Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

False Flag Attacks Used To Manipulate the minds of the people!


Energy at this level is oriented in Anxiety.
Common situations of fear
at play would be fear of rejection,
fear of failure, fear of uncertainty, fear of challenges, fear of aging,
fear of death, fear of loss,
fear of strangers.

This emotion is often played on by marketers and politicians to
achieve their agendas.

Fear leads to paranoia and can turn
into an obsession.

At this level, one views everything uncertain as fearful and thus undergoes the state of withdrawal.

Thus, fear prevents personal growth from taking place.
Someone in the level of fear sees
the world as frightening

Fear is the Hesitancy and Mistrust
of the Unknown.

A Withdrawal Of Attention From The Unwanted Condition Is Necessary
In Order To Release It !
From Your experience,

However It Is Also Necessary To
Cease The Resistant Thought
That Pinched Off The Well-Being
To Begin With.

Pray for Your Life Situation
And Surrender...
Then The Energy of God...
Handles it Much Better.
Meditation and Contemplation are Merely Descriptive Styles.
They are Not Separate because the Processes are Essentially the Same.

In Practice, traditional
formal Meditation is a process
that requires Removal from
the activities of daily life.

However, it tends to develop a
certain specialness and becomes compartmentalized
and sporadic over time.

There are periods of Enthusiasm,
but the practice is vulnerable to
the demands of daily life.

It is more Profitable to apply the essential mudra/position/focus/intention in a style that can be
done Continuously so that Contemplation,
becomes a Lifestyle, with one's life becoming the Meditation.

The Evolution is to Turn one's life into a Prayer/Contemplation/Meditation/Supplication and Surrender.

The Contemplative Lifestyle Facilitates transfer of the sense of identity from Body/Mind to Witness/Observer,
which is more Primary and closer
to the Truth of the Self and Reality.

The Next Step is the Withdrawal of the sense of "I" from Body/Mind to Witness/Observer,
where it moves to the faculty of Consciousness/Awareness itself,
which is a Quality rather than a Personage.

One major advantage of being the Witness/Observer instead of the participant,
is that the witness does not talk:
it just sees without comment.

It could be said that the Witness/Observer is Aligned with
the Forest Rather Than The Trees.
From the viewpoint of this level,
the world looks hazardous,
full of traps and threats.

Once Fear is ones focus, the endless worrisome events of the world feed it.

Fear becomes obsessive and may
take any form.
Fear limits growth of the personality and leads to inhibition.
Because it takes energy to rise
above Fear, the oppressed are unable
to reach a higher level unaided.

From the viewpoint of this level, the world looks hazardous, full of traps and threats.
Once Fear is ones focus, the endless worrisome events of the world feed it.

Fear becomes obsessive and may take any form.
Fear limits growth of the personality and leads to inhibition.
Because it takes energy to rise above
Fear, the oppressed are unable to reach a higher level unaided.

Starseed Claude

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