Saviors Of Earth

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Comment by patrick on September 13, 2011 at 9:47pm

Here in New Zealand the State makes everyone completely paranoid about the sun. In summer you cannot get away from anti-sun propaganda and the collective mindset of cover-up, cover yourself in 'sunscreen', wear a hat and sunglasses...

I think the reptilian (british royals) commonweath colony of NZ is insipid and glaringly obvious in all it's methods of control. The sun is light, we, not them, are beings of light, it makes sense to draw nourishment and chi from sol.

Here's a guy who lost his shirt but explains and demonstrates sungazing very well.

Comment by patrick on September 13, 2011 at 7:35pm

This video has opened a whole new world for me, thank you Starseed Indigo Claude.

This is an interesting article,

(done properly) '...sungazing and sunbathing cause the secretion of โ€œfeel goodโ€ hormones serotonin beta-endorphins, and dopamines ... ย the pineal and other endocrine glands secrete other hormones during sungazing, which create not just a high, but greater energy, longevity and experiences of samadhi or higher consciousness.'

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