Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Secrets of the Sacred Ark - 1 - "monoatomic gold"

Laurence Gardner's Amazing journey into Quantum Physics, Modern Science,Monatomic Gold. One of the most interesting scientific links between now, then and di...

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Comment by Greg on January 23, 2011 at 6:46pm

i was reading up on the benefits of monatomic gold before but ended up stumbling upon this:


[Readers should be aware that Anna Hayes mentions in her books that taking mono atomic gold is ul.... She claims that the initial growth of psychic awareness is not permanent, but rather levels off and later declines. Further, she says that the promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception. While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic clarity and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic gold is to cause the destruction of the ten additional virtual DNA strands which all humans possess and which are now manifesting into 3D reality as seen with the 3, 4, or even 5 strands of DNA that now show up in the blood of Blue Indigo (Millennium) children.


etc.   dont think i'd try it personally.

Comment by patrick on January 23, 2011 at 6:17pm
I think it is an expression of ascension that these technologies are being discovered and understood again.
Comment by patrick on January 23, 2011 at 6:15pm

The Pharaoh's bread, The Philosophers Stone, The Great White Brotherhood, The Ark of the Covenant, The Templars, The Illuminated Ones, The Church, The Royalty and the bankers, the Draconian overlords, the powers that be ... it's all about the f'ing gold.

This substance is incredibly valuable and it is ours. All the above arcane institutions have done their best to suppress and steal this, knowledge, essentially. 

If you can find any, monatomic gold will, when used right, cure all disease, promote longevity and accelerate activation of the light body (Ka). That could be useful for many in these times.

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