The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Play List * The True Face Of The Dalai Lama by Kalovski at 4-2-8
In October 1998, theΒ DalaiΒ Lama's administration acknowledgedΒ
that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960s from the U.S.Β
government through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),Β
and also trained a resistance movement in Colorado (USA).WhenΒ
asked by CIA officer John Kenneth Knaus in 1995 whether theΒ
organisation did a good or bad thing in providing its support,Β
theΒ DalaiΒ LamaΒ replied that though it helped the morale of thoseΒ
resisting the Chinese, "thousands of lives were lost in the resistance"Β
and further, that "the U.S. Government had involved itself in hisΒ
country's affairs not to help Tibet but only as a Cold WarΒ
tactic to challenge the Chinese." - (Wikipedia Entry onΒ DalaiΒ Lama)
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