Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Object approaching the SUN from left to right July 1 to July 12

This I found after checking the SOHO website of NASA.

In the Movie Theater website of Soho I selected LASCO C3 and set the dates from July 1 to July 15.

After observing it I realized that a strange "object" seemed to be approaching the SUN for several days (July 7, 2009 to present) from right to left while the rest of the universe seemed to be moving from left to right.

I was very contradictory and it was evidently NOT a film or camera glitch for I could observe very clearly the brightness of the Sun affecting the shinyness of the object as it was approching the SUN.

Furtheremore I noticed that the object was also going in a straight line towards the sun so I discarded a meteorite

Also I noticed that there was a MAYOR solar CEM right in the moment that the "object" was entering the camera's visual area from the right... So I assumed tht maybe the "object" was massive enough to activate a giant solar flare on the Sun.

Let me know your thoughts please :)))

The movie will show you all the opictures posted sequencially by NASA from July 1 to July 12... From Luly 12 to July 15 there is no data available... Interesting huh? NASA simply stopped posting the pictures taken by LASCO C3 since July 12, 2009 at 3:42 AM

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Comment by Vigusa on July 16, 2009 at 6:10am
I think that if it was a planet would go on the same path that all the planets and stars that you see around there...

Also I watched previous months like in intervals of three months at once and there was never a planet following that pattern either :/
Comment by tranceman on July 16, 2009 at 12:48am
i think its a planet

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