Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Orgonite cloudbuster dissolving a Chemtrail

this what it looks like when an orgonite cloudbuster dissolves a chemtrail. notice how the trail thins out and starts to crinkle up before vanishing? this is not normal behaviour for a contrail. let's see if N.I.S.T. can come up with a bullcrap explanation for this!
if you see this happening to a trail you know there is a cloudbuster in the area. if you DO NOT see this happening, build a CB! :-)
the small plane that flies by at low altitude is very common at my place. they come by every time there's a chem spray happening, to check how the CB's are affecting it.
sorry for the shaky camera work. i just got this camera and don't have a tripod for it. it seems the extreme zoom amplifies any movement of your hand.

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Comment by Vaddix on January 5, 2009 at 9:32pm
wow ive never seen any affect of organite before. thats pretty cool.
Comment by Rocanon on January 5, 2009 at 5:20pm
I second that proposition, if all of us the saviours of earth, could have a cloud buster at hand, we can contra rest el problem of chemtrials, so if you want to know how to build up a cloud buster, this a site that provides many video tutorials for the manufacturing of this devices, not only cloud buster, there is also personal devices to heal the space where you live, this is the site


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