Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

IN HIS THIRD EXCLUSIVE EXPOSÉ OF THE CLIMATEGATE FALLOUT, Alex Jones breaks down the conclusion of the Copenhagen United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNFCC), including the foundations of a new era of Global Governance– as evidenced by quotes directly from the mouths of Al Gore, UN Head Ban Ki-Moon and bankster heir David de Rothschild.

Though new taxes have been levied and mechanisms for world regulation have been laid down, the Climate Change agenda has taken a lot of political damage. The beginnings of Climategate with the East Anglia CRU email leaks were just the beginning of a chain reaction of revelations that has fueled anger, doubt, denial and speculation worldwide. Compromised calculations or deliberately-fudged data have been exposed worldwide from research centers in Russia, New Zealand, Australia and beyond– casting serious doubt by even mainline commentators upon the so-called “settled-science” and ‘peer-reviewed’ scientific “consensus” of man-made global warming

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Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 23, 2009 at 12:12am
Comment by Vaddix on December 22, 2009 at 11:55pm
Gottcha Jim. So this is a good thing. I still want the oil industry gone though.
Comment by Alex of New Human New Earth on December 22, 2009 at 5:07pm
Lightworkers around the world have made the heart commitment to assist with the necessary purging that is taking place in the global economy. This is a natural part of the cleansing that must occur in order for the archetypes of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace to tangibly manifest in the lives of awakening Humanity.
In order for the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to physically manifest, the overwhelming corruption, greed, fraud, selfishness, ignorance and abuse of power, which has been the order of the day for far too long in our global economic system, must be exposed and eliminated. This is exactly what we are witnessing at this time. Any attempt to reestablish these negative behavior patterns at the expense of the masses of Humanity will fail. These destructive patterns cannot be sustained in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.

As the archetypes for God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace filter into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Earth, everything that conflicts with these patterns of perfection is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. Things seem very difficult at this time. That is due to the fact that as we watch the news and read our newspapers we easily see the horrific patterns of greed, fraud, corruption and the inequitable distribution of wealth that are being exposed. What we do not see as easily, is the incredible Light that is pushing these obsolete patterns of separation, fear and the abuse of power to the surface.

It is not the Divine Intent of our Father-Mother God for this imperative cleansing of the global economic system to take awakening Humanity down the tubes financially. Quite the contrary. The Divine Intent is for these old behavior patterns, which have caused
so much pain and suffering throughout the world, to be quickly exposed and eliminated. Then the patterns of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace will be easily established as the order of the day on the New Earth.

The most important thing Lightworkers can do to accelerate this process of healing is to focus our attention on the new patterns of Abundance and Peace. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have given us wonderful invocations, visualizations and decrees to assist us in doing just that. These gifts from On High are designed to help us keep the focus of our thoughts, words, feelings and actions on the Truth of what is occurring instead of on the fear-based patterns of our broken global economy.

Please join in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the world as you empower the patterns of perfection for our global economy and for the New Earth. Go within to the deepest recesses of your heart, and join in one-pointed consciousness as you invoke the full Divine Potential of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace.

These invocations are stated in the first person so that we will experience them tangibly in our individual lives, and simultaneously, we will invoke this Light for all Humanity as we serve as surrogates on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth.

Azlinn ;)
To be most the effective is to Stay Focused on Light in order to transmute Darkness.
Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 22, 2009 at 9:34am
I Vaddix The reasons right now for us to take and do what needs to be done and that is to go to the patent office with abvout a 100,000 protesters tear down the building piecby piece until all the surpressed patent devices are found take the files that has the plans and all go over to the internet and start releasing every bit of it and we would be seeing lots of simple energy generators LOL LOL bUT JUST THINK HOW FAST IT COULD BE RESOLVED The freaks have to be removed and literal jailed and then we will see lots of hidden technology surface Climate gate give them a black eye and the other shocker to them was a new word never befor there was no mistake it was the best indicator for the darkies to see this new word had 40,000,000 and that is million people wetre aware of this hoax this shows us we are alot closer in seeing the mass amounts of people waking up than you think and RIGHT KNOW THE DAHK FORCES for the first time have felt a emotion that they thought they were amune to F E A R and this aint a guess I seen the nuber on google and watched the birth of a new word it also removed from the media the ability to destroy with the propaganda any news agency that even thought about stating the truth another truth that stuhg them hard that more people were relying on the internet for the real issues So Vaddix we wont go where we need to go as long as there hiding in the shadows calling the shots (ROTHCHILDS AND ROCKEFELLARS They are GANGSTERS
Comment by Vaddix on December 22, 2009 at 3:37am
Im still sooooo confused. I mean i get why it bad to have a carbon tax, cause it fuels the global government.
Buuuuuuut, Can we not agree that carbon is a bad thing? It does pollute our air. It causes cancer.
I realllllllly want carbon spewing cars off the road. I reallllllly want the oil industry o crash and burn, its not needed anymore.
Comment by CHRISTINA on December 22, 2009 at 3:34am
"We are so very powerful and amazing Beings of Light and Love. We can quite literally change the course of our planet and humanity with our pure intent, efforts and our vast numbers and working together. This has never been possible before now...what exciting times! We now have our opportunity to Take Back Our World and Our begin to create a Our New Earth and a New Humanity...A New World! We can only be controlled and mislead if we choose to allow by way of non-action. We cannot be stopped this time nor ever again! This is what we have been waiting for...celebrate each exposed falsehood. We are here to take back,clean up and restructure our planet. Authority, Authenticity, Accountability, Justice, No Lack, No Fear, No Limitation! We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For...We Are One! Love, Truth & Justice for All Of Humanity...Nothing Less Is Acceptable!"

And So It Is!!!
Comment by Alex of New Human New Earth on December 21, 2009 at 11:11pm

Great comment on the ClimateChange.TV post...well said!
I am always so inspired and greatly encouraged by the level of evolvement by so many via the Internet to address such issues and demand better solutions and also to expose the lies and manipulation of the Old System. We are so very powerful and amazing Beings of Light and Love. We can quite literally change the course of our planet and humanity with our pure intent, efforts and our vast numbers and working together. This has never been possible before now...what exciting times! We now have our opportunity to Take Back Our World and Our begin to create a Our New Earth and a New Humanity...A New World! We can only be controlled and mislead if we choose to allow by way of non-action. We cannot be stopped this time nor ever again! This is what we have been waiting for...celebrate each exposed falsehood. We are here to take back,clean up and restructure our planet. Authority, Authenticity, Accountability, Justice, No Lack, No Fear, No Limitation! We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For...We Are One! Love, Truth & Justice for All Of Humanity...Nothing Less Is Acceptable!

Much Love & Light,

Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 21, 2009 at 7:14pm
They have been exposed And the light of truth has burned them into a place that they never ever thought could be done for almost all the actions of the dark forces always gained ground never did there agenda loose ground to the peasents The liars of liars the media they have used for so many years to influence the direction of thinking was over powered for the first time ever the internet ruled with the truth of hide the decline it rang a bell of 30 million nine hundred thousand hits on a single word that never existed before to the being the most requested popular word in just 6 days the people seen the truth and the cry for more completely knocked the freaks off there high and mighty un touchable world that they had ever so carefully been building to achieve there insane sinister agenda They actualy felt the fear they were always so good at creating .they were know in the eyes of a whole lot of people as criminals this is where I hope I am wrong they have to create onother 9/11 event to steer focus on the whatever it will be fear sock and the media selling it to the people let me say agin I sincerely hope I am wrong on this but there history hasent changed for any other way to control us with...

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