The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Hanna has dedicated her life to Ascension, personal enlightenment, with knowledge in many spiritual disciplines, methods and therapies. As well as being a competent psychic and channel for intergalactic beings, Ascended Masters and other deities, and different forms of healing, teaching and counselling.
In the show we discussed the following topics:
Memories from Home and The Gaia Project
After awakening abruptly onto her spiritual pathway in Japan, Hanna became aware of lost memories from a life on a different home planet. A much more peaceful existence with beings operating on a much higher level of consciousness, Hanna remembers offering her services to help with the Gaia project, part of an increasing influx of beautiful souls coming in to help push the humanity to a more loving way of being. Many brave souls have come in to help conquer the darkness that has plagued this world since the fall of Atlantis.
Hanna discusses her memories of a voluntary incarnation into Atlantis where her intended purpose was to freely come and go as she pleased back to her home planet once that life time ended. However because of the fall and ensuing control by the dark elite (AKA the New World Order) many souls were trapped here within the Earth grid system.
Ascension - 2012
Hanna discusses her thoughts on Ascension and how it's a process that has to happen internally to us, not by external beings coming in to save us. Hanna has a pure connection to her cosmic team of helpers, ascended masters and members of the Galactic Federation. Hanna agreed that we have to be cautious of some channelled material that suggests our space brothers are going to save us and do the Ascension work for us, or worse, whisked us off to another dimension, this simply isn't the case. There are many loving beings watching and helping us at this time but we have to do the inner work ourselves. Ascension comes from within.
Sound Healing
Hanna discussed her awakening memories from her home planet where they used Sound Healing to bring harmony back into their aura's and energy fields. Through the guidance of Sound Healer Tom Kenyon, Hanna has now remembered and brought her latent sound healing gifts to the surface. Hanna now regularly provides workshops and therapy sessions using this wonderful and very powerful technique. Hanna gives us a taster at the end of the show.
About Hanna:
Hanna Ehlers is the creator of She is a metaphysical and spiritual teacher. She has dedicated her life to ascension and personal enlightenment and has been training in many spiritual disciplines, methods and therapies for almost five years. Hanna is a competent psychic and channel for intergalactic beings, ascended masters and other deities, additionally she has a background in healing, teaching and counselling. Her approaches, thoughts and beliefs have been learned via teachings from around the globe with many incarnate guides and from her personal journey with oneness and the family of light outside of 3D. Hanna is a qualified healer trained via two institutions, both the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and The Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing. Furthermore she has had the opportunity to undergo training to become an Angel Therapy Practitioner in Hawaii, certified by Doreen Virtue PhD, in addition, Hanna has under gone Sound Healing Training with Tom Kenyon in Seattle under the auspices of Psycho-acoustic Brain Research.
This is a 16 minute snippet taken from the the full radio interview found here:
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