Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Fake Alien Invasion - False Flag Agenda "EXPOSED" 3/5

May 1st was the End of the Terrorist threat by Killing the Name "Osama Bin Laden"
Now they are on Astroids and the Alien Threat is what they are using, from films lke Skyline, Battle La (Another Invasion) , and Transformers 3 (Invasion from the Moon)
The Event and V (Visitors) are also two tv shows that are telling about the Arrival.
Here is the Guy - i want everyone to listen to, about the False flag alien Invasion
His name is Paris aka (TalessiansReality)
Credits: CosmicPreachers2
Your host - Michael Ellegion
This is part of the power elite's desperate plan to attempt to fool the masses of Earth's humanity with a faked staged "cosmic deception" negative alien invasion using their fleet of earth black op anti gravity craft. From Dr. Michio Kaku's most recent Sci Fi "Physics of the Impossible" science television show in which the theme of this particular show was about how to specifically scientifically "Protect the Earth from eventual alien invaders", to how famous German rocket scientist Warner Von Braun warmed his assistant Carol Rosen about how he personally knew how the power elite planned to stage an alien invasion in the future, and how even President Reagan intimated about this from his earlier speeches before the United nations & Congress. Michael will also share a recent letter compiled by Dr. Steven Greer, who helped originally initiate UFO & ET Disclosure, which powerfully summarizes this plan in detail from military Whistle blowers, and how we the citizens of Earth need to come together and help expose this very agenda before it can be manifested.

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Comment by patrick on June 1, 2011 at 8:27pm
Hmm, the higher frequencies passing through the earth are acting upon the material resources of the dark cabal. Cool.

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