Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Once upon a time in Athens: Loukánikos ~ Light worker :-)


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Comment by patrick on September 22, 2010 at 10:41pm
I should learn more about the recent history of Kosovo. I empathise with you Besimi about the trauma that was the recent wars in Kosovo, I have never experienced ethnic cleansing first hand. I have marched in many demonstrations. I agree Besimi, that unity is strength, and that is why the international banking cartels just got away with stealing billions from Greece.
Comment by Besimi on September 22, 2010 at 7:48pm
:):):):) lovely Patrick
...if you can get this impression,that I grew up in Kosovo-Former Yugoslavia (we had frequent Riots for decades)
- ..., it never worked, few always got very hurt,jailed,prosecuted,killed ect ...while the masses ,stud away from ''trouble'' , ...''they didn't wanna get in trouble'' = no unity.
-,little they (masses) new ,they were more in trouble that they even belived it.
------ But later they got ''united nationally'',and things changed fast. ...yes they faced a short war too,but still they won, cause of unity.

* Humanity needs to get informed. ...who they are (brothers/sisters), ..and have some sypathy and caring for eachother.
They need to get united,by Heart ( opening their minds and Hearts,to feel and understand eachother),wich brings best resuts for all. EASY WAY!
..otherwise Humanity,will get united anyway later ,but by then we have lost a lot. HARD WAY! ..*
-INFORMATIONS are best ''weapons'' ,to help Humanity wake up to their Power and Unity. ..Love.
Comment by patrick on September 22, 2010 at 5:37pm
Hmm, Besimi, my friend. I know where you are coming from, violence as a defence from violence leads to more violence etc. When capitalism is crumbling, which it is and will, and when the ruling class try and impose their fascistic 'solutions' on us, what are we to do, stay home and meditate with Metatron ?
The NWO want us to be passive, like slaves. I am not a slave, I am a free human being.
Comment by patrick on September 22, 2010 at 5:28pm
A Dog for the People ! I loved this.
Comment by Besimi on September 22, 2010 at 5:20pm
ohhhhhhh ,amazing dog.
how long with these riots,all over the world ?.
...I guess till we wake up in masses ,and understand who we all are, ..get united and put a stop to it.

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