Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Michael Tellinger : Ancient technology and the Ubuntu movement :full episode

2 sep 2013

Michael Tellinger at the Breakthrough energy Movement conference, 2012 Holland

Title: Ancient technology and the Ubuntu movement

Run time : 2.02.36
Speaker : Michael Tellinger

Michael Tellinger will be connecting the dots between vanished ancient civilizations in southern Africa and the advanced knowledge of the laws of nature that they left behind....(read more further below) ______

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He will also expand on the UBUNTU movement and his legal actions against the banks in South Africa that all lead to the same outcome.

Michael Tellinger is a scientist, explorer and internationally acclaimed author who has become an authority on the origins of humankind and the vanished civilisations of southern Africa. Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. New archaeological and scientific discoveries made by Michael Tellinger, and a team of leading scientists, show that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago... mining gold. Michael Tellinger presents just some of the startling scientific evidence that led to his groundbreaking discoveries and conclusions. He further suggests how we can learn from those early humans in our search for peace and a harmonious, unified world, with abundance for all.

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If you have any questions about the videos, please contact us at

The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing.

Disclaimer : We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, has to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs.

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Comment by CHRISTINA on October 10, 2013 at 10:21am

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TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT BUT..... You can be there online!!! Breakthrough Energy Conference 2013, October 10-12, is going to be streamed live. For free ! Please join us in this effort to focus as much energy as we can to the emergence of Brea...kthrough Energy. You can watch the broadcast at We want to spread this information far and wide, so we invite you to share this live stream with your network. You can either direct the people to our site or rebroadcast the event on your own site.
Comment by Starfire on October 4, 2013 at 5:32pm

Makes me so proud to be SouthAfrican :) I'll definitely vote for him :)

Comment by Jesmae Tunnell on September 30, 2013 at 9:28pm

Just LOVED this video.ย  Great information, truly condensed.ย  Wonderful scenery of Sth Africa, who would have guessed the birthplace of humans.

Wonder what my talents are...I clean a mean house,ย  Tee hee.


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