Elite do not want people now to celebrate,dance and have any excitement in Mass.
Excitements in Mass now, can trigger Higher Vibrations all over the world more quickly,and the waking up can start to occur even faster.
Waking up is being helped overwhelmingly by Love waves that are coming more and more from cosmos,as we
approach 2012. So if great excitements continue on Earth we reach New Paradigm faster.
...so any great global excitement is not liked by dark elite. So they will continue their dirty work,to keep the power through fear and crime.
remember ??? ........LET THE EXCITEMENT CONTINUE-IMPORTANT. ...love and hugs to All.
www.whatdoesitmean.com has alot more info on it.Very interesting what michael may have been about to do for humanity.Yes I love michael earth song and his They don't really care about us song he did and many others.
This is actually the most probable,cause Michael Jackson was shown time after time,to be of Light.
...His concern and love for people and Planet in entirety,has scared elite for so long time now.So many songs
for a better world.
And yes after the anouncement to perform again in stage,...this was the reason for his death.
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