Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"The Highest Level of Enlightenment"

"Each person perceives, experiences, and interprets the world,
and its events in accord within their own predominant level of consciousness.
this is further reinforced by the mind's proclivity to explanation via mentalization,
and rationalized interpretation of perceived data"....

"Because the mind, by virtue of its innate structure,
is unable to differentiate perception from essence
it makes the naïve assumption that it experiences,
and thereby 'knows reality' and that other viewpoints therefore must be 'wrong'."

"We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become.
Thus, every spiritual aspirant serves the world."

One is not the victim of mentation but instead is the very originator by,
virtue of intention to extract projected value.
With this understanding, one is free from being dominated by the false "I" of the experiencer.

Q: But what about the classical spiritual teaching of "the space between two thoughts"?

A: It is a misunderstanding for there is no detectable space 'between' two thoughts,
through which one can glimpse the Infinite.
The supposed 'space' is not between the thoughts but prior to the thoughts.

Perception moves at the same rate as does mentalization; therefore,
to expect that perception will discern a space between two thoughts is impossible because perception,
would have to then move faster than 1/10,000th of a second, that is,
the perceptive faculty of the mind moves at the same rate as the content of the mind.

Thus, to try to witness the space between two thoughts is like a dog's trying to chase its own tail.
This is why many serious and committed meditators do not reach Enlightenment,
even after many years of devoted meditation.
They are simply looking in the wrong place (calibrates as true).

Q: We note that your lectures always start with the same opening statement,
"Everything is happening of its own; nothing is causing anything else."

A: The belief in linear causality is a basic axiom of the whole structure of the ego/mind dualistic belief system.
To see through that illusion is the most important,
and greatest leap available for getting closer to comprehending Reality.

It is critical to grasp that the illusion of linear causality as an explanation,
for the observed phenomena of life is the major and most profound limitation of thinkingness.

It is the major block that cannot be transcended even by intellectual geniuses,
who characteristically calibrate at 499. The intellect which serves to aid the progress of,
civilization becomes entrenched in the psyche and becomes the major obstacle to Realization.
Although causality (calibration 426) is a major illusion,
it is really not a difficult one to solve once it is disassembled.


Mentation, reason, logic, and language are all structured dualistically,
based on the axiom that there is a subject and an object, that there is a 'this' doing or causing a 'that'.
Reason strives to find a connection between a witnessed phenomenon and some antecedent,
which is most commonly located in prior time.
Logic then concludes that what precedes an event must somehow be its 'cause' or explanation.
It confuses temporal sequence with causation.

The term "cause" is an abstract hypothesis, a tautology,
an intellectualization which has no concordant substrate in reality.
It is at best an operational supposition to satisfy the mind's requirement for an 'explanation'.


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Comment by Claude on December 5, 2010 at 9:45am
It implies nothingness, or nonexistence, wihch is not a possibility in the Real.
There is no opposite to God. Only Truth has actual existence.
What is more commonly meant by the term "void" is absence of form, absence of substance, or nonduality.
It is often confused with nonexistence.
To confuse the Ultimate Allness with nothingness/void is to fall victim to the falsity,
of trying to prove that nonexistence actually exists.

Q: Why the word "Self"?

A: The experience of the Presence is radically and profoundly subjective.
It is commonly presumed by the mind that God is 'elsewhere', namely, above, beyond, transcendent,
in heaven, or somewhere back in history or in the future.

Traditionally, however, God is described as both transcendent and immanent.
The term "Self" emphasizes that God is discovered within as the ultimate reality,
that underlies one's actual existence in the 'here and now' (e.g., "Heaven is within you.").

The Buddha is said to have avoided using the term "God" because of the prevalence of misconceptions surrounding it.
He wanted to avoid all the limitations that that conceptualization confounds.
The Self as Awareness is often referred to in literature as Light.
As recounted in Genesis, the Unmanifest became Manifest first as Light,
which was the radiance of the energy of God that took form as the universe.

The term "Self" also overcomes the dualistic notion that one is separated from God.
Historically, the picture that there is a sinner down here on Earth,
and there is a God up there somewhere in heaven is the viewpoint of the ego.

Thus, to most people, the term "God" implies "otherness."
However, there is no separation in the Allness of Creation,
so it is impossible for the created to be separate from the Creator.
Enlightenment is therefore the revelation of the Self when the illusion of the reality of a separate self is removed.

The constant awareness of one's existence as 'I' is the ever present expression of the innate divinity of the Self.
This is a universal, constant experience that is purely subjective,
and of which no proof is possible or necessary.
The 'I' of the Self is the expression of Divinity as Awareness which is therefore beyond time and form.
The truth of this identity is obscured by the duality created by perception,
and disappears when all positionalities are relinquished.

Q: How does one find Reality?
A: Truth is radical subjectivity. With the collapse of the illusions of duality,
including the supposed 'reality' of a separate 'self', there remains only the state of the Infinite 'I',
which is the manifestation of the Unmanifest as the Self.

There is neither subject nor object. Like infinite space, there is no distance, time, duration, or locality.
All prevails simultaneously. All is self-evident, self-aware, self-revealing, and total.

Q: What is meant by the term "mystic"?

A: The mystic knows, experiences, and identifies the Self as both context and content, that is, context is the content.
The content of the ego is transitory and a product of perception and, like a movie, it has no independent existence.
The content of perception is an automatic byproduct of positionality and goes hand in hand,
with the creation of the illusions of perception.
Science is the authority of the linear domain and the Newtonian paradigm;
the mystic is the authority of the nonlinear domain.



Comment by Claude on December 5, 2010 at 9:44am
Fallacy arises out of the mind's proclivity to ask the redundant and fatal question "Why?"

We have stated elsewhere that there is no 'why' to anything in Reality and, in fact,
no 'why' can be answered and still stay within Reality.
All answers to "why" questions are intrinsically fallacious as they require,
a jump from verifiable observables to hypothetical suppositions which are all mentations.

Events and conditions have a source or origination but not a cause.
The concept of 'cause' limits comprehension to content only,
whereas, in reality, all content is subject to context.
This is the very crux of the understanding that allows consciousness to jump from 499 to the 500s.

Neither God nor Truth can be found within the limitation of content only for, by simple observation,
content is only definition or description whereas context supplies meaning, significance,
and concordance with the reality of existence itself.
This is important to comprehend not only in spiritual work but also in everyday social and political policies.

To fail to properly contextualize content has historically been the basis for the slaughter,
of millions of people in every century throughout human history.

To ignore context is the greatest source of catastrophe for every generation of man,
and it continutes on in the present time with the same catastrophic consequences.
There is no greater lesson that needs to be learned to reduce human suffering and bring ignorance to an end.

Q: Sex and money are the temptations that are emphasized by many spiritual groups as the traps to be avoided.

A: That tradition has value but also ambiguous results.
First, it creates an aversion and a sense of sin or guilt about the issues.
It also inflates their importance, thereby creating a fear.

It is not sex and money that are problems but the attachments to them.
In the nonattached state, there is neither attraction nor aversion.
Teachers such as Ramakrishna forbade both sex and money to his young male students.
He held that they could be contaminated by even just the energy of sex or money.

Inasmuch as greed and desire calibrate below 200 (they are at 125),
avoidance was an attempt to forestall attachment.

However, the desire for sex or money stems from within an can remain within the ego,
even though it is not indulged in or acted upon.
At beginning levels of spiritual training, avoidance may well be the best course because desires are so strong.
There mere willingness to sacrifice sensual pleasure or worldly gain is already of value in learning,
how to transcend attractions and instinctual drives, and the intensity of spiritual commitment is enhanced.

Throughout history and up to the current time, there have been a number of well known 'gurus'
who became addicted to sex, power, and money, and who covered up their actions with clever rationalizations.
Those who exhibit wealth, a veneer of spiritual trappings, and who approve of sexual acting out attract many followers.

The basis for this paradox was revealed through spiritual research.
Often, the early writings of a famous or popular guru calibrate quite high (usually in the high 400s to middle 500s).
Then, after much success and acclaim,
the calibrated level of the guru drops precipituously, sometimes to even below 200.

Thus, it is not uncommon for there to be a wide disparity between the early writings of a teacher,
and the teacher's later level of consciousness. In some cases, both recent and current,
the resultant misbehaviors create scandal and dismay, and residual followers haev to resort to,
denial to rationalize their continued obedience to a cult or group of adherents.
Although the erstwhile guru's own calibration may have fallen significantly,
the calibration of the original writings remain the same.

Q: Is the ultimate truth the same as "void"?

A: The term "void" has created much confusion and has misled people throughout the centuries.

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