href="http://www.lightparty.com">www.lightparty.com</a><br /> <a href="http://www.FromHeartToLight.com">www.FromHeartToLight.com</a> The Amazing Dancing Dolphins from the Caribbean tag:saviorsofearth.ning.com,2010-06-23:2492330:Video:263222 2010-06-23T01:05:27.740Z 陳思如 Luz https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/profile/chensiruLuz <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/the-amazing-dancing-dolphins"><br /> <img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510460452?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />Have you ever seen dancing dolphins? Teasing and chasing and frolicking with each other? No? Well then you have to watch this beautiful video !! I hope you enjoy it. <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/the-amazing-dancing-dolphins"><br /> <img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510460452?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=135" width="240" height="135" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />Have you ever seen dancing dolphins? Teasing and chasing and frolicking with each other? No? Well then you have to watch this beautiful video !! I hope you enjoy it. Dolphins - a short meditation tag:saviorsofearth.ning.com,2010-06-16:2492330:Video:261206 2010-06-16T05:13:13.372Z 陳思如 Luz https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/profile/chensiruLuz <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/dolphins-a-short-meditation"><br /> <img alt="Thumbnail" height="180" src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510450723?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=180" width="240"></img><br /> </a> <br></br>The Peaceful Presence of Dolphins at Play<br></br> Communing in Harmony, Peace and Joy<br></br> <br></br> "Dolphins" is available for sale in full quality DVD format at: <a href="http://www.dorotheajoyce.com">http://www.dorotheajoyce.com</a><br></br> <br></br> Produced by Dorothea Joyce<br></br> Videography by Lisa Denning<br></br> Music by Dorothea… <a href="https://saviorsofearth.ning.com/video/dolphins-a-short-meditation"><br /> <img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1510450723?profile=original&amp;width=240&amp;height=180" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br /> </a><br />The Peaceful Presence of Dolphins at Play<br /> Communing in Harmony, Peace and Joy<br /> <br /> "Dolphins" is available for sale in full quality DVD format at: <a href="http://www.dorotheajoyce.com">http://www.dorotheajoyce.com</a><br /> <br /> Produced by Dorothea Joyce<br /> Videography by Lisa Denning<br /> Music by Dorothea Joyce