Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Driver license VS Driver's License. Coporation Law Pushed on Free Traveling Citizens Illegaly.

Knowledge is power. stop being fooled. Courts have no Juristiction over you..common law came before Coroprate law. it does not Overrule it. http://keystolibe...

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Comment by Trudy on February 3, 2012 at 10:00am

It all has to do with the sovereignty of man. You are born as a free man, but because certain laws are made, your name, as it were sold to the rulers of the country. And from that moment starts the control / power over your existence and everything that you undertake in your life. Your name at birth is always written in capital letters, indicating that you are a slave of the establishment.

But there's a way out of your slavery... and that is reclaiming your name, i.o.w. become owner of your own name. 

Maybe CHRISTINA you can help me out here, how it works and what to do I only know how it works in the Netherlands and not outside our borders! But the possibility for becoming a Free Human is very very real.

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 3, 2012 at 4:26am

vital piece of info!

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