Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Bases 53 Part 6 Hadron why is it still running

The initial triumph of shutting down the Hardon Collider and over estimating damage was fault itself. The Hadron is still running, the question is why. Use of a 2nd ring for a start.
This, and a great deal more, is discussed with Sgt Daniel MacBolen. Both Dan and Miles suffering from eye issues. Saturn and its moon Memos, the PPAI, and positive solutions to what is now a major threat from the Draco ETs. They are effected by various deceases, and eat what they kill 'on the battle field. In the original crashes in the 1940s, opartiallyb eaten US personnel were found, resulting in the shoot first, and reverse engineer policy.
The KLT serum documernts, initially released by 'Lincoln', to James Casbolt in 2011, are released in full here. Full versions of the documents are available from the bases website.

Reference and discussion of the Russian Alien types book is mentioned.

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