Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Chaplin was a very advanced human being. Everything he said in "The Great Ditactor" last speech is very applicable to us today. The govennment forms changed, the govenment people changed, but there is still no freedom, there is still no democracy. I thank the Light everyday for giving us those great people like Charles Chaplin. Enjoy the vid!

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Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 14, 2009 at 7:29am
Ique the only thing that may interfere wit this is if they shut down the internet using some stupid excuse they will sell to the people..
Comment by Ique on December 14, 2009 at 6:23am
I totally agree with you Jim. Their agendas are becoming exposed now, mainly because people are awaking. Now we have instruments such as the Internet where we can expose and share their crimes and also exchange information. They try but can never censor it as they do to the mainstream media. And this freedom of information is slowly spreading over and over, even to the mainstream media as we can see Fox News on the climategate scandal. We have to be patient but soon their agenda will be exposed and they will fall down. Then, as stated our Master Chaplin, the machines and the technology will be developed in favor of the people and not against them. Thank you for your comment Jim. Love and light for you.
Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 14, 2009 at 5:08am
Great video Ique..It does fit in well in todays dilema that faces the people .There are so many who cant believe such criminals can rule nations or decieve them they believe they would be stopped from any kind of agenda.The worst one of all is the news media that most think would expose there hidden agenda for a New World Order Nazi type government.But to the contrary are helping there quest for world control.Up until know they felt unstoppable that nothing could stop them ,know they are growing in fear themselves a fear they have never known and that fear is the truth that has risen up to expose them all for their sinister objective that there faces and names are out there for all to see who was behind this plot to rule rule humanity with.As we have the momentum in the peoples favor now we must push even harder to expose them to the world until there crimes are brought to the people and the peoples justice for all these crimes are answered for...
Comment by ian on December 14, 2009 at 4:13am
What a great man he was. Thanks for posting. Wish he was still around to help spread the good word.

love u and thanks.

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