Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Coast To Coast AM - January 7, 2016 Mind Control & The Tarot

Coast To Coast AM - January 7, 2016 Mind Control & The Tarot In the first half, medical intuitive, author and lecturer Stewart Swerdlow talked about mind con...

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Comment by CHRISTINA on January 19, 2016 at 4:19pm
you can still watch this video:
see below

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 9, 2016 at 5:27am

Coast To Coast AM - January 7, 2016 Mind Control & The Tarot

In the first half, medical intuitive, author and lecturer Stewart Swerdlow talked about mind control and various concepts such as "end times programming," and a "staged alien invasion." What we're seeing unfold today is the fulfillment of the script of the Book of Revelation as orchestrated by the Illuminati/government, he said. The end times, which are playing out in front of our eyes, include war, financial collapse, and drastic earth changes, and this will lead into the staged alien invasion, a staged second coming of Christ, acceptance of the new world religion, and global government, he continued. The goal of this end times programming is to create a situation of fear, so that the population can be more readily controlled and amenable to global government, he outlined.

Swerdlow says he was recruited for specific government mind-control experiments which enhanced his natural abilities, and that he was part of the Montauk Project from 1970 to 1983. He revealed that out in the edges of our solar system, in the Kuiper Belt, "there is massing there a fleet of beings both from other parts of this universe as well as interdimensionally," who feel threatened by what is going on on our planet and are plotting to get rid of the Illuminati. That is why the Illuminati have stepped up their control agenda, he explained.

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