Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

as described. Dear Home Secretary Anybody who watches these privately taken videos is convinced. This is to alert you to the fact that I have just added your...

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Comment by CHRISTINA on February 16, 2015 at 3:07pm

Once a person signs up with the dark agenda – that moment is when they have turned their back on humanity – their own species! Their souls at THAT POINT are lost!
Call a spade a spade and realize that these ones ARE NOT SALVAGEABLE in my opinion.
For the “promise” of the glory of the dark lords and darks angels of the Draco – these people have chosen, yes chosen to be part of the conquering global elite!

No matter how many times it gets said, or no matter how many articles come out about the OFF WORLD INTERFERENCE and their agenda – people “forget” this part almost immediately after they read it! It’s almost as if global amnesia is being placed into the drinking water or something.

I find it fascinating — the level of total DISCONNECT that humans are now having about their world and their reality. I cannot say for sure – because MIND CONTROL is so very prevalent almost everywhere as a result of propagated waves and frequencies – but I have watched the NEW AGE community for many, many years – and IF I were to make an educated guess (an opinion) I would say that it has been the channeling community (not all, but some) that has placed way too many dangerous and fictional ideas into the mass mind that allows stuff like this to continue to happen!

The most pertinent fake idea is that we “have all done dark or bad things” and therefore have no right to “judge” others for their bad or dark deeds!

Well if that is the case – then ANY CRIME CAN AND WILL BE COMMITTED ON EARTH while the good people who could do something about it sit idly on their hands.

Waking up is NOT WHAT PEOPLE THINK – in my opinion.

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 16, 2015 at 3:06pm

I am SOOOO fed up at this point with the spiritual community at large – because instead of being outraged that this kind of thing happens – there is STILL the lame – lame excuse being circulated that KARMA must be involved – and that we need to send love to the perpetrators because they are just misguided.

These people – those that are doing this – have literally “signed up” of their own free will with the DRACO – Anunnaki Global take over plan! It is the “off worlders” who push this type of behaviour BECAUSE THEY FEED OFF OF IT! It is food to them. Those involved in these dark rituals have to know at some level what they are involved in.

Once a person signs up with the dark agenda – that moment is when they have turned their back on humanity – their own species! Their souls at THAT POINT are lost!
Call a spade a spade and realize that these ones ARE NOT SALVAGEABLE in my opinion.
For the “promise” of the glory of the dark lords and darks angels of the Draco – these people have chosen, yes chosen to be part of the conquering global elite!

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 16, 2015 at 3:06pm

Bradley Loves leaves a comment on Alfred Webre’s recent post on ped...

Bradley is referencing this post:

I can’t tell you how much this one case is bothering me! After watching the video of the two children – I feel as if I know them! They are precious and I can’t imagine them being treated in this manner. Sadly – what many people are STILL NOT AWARE OF is that “child sex” is one of the main driving forces behind the ALIEN TAKEOVER AGENDA!

For there to be a cover-up and such a complete and total glossing over of this issue by the “authorities” only goes to prove beyond doubt that this is not a small issue BUT ONE THAT GOES TO THE HIGHEST LEVELS.

This group has members (wealthy members) who live in and around Hampstead who not only own businesses – but they have access to all levels of government and institutions. They own McDonalds – Starbucks – and run other shops and businesses. A church – and its pastor are involved as well as the head mistress of an elementary school are involved! Cafcass (and child protective services) are involved! The police – the judges – the lawyers – the ministers who oversee them are ALL INVOLVED FOR THIS TO BE ABLE TO CONTINUE!

Babies are being bought and then ritually sacrificed on film – so that these private rituals can be sold to those who want to watch! Naked children are tortured – beaten and kicked on their genitals so that those videos also can be sold to those who want to watch!.

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 16, 2015 at 4:05am

Alfred Webre: VIDEO- Pedophile Cover-up: Hampstead UK Police, Socia...


VANCOUVER, BC – In an interview from Germany with Sabine Kurjo McNeil, the “McKenzie Friend”[1] or legal helper to Ella, the mother of two Whistleblower children, Gabriel an 8 year old boy and Alisa his 9 year old sister, whose video documenting a sustained pedophile ritual sexual abuse abuse at the hands of their father and at the Christ Church Primary School they attended in Hampstead UK, has learned the following developments, evidence of a deep and powerful cover-up of sexual crimes toward children from deep within the UK Police and Social Services structure. NZ Justice Lowell Goddard, newly in charge of the UK Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, has been notified of this case and has not responded as of this writing.[2]

Comment by CHRISTINA on February 9, 2015 at 6:42am

please pray for these children and that they return safely to their mother....

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