The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Melanie Beckler:
Have you been noticing the waves of light, new activations and high vibrational energies that continue to stream in? Continually increasing in strength, vibrancy, and frequency?
Well… Today, I'm so excited to share with you today something to support you in expanding your awakened heart light… Gently and effortlessly raising your vibration… And actually, increasing the light you can carry and comprehend in this moment now…
With direct guidance and an incredible frequency transmission from Archangel Michael and your entire team of guides and angels - this session will connect you with the incredible Solar Crystalline Light available now…
Greetings from Archangel Michael.
You are indeed, in this moment the presence of Solar Cosmic Christ Light. And more of this photonic light and Divine frequency streams in now, to surround you fully and completely, to uplift you, and to support you with where you are on your ascension journey… With where you are on the path of raising your vibration.
These light codes… The Divine frequency and solar cosmic light meet you where you are right here and now.
And when you allow the light in, it serves in activating you to an entirely new level by increasing the level of light you can carry.
This supports you in expanding your level of awareness so you can more effortlessly embody the light of your solar crystalline awakened self… Standing in your Divine truth, embodying your true Divine nature.
And to support you in this now, your team of Guides and Angels steps forward surrounding you in a circle of love, light, and frequency, so that in this very moment you know you are safe, supported, infinitely loved and blessed.
All of these beings— who stand in the light shining with unconditional love — flow the blessings of unconditional love, Divine presence, and awakened consciousness forth, to support you right here and now.
And so, breathe, relax and begin to tune into the frequency which is elevating around you. Begin to tune into the subtle vibration of love as it is raised.
You may become aware of areas where tension has been stored in your physical form, or perhaps even thoughts or emotions. Whatever is coming up for you now, let it go.
Breathe light into areas of your physical body where you feel tense. Breathe in love and greet any lower emotions or vibrations that emerge with love. You may think or say to what arises “I love you. I’m here for you.” Release… And let go.
Continue to breathe and relax as your vibration lifts higher. Allow your awareness now to focus on the area of your heart center, in the center of your chest, and let the light of your heart illuminate with golden crystalline light. Let the light of your heart awaken and expand its Torus energy field around you, growing more expansive, glowing brighter, circulating love and Divine presence through your entire being.
As you breathe in, let your heart light grow more vibrant and as you exhale, let the light of your heart naturally expand.
Continue to relax, knowing that as you relax, you are able to let more light in. As you relax, your heart is able to grow more vibrant.
And so, breathe, relax, lift in the light that is all around you and let your vibration become elevated right here and now. Open heart. Activated heart light.
Let yourself enjoy this powerfully uplifting transmission from Melanie Beckler with Infinite Blessings of Love & Light,
Steven Hutchinson
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