Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Expansions News - Charleston Shooting, Pope Saves The Earth, Royal Lodge Disney Party Stewart and Janet wish everyone a happy Father's Day and do their news roundup for the week. Stories covered include: http://www.dailym...

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Comment by CHRISTINA on June 24, 2015 at 7:59am

The Pope-Report – all 184 pages of it!

The Pope’s Encyclical – UPDATED with a Comment, a different point o...

The Pope-Report – all 184 pages of it!


if the jesuit pope gave a rat’s ass about the environment, he would be writing about outlawing GMO’s and Monsatan-aka Monsanto, and would be calling on the arrest of himself and all the other psychopathic child trafficking murdering pervert politicians and outlawing chemtrails AND HAARP and the secret space program and outlawing mass murder by big pharma vaccines and outlawing debt slavery and war whenever the fed needs some gold–(they just invade some resource rich country, head straight for their central bank and load the gold up on USA, inc. planes and take off) He would also be talking about the rape and pillaging of USA,inc. tax payers and debt slavery and American mainstream HELLth Care destroying us here in America. So ,please give us a break, does ANYONE believe this nazi, corporate intelligence agency bankster MAFIA FASCIST “CLEANER”??? I DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by CHRISTINA on June 24, 2015 at 7:57am
Stefan Fobes says:

There were, and are some things that stand out to me about the Charleston shooting. I don’t say that what I believe here is the definitive truth, only what appears to me to be, obvious.

The first is that the mayor of Charleston, who had some things to say about the shooting’s first name is Joe. The church’s name has the Emanuel name in it. One of the women who was killed in there was named Myra, which is an anagram for Mary. Emanuel, Joe/Joseph, and Mary. So perhaps something relating to New World Religion.

The name Dylann Storm Roof. Two N’s in the first name and two O’s in the last. Twinning Programming. The name Storm, perhaps relating to that white supremacist organization called Stormfront?

Also, three of the people who “passed away”, one of them had a last name of Hurd, which is the last name of one of the writers/producers of the Terminator movies and that Terminator series that came out about seven years ago. Lance is the last name of one of the people who died in the church, which is also the first name of one of the actors from the first Terminator movie that came out. Simmons is the last name of the actor who is in the new Terminator movie coming out on the 1st of July. I believe that that new movie, with its militaristic vibe, spells activation for many. I say this because from what I have seen in the programming installed in me, I see like, whole lists of everyone involved in, say, for example, movie X or movie Y, like the cast and crew, and even their names are some sort of icon which the programming responds to.

A strange name one of the people had who died, was Rev. DePayne Middleton-Doctor. Doctor. The NAACP president has a name, Cornell. There is a hospital in New York state called New York-Presbyterian, which is the university hospital of Cornell and Columbia universities. Perhaps a stretch, but, still…what I mean to say that doctors and hospitals of all kinds seem to me, from my experience, to be big in programming.

Here is an article which I got this info from.

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