Saviors Of Earth

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Artist gets stolen art back(10%) and needs to get to Vegas to get it. FAST... PLEASE HELP

Hello, My name is Colleen Black. I have been an artist for most likely longer than I even remember. I don't know how to break this down any other way than to get a little personal, but hopefully never uncomfortably so.
A few years back 184 paintings that I had done to place for sale on a cruise line were wrongfully taken under custody for false leans unbeknownst to my former agency that was handling my work. It was then placed in a warehouse where we(myself and other artists involved) were told that it was untouchable until law offices were to release the art ...if ever. At that point, I lost a lot. My home, paintings, art supplies, my job- the agency let me go due to loss that they claimed-and a dream darkened deeply. I slipped back into an alcoholic binge over the years and finally have a year sober under my belt.
I have been informed that around 20 paintings ( out of the original 184) have been recovered and are in Vegas ready to be picked up. I also have a sculpture that I have to retrieve as well. The sculpture alone was last valued at 20,000. USD a few years back. I was informed that there are several giclees made as well.
The art was returned a while ago- apparently I was not informed so that a few things could be sold.
Right now, I'm beyond broke. I am living as a caregiver for an income, and have started a program to gift art to charitable organizations as well as several other plans to help fix what has gone out of control here on this planet.
This video is to raise enough money for me to fly to Vegas and drive my art home where it will be used for amazing things. :)

This is great news, regardless of the loss, I was looking at the possibility of getting NOTHING back. :) So I am grateful no matter what.

Hopefully this raises attention for artists everywhere to stand boldly for their dreams. There are so many who have been down this road.
Here's the link for the go fund me page... THANK YOU!!!XXXOOO!!!

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