Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


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Comment by CHRISTINA on July 29, 2014 at 5:29pm

Veronica Keen is requesting our help: Blockade in force on Skellig ...

PLEASE Help!Β The cabal is attacking the St. Michael ley line. We are extremely worried about this. The MICHAEL LEY LINE STARTS AT THE SKELLIG ISLAND.

She asks our help to counter theirΒ efforts. We know the drill. Let’s do it!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

By Donal Hickey
Source:Β The Irish Examiner
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The force was strong on Skellig Michael yesterday as the navy set up an exclusion zone to prevent anyone from sneaking a peek as the Star Wars team rolled into town.

I see thatΒ all rights are reserved (Why?) . . . so please go to the site . . .Β 

Click HereΒ to Β continue reading.

Comment by CHRISTINA on July 26, 2014 at 8:27pm

Did you ever wonder why Ireland seems to hold the key to an ancient civilization ?


Comment by CHRISTINA on July 26, 2014 at 5:30pm

in this interview veronica talks also about andromeda


We watched your excitement, last evening, as the Andromedan spaceship responded to you. It completed some interesting manoeuvres to greet you. They will physically visit soon. They watch over your planet. They are doing much to restore balance. They need you to understand and accept that you need to learn how to re-establish and use your own power and energy. We look forward to Earth's reunion with her fellow planets and your Universe being restored.

montague keen, sunday 19 February 2012

Comment by CHRISTINA on July 26, 2014 at 7:34am
Comment by CHRISTINA on July 26, 2014 at 7:32am

Published on Jul 26, 2014

Did you know that Ireland holds the key to unlock the reality of a more conscious and advanced civilization of humans?

Did you know that the Egyptians seem to have close ties to theΒ 
Irish and coming from the same ancestors?

Here are some answers.

Also, here is an invitation to contribute and or participate in the magnificent Journey led by Veronica Keen, her adored husband Monty (now passed to Spirit) and the Montague & Veronica Keen Foundation to Unlocking the Heart Chakra of the Earth around Tara in Ireland.

Personal Note from Veronica: I know that we can ALL work together to make this a Reality. Please do your best to contribute whatever you can…or at least keep passing this link around so that other may see it & contribute financially themselves.Β

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