Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


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Comment by Tetragrammaton on September 7, 2011 at 4:49pm
Very well said Tiger Lee, good points!
Comment by Tiger Lee on September 7, 2011 at 4:44pm
The real problem is that we should only be taking what we need from the land and let the rest of land live in peace. We share this land, with other animals. There never was a "me" concept. There was an "us" concept that is being realized as people awaken. This is a problem with the spiritual community as well; as many people "charge" people to hear there lectures or sell books, yet if they were spiritually evolved enough, they wouldnt even consider that. There is no boundries to how high you can go. If you are in the "for profit" mentality, it continue to deter your progress until, of course, you transcend this idea. We have been banged over the head to believe business is a good thing, when in realityΒ itΒ killingΒ the planet alive. Like Ghandi said "We must be the change we want in the world".Β  Boycott products! Do not accept! Do not accept this reality of money! Even the bible tells us about the love of money being the route of all evil.
Comment by Tetragrammaton on September 7, 2011 at 2:59pm

And they keep finding ways to keep their livestock happy enough to stay locked into the Matrix... "here try our new ipad.. new tv... new car".. . "work for us as we keep you locked into our Matrix"


With our entire world around us being the Matrix now.. It almost seems like the only way to really see the truth is to go within... Deep down we all know a reality that is truth. But it's not like any one person can just reach inside and pull it out for all to see... because that would mean everybody has to go outside themselves to see it, in turn being influenced by the Matrix again...


That part in the movie "The Matrix" that i just realized right now... after he takes the red pill and he touches that MIRROR (self) and it starts consuming him from the fingertips all the way up.. until it eventually actually goes down his throat... going WITHIN HIMSELF.Β Β  maybe it is telling us to go within to find the truth.


Anyways just a thought.. But thanks for the vid Kal' Narred it was a good one for sure.. It's all about keeping your livestock happy apparently..

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