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Comment by CHRISTINA on October 13, 2010 at 5:49am
Comment by CHRISTINA on October 13, 2010 at 5:49am

"20 Questions with José Escamilla: Rods

In 1994, José and Karen Escamilla accidentally caught on tape strange flying rods with undulating appendages. They continue their quest to find out what they are.
José Escamilla, explorer and filmmaker, discovered strange flying rods while investigating UFOs with his wife Karen in New Mexico in 1994. A satisfactory explanation for these enigmatic things is still being sought. Are they alive? Are they dangerous? Where do they come from and where do they go? In answers to this month's 20 Questions, José talks about this bizarre phenomenon.

1. How, when and where did you first discover the rods?
J.E.: On March 5, 1994, I videotaped UFOs that appeared in broad daylight over Midway, New Mexico - a small community nine miles southeast of Roswell. Then on March 19,1998, I again videotaped the area, making a documentation of where the UFOs had appeared on March 5. While reviewing the March 19 tape, I saw something that I had never seen before: A streak passes by the camera from across the road and right above where I was standing. As I saw this through the viewfinder, my first impression was that these were insects or birds. Then when I reviewed the footage frame by frame, I realized that they were not insects or birds... but something else. Upon seeing the objects on video, Karen, my wife, coined them "rods" because they resemble microorganisms she has seen under a microscope."

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