(NaturalNews) As we watched the situation develop in Japan, the fears we held for decades with regards to possible nuclear fallout scenarios felt as close as a heart beat. The potentiality of future exposure to radiation is both real and frightening. In this universe we share the same air, and it is only varying levels of discomfort which separate us from our neighbors. Unfortunately, we have little control over what chemicals will be unleashed into the environment, but we try to minimize personal damage through protective substances and
detoxification. Potassium iodide was quickly made available to the general public and encouraged as a necessary part of diet and supplementation for those close to the Fukushima
nuclear power plant. It is also worth considering the role Clinoptilolite
zeolite has played in past nuclear fallout situations as well as its potential usefulness for human detoxification.
radiation exposure, there are larger and long term concerns which need to be addressed with regards to other radioactive elements including Cesium, Strontium, Uranium and Plutonium. Radioactive iodine-131 has the ability to break down in the
body; however, heavy metals are essentially stored in fat cells and tissues, damaging DNA for decades.
In response to the 1986 Chernobyl and Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, Clinoptilolite zeolite was effectively used for purposes of clean-up for both land and
water. In Chernobyl, over 500,000 tons of zeolite were dropped into the reactor to absorb radioactive metals. Cattle were fed zeolite to effectively keep radioactive ions out of the milk. Contaminated soil was treated with zeolite to help return it to near zero levels of Cesium or Strontium. Zeolite was used to clean up water surrounding Three Mile Island following the
nuclear power plant partial nuclear melt-down.
Human detoxification using zeoliteThere is ample documentation to support the safe and effective use of zeolite for purposes of human detoxification. Numerous zeolites are found in nature; however, it is specifically Clinoptilolite zeolite which has been found to be useful for detoxification and to be safe for human consumption. Essentially, you want to choose a liquid product developed using a technology which cleans the zeolite first by heating it to a very high temperature for a period of several hours and then follows with a cooling period. This process empties the cage of contaminants present in zeolite in its
natural form, providing a clean and usable product.
To better explain this detoxifying tool, the zeolite has a cage-like molecular structure with pores and channels running through the crystal. The cage carries a negative charge, making it one of the few minerals found in nature able to attract positively charged elements such as mercury, aluminum, radioactive ions, cadmium, lead, and arsenic. Once the zeolite has attracted and securely trapped small, highly charged particles into its structure, it travels through the body by way of the blood, making its way through the vascular system to organs, glands and cellular tissues. Studies show it remains in the body for approximately 5 to 7 hours before it is fully excreted, making it a uniquely safe product.
health practitioners today are in agreement that illnesses are most frequently the result of a build up of toxins in the body. Chemical exposure, unfortunately, has become a common occurrence making it increasingly necessary for detoxification to be a part of a daily supplementation routine.
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