Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Bases 49 Stewart Swerdlow Mind Control

Stewart Swerdlow gives a rare interview, from London on the origins of Mind Control, and the major new players in the Game. The use of the giant colliders to...

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Comment by CHRISTINA on October 11, 2015 at 10:19am
BRAVO! The message is clear, ONCE AGAIN we are being told that its "time". At 42:00 onwards, Stewart gives us reminders of the solutions. Its up to each and every one of us on an individual level. We have ALWAYS been LOVED and have always always always been connected, we've never been disconnected. Its only that they want us to believe that we are not. THANK YOU! SO beautiful the last words, **You are loved so much. You can never be alone, everything you need is already within you, you just have to express that.** THAT needs to be on every billboard in every city in every country of the world (tv just doesn't cut it)

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